"""Handle Hue Service calls.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import logging from aiohue import HueBridgeV1, HueBridgeV2 import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.service import verify_domain_control from .bridge import HueBridge from .const import ( ATTR_DYNAMIC, ATTR_GROUP_NAME, ATTR_SCENE_NAME, ATTR_TRANSITION, DOMAIN, SERVICE_HUE_ACTIVATE_SCENE, ) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def async_register_services(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Register services for Hue integration.""" async def hue_activate_scene(call: ServiceCall, skip_reload=True) -> None: """Handle activation of Hue scene.""" # Get parameters group_name = call.data[ATTR_GROUP_NAME] scene_name = call.data[ATTR_SCENE_NAME] transition = call.data.get(ATTR_TRANSITION) dynamic = call.data.get(ATTR_DYNAMIC, False) # Call the set scene function on each bridge tasks = [ hue_activate_scene_v1(bridge, group_name, scene_name, transition) if bridge.api_version == 1 else hue_activate_scene_v2( bridge, group_name, scene_name, transition, dynamic ) for bridge in hass.data[DOMAIN].values() if isinstance(bridge, HueBridge) ] results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # Did *any* bridge succeed? # Note that we'll get a "True" value for a successful call if True not in results: LOGGER.warning( "No bridge was able to activate scene %s in group %s", scene_name, group_name, ) if not hass.services.has_service(DOMAIN, SERVICE_HUE_ACTIVATE_SCENE): # Register a local handler for scene activation hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_HUE_ACTIVATE_SCENE, verify_domain_control(hass, DOMAIN)(hue_activate_scene), schema=vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_GROUP_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_SCENE_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_TRANSITION): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(ATTR_DYNAMIC): cv.boolean, } ), ) async def hue_activate_scene_v1( bridge: HueBridge, group_name: str, scene_name: str, transition: int | None = None, is_retry: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Service for V1 bridge to call directly into bridge to set scenes.""" api: HueBridgeV1 = bridge.api if api.scenes is None: LOGGER.warning("Hub %s does not support scenes", api.host) return False group = next( (group for group in api.groups.values() if group.name == group_name), None, ) # Additional scene logic to handle duplicate scene names across groups scene = next( ( scene for scene in api.scenes.values() if scene.name == scene_name and group is not None and sorted(scene.lights) == sorted(group.lights) ), None, ) # If we can't find it, fetch latest info and try again if not is_retry and (group is None or scene is None): await bridge.async_request_call(api.groups.update) await bridge.async_request_call(api.scenes.update) return await hue_activate_scene_v1( bridge, group_name, scene_name, transition, is_retry=True ) if group is None or scene is None: LOGGER.debug( "Unable to find scene %s for group %s on bridge %s", scene_name, group_name, bridge.host, ) return False await bridge.async_request_call( group.set_action, scene=scene.id, transitiontime=transition ) return True async def hue_activate_scene_v2( bridge: HueBridge, group_name: str, scene_name: str, transition: int | None = None, dynamic: bool = True, ) -> bool: """Service for V2 bridge to call scene by name.""" LOGGER.warning( ( "Use of service_call '%s' is deprecated and will be removed " "in a future release. Please use scene entities instead" ), SERVICE_HUE_ACTIVATE_SCENE, ) api: HueBridgeV2 = bridge.api for scene in api.scenes: if scene.metadata.name.lower() != scene_name.lower(): continue group = api.scenes.get_group(scene.id) if group.metadata.name.lower() != group_name.lower(): continue # found match! if transition: transition = transition * 1000 # transition is in ms await bridge.async_request_call( api.scenes.recall, scene.id, dynamic=dynamic, duration=transition ) return True LOGGER.debug( "Unable to find scene %s for group %s on bridge %s", scene_name, group_name, bridge.host, ) return False