{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "Configure device", "description": "Enter the IP address of your HomeWizard Energy device to integrate with Home Assistant.", "data": { "ip_address": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::ip%]" } }, "discovery_confirm": { "title": "Confirm", "description": "Do you want to set up {product_type} ({serial}) at {ip_address}?" }, "reauth_confirm": { "description": "The local API is disabled. Go to the HomeWizard Energy app and enable the API in the device settings." } }, "error": { "api_not_enabled": "The API is not enabled. Enable API in the HomeWizard Energy App under settings", "network_error": "Device unreachable, make sure that you have entered the correct IP address and that the device is available in your network" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "invalid_discovery_parameters": "Detected unsupported API version", "device_not_supported": "This device is not supported", "unknown_error": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]", "reauth_successful": "Enabling API was successful" } }, "entity": { "number": { "status_light_brightness": { "name": "Status light brightness" } }, "sensor": { "dsmr_version": { "name": "DSMR version" }, "meter_model": { "name": "Smart meter model" }, "unique_meter_id": { "name": "Smart meter identifier" }, "wifi_ssid": { "name": "Wi-Fi SSID" }, "active_tariff": { "name": "Active tariff" }, "wifi_strength": { "name": "Wi-Fi strength" }, "total_energy_import_kwh": { "name": "Total energy import" }, "total_energy_import_t1_kwh": { "name": "Total energy import tariff 1" }, "total_energy_import_t2_kwh": { "name": "Total energy import tariff 2" }, "total_energy_import_t3_kwh": { "name": "Total energy import tariff 3" }, "total_energy_import_t4_kwh": { "name": "Total energy import tariff 4" }, "total_energy_export_kwh": { "name": "Total energy export" }, "total_energy_export_t1_kwh": { "name": "Total energy export tariff 1" }, "total_energy_export_t2_kwh": { "name": "Total energy export tariff 2" }, "total_energy_export_t3_kwh": { "name": "Total energy export tariff 3" }, "total_energy_export_t4_kwh": { "name": "Total energy export tariff 4" }, "active_power_w": { "name": "Active power" }, "active_power_l1_w": { "name": "Active power phase 1" }, "active_power_l2_w": { "name": "Active power phase 2" }, "active_power_l3_w": { "name": "Active power phase 3" }, "active_voltage_l1_v": { "name": "Active voltage phase 1" }, "active_voltage_l2_v": { "name": "Active voltage phase 2" }, "active_voltage_l3_v": { "name": "Active voltage phase 3" }, "active_current_l1_a": { "name": "Active current phase 1" }, "active_current_l2_a": { "name": "Active current phase 2" }, "active_current_l3_a": { "name": "Active current phase 3" }, "active_frequency_hz": { "name": "Active frequency" }, "voltage_sag_l1_count": { "name": "Voltage sags detected phase 1" }, "voltage_sag_l2_count": { "name": "Voltage sags detected phase 2" }, "voltage_sag_l3_count": { "name": "Voltage sags detected phase 3" }, "voltage_swell_l1_count": { "name": "Voltage swells detected phase 1" }, "voltage_swell_l2_count": { "name": "Voltage swells detected phase 2" }, "voltage_swell_l3_count": { "name": "Voltage swells detected phase 3" }, "any_power_fail_count": { "name": "Power failures detected" }, "long_power_fail_count": { "name": "Long power failures detected" }, "active_power_average_w": { "name": "Active average demand" }, "monthly_power_peak_w": { "name": "Peak demand current month" }, "total_gas_m3": { "name": "Total gas" }, "gas_unique_id": { "name": "Gas meter identifier" }, "active_liter_lpm": { "name": "Active water usage" }, "total_liter_m3": { "name": "Total water usage" } }, "switch": { "switch_lock": { "name": "Switch lock" }, "cloud_connection": { "name": "Cloud connection" } } }, "exceptions": { "api_disabled": { "message": "The local API of the HomeWizard device is disabled" }, "communication_error": { "message": "An error occurred while communicating with HomeWizard device" } } }