"""Classes for voice assistant pipelines.""" from __future__ import annotations import array import asyncio from collections import defaultdict, deque from collections.abc import AsyncGenerator, AsyncIterable, Callable, Iterable from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field from enum import StrEnum import logging from pathlib import Path from queue import Empty, Queue from threading import Thread import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Final, cast import wave import voluptuous as vol if TYPE_CHECKING: from webrtc_noise_gain import AudioProcessor from homeassistant.components import ( conversation, media_source, stt, tts, wake_word, websocket_api, ) from homeassistant.components.tts.media_source import ( generate_media_source_id as tts_generate_media_source_id, ) from homeassistant.core import Context, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.collection import ( CHANGE_UPDATED, CollectionError, ItemNotFound, SerializedStorageCollection, StorageCollection, StorageCollectionWebsocket, ) from homeassistant.helpers.singleton import singleton from homeassistant.helpers.storage import Store from homeassistant.helpers.typing import UNDEFINED, UndefinedType from homeassistant.util import ( dt as dt_util, language as language_util, ulid as ulid_util, ) from homeassistant.util.limited_size_dict import LimitedSizeDict from .const import ( CONF_DEBUG_RECORDING_DIR, DATA_CONFIG, DATA_LAST_WAKE_UP, DOMAIN, WAKE_WORD_COOLDOWN, ) from .error import ( DuplicateWakeUpDetectedError, IntentRecognitionError, PipelineError, PipelineNotFound, SpeechToTextError, TextToSpeechError, WakeWordDetectionAborted, WakeWordDetectionError, WakeWordTimeoutError, ) from .vad import AudioBuffer, VoiceActivityTimeout, VoiceCommandSegmenter, chunk_samples _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) STORAGE_KEY = f"{DOMAIN}.pipelines" STORAGE_VERSION = 1 STORAGE_VERSION_MINOR = 2 ENGINE_LANGUAGE_PAIRS = ( ("stt_engine", "stt_language"), ("tts_engine", "tts_language"), ) def validate_language(data: dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Validate language settings.""" for engine, language in ENGINE_LANGUAGE_PAIRS: if data[engine] is not None and data[language] is None: raise vol.Invalid(f"Need language {language} for {engine} {data[engine]}") return data PIPELINE_FIELDS = { vol.Required("conversation_engine"): str, vol.Required("conversation_language"): str, vol.Required("language"): str, vol.Required("name"): str, vol.Required("stt_engine"): vol.Any(str, None), vol.Required("stt_language"): vol.Any(str, None), vol.Required("tts_engine"): vol.Any(str, None), vol.Required("tts_language"): vol.Any(str, None), vol.Required("tts_voice"): vol.Any(str, None), vol.Required("wake_word_entity"): vol.Any(str, None), vol.Required("wake_word_id"): vol.Any(str, None), } STORED_PIPELINE_RUNS = 10 SAVE_DELAY = 10 AUDIO_PROCESSOR_SAMPLES: Final = 160 # 10 ms @ 16 Khz AUDIO_PROCESSOR_BYTES: Final = AUDIO_PROCESSOR_SAMPLES * 2 # 16-bit samples async def _async_resolve_default_pipeline_settings( hass: HomeAssistant, stt_engine_id: str | None, tts_engine_id: str | None, pipeline_name: str, ) -> dict[str, str | None]: """Resolve settings for a default pipeline. The default pipeline will use the homeassistant conversation agent and the default stt / tts engines if none are specified. """ conversation_language = "en" pipeline_language = "en" stt_engine = None stt_language = None tts_engine = None tts_language = None tts_voice = None wake_word_entity = None wake_word_id = None # Find a matching language supported by the Home Assistant conversation agent conversation_languages = language_util.matches( hass.config.language, await conversation.async_get_conversation_languages( hass, conversation.HOME_ASSISTANT_AGENT ), country=hass.config.country, ) if conversation_languages: pipeline_language = hass.config.language conversation_language = conversation_languages[0] if stt_engine_id is None: stt_engine_id = stt.async_default_engine(hass) if stt_engine_id is not None: stt_engine = stt.async_get_speech_to_text_engine(hass, stt_engine_id) if stt_engine is None: stt_engine_id = None if stt_engine: stt_languages = language_util.matches( pipeline_language, stt_engine.supported_languages, country=hass.config.country, ) if stt_languages: stt_language = stt_languages[0] else: _LOGGER.debug( "Speech-to-text engine '%s' does not support language '%s'", stt_engine_id, pipeline_language, ) stt_engine_id = None if tts_engine_id is None: tts_engine_id = tts.async_default_engine(hass) if tts_engine_id is not None: tts_engine = tts.get_engine_instance(hass, tts_engine_id) if tts_engine is None: tts_engine_id = None if tts_engine: tts_languages = language_util.matches( pipeline_language, tts_engine.supported_languages, country=hass.config.country, ) if tts_languages: tts_language = tts_languages[0] tts_voices = tts_engine.async_get_supported_voices(tts_language) if tts_voices: tts_voice = tts_voices[0].voice_id else: _LOGGER.debug( "Text-to-speech engine '%s' does not support language '%s'", tts_engine_id, pipeline_language, ) tts_engine_id = None return { "conversation_engine": conversation.HOME_ASSISTANT_AGENT, "conversation_language": conversation_language, "language": hass.config.language, "name": pipeline_name, "stt_engine": stt_engine_id, "stt_language": stt_language, "tts_engine": tts_engine_id, "tts_language": tts_language, "tts_voice": tts_voice, "wake_word_entity": wake_word_entity, "wake_word_id": wake_word_id, } async def _async_create_default_pipeline( hass: HomeAssistant, pipeline_store: PipelineStorageCollection ) -> Pipeline: """Create a default pipeline. The default pipeline will use the homeassistant conversation agent and the default stt / tts engines. """ pipeline_settings = await _async_resolve_default_pipeline_settings( hass, stt_engine_id=None, tts_engine_id=None, pipeline_name="Home Assistant" ) return await pipeline_store.async_create_item(pipeline_settings) async def async_create_default_pipeline( hass: HomeAssistant, stt_engine_id: str, tts_engine_id: str, pipeline_name: str, ) -> Pipeline | None: """Create a pipeline with default settings. The default pipeline will use the homeassistant conversation agent and the specified stt / tts engines. """ pipeline_data: PipelineData = hass.data[DOMAIN] pipeline_store = pipeline_data.pipeline_store pipeline_settings = await _async_resolve_default_pipeline_settings( hass, stt_engine_id, tts_engine_id, pipeline_name=pipeline_name ) if ( pipeline_settings["stt_engine"] != stt_engine_id or pipeline_settings["tts_engine"] != tts_engine_id ): return None return await pipeline_store.async_create_item(pipeline_settings) @callback def async_get_pipeline(hass: HomeAssistant, pipeline_id: str | None = None) -> Pipeline: """Get a pipeline by id or the preferred pipeline.""" pipeline_data: PipelineData = hass.data[DOMAIN] if pipeline_id is None: # A pipeline was not specified, use the preferred one pipeline_id = pipeline_data.pipeline_store.async_get_preferred_item() pipeline = pipeline_data.pipeline_store.data.get(pipeline_id) # If invalid pipeline ID was specified if pipeline is None: raise PipelineNotFound( "pipeline_not_found", f"Pipeline {pipeline_id} not found" ) return pipeline @callback def async_get_pipelines(hass: HomeAssistant) -> Iterable[Pipeline]: """Get all pipelines.""" pipeline_data: PipelineData = hass.data[DOMAIN] return pipeline_data.pipeline_store.data.values() async def async_update_pipeline( hass: HomeAssistant, pipeline: Pipeline, *, conversation_engine: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, conversation_language: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, language: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, name: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, stt_engine: str | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, stt_language: str | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, tts_engine: str | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, tts_language: str | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, tts_voice: str | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, wake_word_entity: str | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, wake_word_id: str | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, ) -> None: """Update a pipeline.""" pipeline_data: PipelineData = hass.data[DOMAIN] updates: dict[str, Any] = pipeline.to_json() updates.pop("id") # Refactor this once we bump to Python 3.12 # and have https://peps.python.org/pep-0692/ for key, val in ( ("conversation_engine", conversation_engine), ("conversation_language", conversation_language), ("language", language), ("name", name), ("stt_engine", stt_engine), ("stt_language", stt_language), ("tts_engine", tts_engine), ("tts_language", tts_language), ("tts_voice", tts_voice), ("wake_word_entity", wake_word_entity), ("wake_word_id", wake_word_id), ): if val is not UNDEFINED: updates[key] = val await pipeline_data.pipeline_store.async_update_item(pipeline.id, updates) class PipelineEventType(StrEnum): """Event types emitted during a pipeline run.""" RUN_START = "run-start" RUN_END = "run-end" WAKE_WORD_START = "wake_word-start" WAKE_WORD_END = "wake_word-end" STT_START = "stt-start" STT_VAD_START = "stt-vad-start" STT_VAD_END = "stt-vad-end" STT_END = "stt-end" INTENT_START = "intent-start" INTENT_END = "intent-end" TTS_START = "tts-start" TTS_END = "tts-end" ERROR = "error" @dataclass(frozen=True) class PipelineEvent: """Events emitted during a pipeline run.""" type: PipelineEventType data: dict[str, Any] | None = None timestamp: str = field(default_factory=lambda: dt_util.utcnow().isoformat()) PipelineEventCallback = Callable[[PipelineEvent], None] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Pipeline: """A voice assistant pipeline.""" conversation_engine: str conversation_language: str language: str name: str stt_engine: str | None stt_language: str | None tts_engine: str | None tts_language: str | None tts_voice: str | None wake_word_entity: str | None wake_word_id: str | None id: str = field(default_factory=ulid_util.ulid_now) @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Pipeline: """Create an instance from a JSON serialization. This function was added in HA Core 2023.10, previous versions will raise if there are unexpected items in the serialized data. """ return cls( conversation_engine=data["conversation_engine"], conversation_language=data["conversation_language"], id=data["id"], language=data["language"], name=data["name"], stt_engine=data["stt_engine"], stt_language=data["stt_language"], tts_engine=data["tts_engine"], tts_language=data["tts_language"], tts_voice=data["tts_voice"], wake_word_entity=data["wake_word_entity"], wake_word_id=data["wake_word_id"], ) def to_json(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return a JSON serializable representation for storage.""" return { "conversation_engine": self.conversation_engine, "conversation_language": self.conversation_language, "id": self.id, "language": self.language, "name": self.name, "stt_engine": self.stt_engine, "stt_language": self.stt_language, "tts_engine": self.tts_engine, "tts_language": self.tts_language, "tts_voice": self.tts_voice, "wake_word_entity": self.wake_word_entity, "wake_word_id": self.wake_word_id, } class PipelineStage(StrEnum): """Stages of a pipeline.""" WAKE_WORD = "wake_word" STT = "stt" INTENT = "intent" TTS = "tts" END = "end" PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER = [ PipelineStage.WAKE_WORD, PipelineStage.STT, PipelineStage.INTENT, PipelineStage.TTS, ] class PipelineRunValidationError(Exception): """Error when a pipeline run is not valid.""" class InvalidPipelineStagesError(PipelineRunValidationError): """Error when given an invalid combination of start/end stages.""" def __init__( self, start_stage: PipelineStage, end_stage: PipelineStage, ) -> None: """Set error message.""" super().__init__( f"Invalid stage combination: start={start_stage}, end={end_stage}" ) @dataclass(frozen=True) class WakeWordSettings: """Settings for wake word detection.""" timeout: float | None = None """Seconds of silence before detection times out.""" audio_seconds_to_buffer: float = 0 """Seconds of audio to buffer before detection and forward to STT.""" @dataclass(frozen=True) class AudioSettings: """Settings for pipeline audio processing.""" noise_suppression_level: int = 0 """Level of noise suppression (0 = disabled, 4 = max)""" auto_gain_dbfs: int = 0 """Amount of automatic gain in dbFS (0 = disabled, 31 = max)""" volume_multiplier: float = 1.0 """Multiplier used directly on PCM samples (1.0 = no change, 2.0 = twice as loud)""" is_vad_enabled: bool = True """True if VAD is used to determine the end of the voice command.""" is_chunking_enabled: bool = True """True if audio is automatically split into 10 ms chunks (required for VAD, etc.)""" def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Verify settings post-initialization.""" if (self.noise_suppression_level < 0) or (self.noise_suppression_level > 4): raise ValueError("noise_suppression_level must be in [0, 4]") if (self.auto_gain_dbfs < 0) or (self.auto_gain_dbfs > 31): raise ValueError("auto_gain_dbfs must be in [0, 31]") if self.needs_processor and (not self.is_chunking_enabled): raise ValueError("Chunking must be enabled for audio processing") @property def needs_processor(self) -> bool: """True if an audio processor is needed.""" return ( self.is_vad_enabled or (self.noise_suppression_level > 0) or (self.auto_gain_dbfs > 0) ) @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class ProcessedAudioChunk: """Processed audio chunk and metadata.""" audio: bytes """Raw PCM audio @ 16Khz with 16-bit mono samples""" timestamp_ms: int """Timestamp relative to start of audio stream (milliseconds)""" is_speech: bool | None """True if audio chunk likely contains speech, False if not, None if unknown""" @dataclass class PipelineRun: """Running context for a pipeline.""" hass: HomeAssistant context: Context pipeline: Pipeline start_stage: PipelineStage end_stage: PipelineStage event_callback: PipelineEventCallback language: str = None # type: ignore[assignment] runner_data: Any | None = None intent_agent: str | None = None tts_audio_output: str | None = None wake_word_settings: WakeWordSettings | None = None audio_settings: AudioSettings = field(default_factory=AudioSettings) id: str = field(default_factory=ulid_util.ulid_now) stt_provider: stt.SpeechToTextEntity | stt.Provider = field(init=False, repr=False) tts_engine: str = field(init=False, repr=False) tts_options: dict | None = field(init=False, default=None) wake_word_entity_id: str | None = field(init=False, default=None, repr=False) wake_word_entity: wake_word.WakeWordDetectionEntity = field(init=False, repr=False) abort_wake_word_detection: bool = field(init=False, default=False) debug_recording_thread: Thread | None = None """Thread that records audio to debug_recording_dir""" debug_recording_queue: Queue[str | bytes | None] | None = None """Queue to communicate with debug recording thread""" audio_processor: AudioProcessor | None = None """VAD/noise suppression/auto gain""" audio_processor_buffer: AudioBuffer = field(init=False, repr=False) """Buffer used when splitting audio into chunks for audio processing""" _device_id: str | None = None """Optional device id set during run start.""" def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Set language for pipeline.""" self.language = self.pipeline.language or self.hass.config.language # wake -> stt -> intent -> tts if PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER.index(self.end_stage) < PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER.index( self.start_stage ): raise InvalidPipelineStagesError(self.start_stage, self.end_stage) pipeline_data: PipelineData = self.hass.data[DOMAIN] if self.pipeline.id not in pipeline_data.pipeline_debug: pipeline_data.pipeline_debug[self.pipeline.id] = LimitedSizeDict( size_limit=STORED_PIPELINE_RUNS ) pipeline_data.pipeline_debug[self.pipeline.id][self.id] = PipelineRunDebug() pipeline_data.pipeline_runs.add_run(self) # Initialize with audio settings self.audio_processor_buffer = AudioBuffer(AUDIO_PROCESSOR_BYTES) if self.audio_settings.needs_processor: # Delay import of webrtc so HA start up is not crashing # on older architectures (armhf). # # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from webrtc_noise_gain import AudioProcessor self.audio_processor = AudioProcessor( self.audio_settings.auto_gain_dbfs, self.audio_settings.noise_suppression_level, ) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Compare pipeline runs by id.""" if isinstance(other, PipelineRun): return self.id == other.id return False @callback def process_event(self, event: PipelineEvent) -> None: """Log an event and call listener.""" self.event_callback(event) pipeline_data: PipelineData = self.hass.data[DOMAIN] if self.id not in pipeline_data.pipeline_debug[self.pipeline.id]: # This run has been evicted from the logged pipeline runs already return pipeline_data.pipeline_debug[self.pipeline.id][self.id].events.append(event) def start(self, device_id: str | None) -> None: """Emit run start event.""" self._device_id = device_id self._start_debug_recording_thread() data = { "pipeline": self.pipeline.id, "language": self.language, } if self.runner_data is not None: data["runner_data"] = self.runner_data self.process_event(PipelineEvent(PipelineEventType.RUN_START, data)) async def end(self) -> None: """Emit run end event.""" # Signal end of stream to listeners self._capture_chunk(None) # Stop the recording thread before emitting run-end. # This ensures that files are properly closed if the event handler reads them. await self._stop_debug_recording_thread() self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.RUN_END, ) ) pipeline_data: PipelineData = self.hass.data[DOMAIN] pipeline_data.pipeline_runs.remove_run(self) async def prepare_wake_word_detection(self) -> None: """Prepare wake-word-detection.""" entity_id = self.pipeline.wake_word_entity or wake_word.async_default_entity( self.hass ) if entity_id is None: raise WakeWordDetectionError( code="wake-engine-missing", message="No wake word engine", ) wake_word_entity = wake_word.async_get_wake_word_detection_entity( self.hass, entity_id ) if wake_word_entity is None: raise WakeWordDetectionError( code="wake-provider-missing", message=f"No wake-word-detection provider for: {entity_id}", ) self.wake_word_entity_id = entity_id self.wake_word_entity = wake_word_entity async def wake_word_detection( self, stream: AsyncIterable[ProcessedAudioChunk], audio_chunks_for_stt: list[ProcessedAudioChunk], ) -> wake_word.DetectionResult | None: """Run wake-word-detection portion of pipeline. Returns detection result.""" metadata_dict = asdict( stt.SpeechMetadata( language="", format=stt.AudioFormats.WAV, codec=stt.AudioCodecs.PCM, bit_rate=stt.AudioBitRates.BITRATE_16, sample_rate=stt.AudioSampleRates.SAMPLERATE_16000, channel=stt.AudioChannels.CHANNEL_MONO, ) ) wake_word_settings = self.wake_word_settings or WakeWordSettings() # Remove language since it doesn't apply to wake words yet metadata_dict.pop("language", None) self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.WAKE_WORD_START, { "entity_id": self.wake_word_entity_id, "metadata": metadata_dict, "timeout": wake_word_settings.timeout or 0, }, ) ) if self.debug_recording_queue is not None: self.debug_recording_queue.put_nowait(f"00_wake-{self.wake_word_entity_id}") wake_word_vad: VoiceActivityTimeout | None = None if (wake_word_settings.timeout is not None) and ( wake_word_settings.timeout > 0 ): # Use VAD to determine timeout wake_word_vad = VoiceActivityTimeout(wake_word_settings.timeout) # Audio chunk buffer. This audio will be forwarded to speech-to-text # after wake-word-detection. num_audio_chunks_to_buffer = int( (wake_word_settings.audio_seconds_to_buffer * 16000) / AUDIO_PROCESSOR_SAMPLES ) stt_audio_buffer: deque[ProcessedAudioChunk] | None = None if num_audio_chunks_to_buffer > 0: stt_audio_buffer = deque(maxlen=num_audio_chunks_to_buffer) try: # Detect wake word(s) result = await self.wake_word_entity.async_process_audio_stream( self._wake_word_audio_stream( audio_stream=stream, stt_audio_buffer=stt_audio_buffer, wake_word_vad=wake_word_vad, ), self.pipeline.wake_word_id, ) if stt_audio_buffer is not None: # All audio kept from right before the wake word was detected as # a single chunk. audio_chunks_for_stt.extend(stt_audio_buffer) except WakeWordDetectionAborted: raise except WakeWordTimeoutError: _LOGGER.debug("Timeout during wake word detection") raise except Exception as src_error: _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error during wake-word-detection") raise WakeWordDetectionError( code="wake-stream-failed", message="Unexpected error during wake-word-detection", ) from src_error _LOGGER.debug("wake-word-detection result %s", result) if result is None: wake_word_output: dict[str, Any] = {} else: # Avoid duplicate detections by checking cooldown last_wake_up = self.hass.data[DATA_LAST_WAKE_UP].get( result.wake_word_phrase ) if last_wake_up is not None: sec_since_last_wake_up = time.monotonic() - last_wake_up if sec_since_last_wake_up < WAKE_WORD_COOLDOWN: _LOGGER.debug( "Duplicate wake word detection occurred for %s", result.wake_word_phrase, ) raise DuplicateWakeUpDetectedError(result.wake_word_phrase) # Record last wake up time to block duplicate detections self.hass.data[DATA_LAST_WAKE_UP][ result.wake_word_phrase ] = time.monotonic() if result.queued_audio: # Add audio that was pending at detection. # # Because detection occurs *after* the wake word was actually # spoken, we need to make sure pending audio is forwarded to # speech-to-text so the user does not have to pause before # speaking the voice command. audio_chunks_for_stt.extend( ProcessedAudioChunk( audio=chunk_ts[0], timestamp_ms=chunk_ts[1], is_speech=False ) for chunk_ts in result.queued_audio ) wake_word_output = asdict(result) # Remove non-JSON fields wake_word_output.pop("queued_audio", None) self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.WAKE_WORD_END, {"wake_word_output": wake_word_output}, ) ) return result async def _wake_word_audio_stream( self, audio_stream: AsyncIterable[ProcessedAudioChunk], stt_audio_buffer: deque[ProcessedAudioChunk] | None, wake_word_vad: VoiceActivityTimeout | None, sample_rate: int = 16000, sample_width: int = 2, ) -> AsyncIterable[tuple[bytes, int]]: """Yield audio chunks with timestamps (milliseconds since start of stream). Adds audio to a ring buffer that will be forwarded to speech-to-text after detection. Times out if VAD detects enough silence. """ chunk_seconds = AUDIO_PROCESSOR_SAMPLES / sample_rate async for chunk in audio_stream: if self.abort_wake_word_detection: raise WakeWordDetectionAborted self._capture_chunk(chunk.audio) yield chunk.audio, chunk.timestamp_ms # Wake-word-detection occurs *after* the wake word was actually # spoken. Keeping audio right before detection allows the voice # command to be spoken immediately after the wake word. if stt_audio_buffer is not None: stt_audio_buffer.append(chunk) if wake_word_vad is not None: if not wake_word_vad.process(chunk_seconds, chunk.is_speech): raise WakeWordTimeoutError( code="wake-word-timeout", message="Wake word was not detected" ) async def prepare_speech_to_text(self, metadata: stt.SpeechMetadata) -> None: """Prepare speech-to-text.""" # pipeline.stt_engine can't be None or this function is not called stt_provider = stt.async_get_speech_to_text_engine( self.hass, self.pipeline.stt_engine, # type: ignore[arg-type] ) if stt_provider is None: engine = self.pipeline.stt_engine raise SpeechToTextError( code="stt-provider-missing", message=f"No speech-to-text provider for: {engine}", ) metadata.language = self.pipeline.stt_language or self.language if not stt_provider.check_metadata(metadata): raise SpeechToTextError( code="stt-provider-unsupported-metadata", message=( f"Provider {stt_provider.name} does not support input speech " f"to text metadata {metadata}" ), ) self.stt_provider = stt_provider async def speech_to_text( self, metadata: stt.SpeechMetadata, stream: AsyncIterable[ProcessedAudioChunk], ) -> str: """Run speech-to-text portion of pipeline. Returns the spoken text.""" if isinstance(self.stt_provider, stt.Provider): engine = self.stt_provider.name else: engine = self.stt_provider.entity_id self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.STT_START, { "engine": engine, "metadata": asdict(metadata), }, ) ) if self.debug_recording_queue is not None: # New recording self.debug_recording_queue.put_nowait(f"01_stt-{engine}") try: # Transcribe audio stream stt_vad: VoiceCommandSegmenter | None = None if self.audio_settings.is_vad_enabled: stt_vad = VoiceCommandSegmenter() result = await self.stt_provider.async_process_audio_stream( metadata, self._speech_to_text_stream(audio_stream=stream, stt_vad=stt_vad), ) except Exception as src_error: _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error during speech-to-text") raise SpeechToTextError( code="stt-stream-failed", message="Unexpected error during speech-to-text", ) from src_error _LOGGER.debug("speech-to-text result %s", result) if result.result != stt.SpeechResultState.SUCCESS: raise SpeechToTextError( code="stt-stream-failed", message="speech-to-text failed", ) if not result.text: raise SpeechToTextError( code="stt-no-text-recognized", message="No text recognized" ) self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.STT_END, { "stt_output": { "text": result.text, } }, ) ) return result.text async def _speech_to_text_stream( self, audio_stream: AsyncIterable[ProcessedAudioChunk], stt_vad: VoiceCommandSegmenter | None, sample_rate: int = 16000, sample_width: int = 2, ) -> AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]: """Yield audio chunks until VAD detects silence or speech-to-text completes.""" chunk_seconds = AUDIO_PROCESSOR_SAMPLES / sample_rate sent_vad_start = False async for chunk in audio_stream: self._capture_chunk(chunk.audio) if stt_vad is not None: if not stt_vad.process(chunk_seconds, chunk.is_speech): # Silence detected at the end of voice command self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.STT_VAD_END, {"timestamp": chunk.timestamp_ms}, ) ) break if stt_vad.in_command and (not sent_vad_start): # Speech detected at start of voice command self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.STT_VAD_START, {"timestamp": chunk.timestamp_ms}, ) ) sent_vad_start = True yield chunk.audio async def prepare_recognize_intent(self) -> None: """Prepare recognizing an intent.""" agent_info = conversation.async_get_agent_info( self.hass, # If no conversation engine is set, use the Home Assistant agent # (the conversation integration default is currently the last one set) self.pipeline.conversation_engine or conversation.HOME_ASSISTANT_AGENT, ) if agent_info is None: engine = self.pipeline.conversation_engine or "default" raise IntentRecognitionError( code="intent-not-supported", message=f"Intent recognition engine {engine} is not found", ) self.intent_agent = agent_info.id async def recognize_intent( self, intent_input: str, conversation_id: str | None, device_id: str | None ) -> str: """Run intent recognition portion of pipeline. Returns text to speak.""" if self.intent_agent is None: raise RuntimeError("Recognize intent was not prepared") self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.INTENT_START, { "engine": self.intent_agent, "language": self.pipeline.conversation_language, "intent_input": intent_input, "conversation_id": conversation_id, "device_id": device_id, }, ) ) try: conversation_result = await conversation.async_converse( hass=self.hass, text=intent_input, conversation_id=conversation_id, device_id=device_id, context=self.context, language=self.pipeline.conversation_language, agent_id=self.intent_agent, ) except Exception as src_error: _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error during intent recognition") raise IntentRecognitionError( code="intent-failed", message="Unexpected error during intent recognition", ) from src_error _LOGGER.debug("conversation result %s", conversation_result) self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.INTENT_END, {"intent_output": conversation_result.as_dict()}, ) ) speech: str = conversation_result.response.speech.get("plain", {}).get( "speech", "" ) return speech async def prepare_text_to_speech(self) -> None: """Prepare text-to-speech.""" # pipeline.tts_engine can't be None or this function is not called engine = cast(str, self.pipeline.tts_engine) tts_options: dict[str, Any] = {} if self.pipeline.tts_voice is not None: tts_options[tts.ATTR_VOICE] = self.pipeline.tts_voice if self.tts_audio_output is not None: tts_options[tts.ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT] = self.tts_audio_output if self.tts_audio_output == "wav": # 16 Khz, 16-bit mono tts_options[tts.ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_RATE] = 16000 tts_options[tts.ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_CHANNELS] = 1 try: options_supported = await tts.async_support_options( self.hass, engine, self.pipeline.tts_language, tts_options, ) except HomeAssistantError as err: raise TextToSpeechError( code="tts-not-supported", message=f"Text-to-speech engine '{engine}' not found", ) from err if not options_supported: raise TextToSpeechError( code="tts-not-supported", message=( f"Text-to-speech engine {engine} " f"does not support language {self.pipeline.tts_language} or options {tts_options}" ), ) self.tts_engine = engine self.tts_options = tts_options async def text_to_speech(self, tts_input: str) -> None: """Run text-to-speech portion of pipeline.""" self.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.TTS_START, { "engine": self.tts_engine, "language": self.pipeline.tts_language, "voice": self.pipeline.tts_voice, "tts_input": tts_input, }, ) ) try: # Synthesize audio and get URL tts_media_id = tts_generate_media_source_id( self.hass, tts_input, engine=self.tts_engine, language=self.pipeline.tts_language, options=self.tts_options, ) tts_media = await media_source.async_resolve_media( self.hass, tts_media_id, None, ) except Exception as src_error: _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error during text-to-speech") raise TextToSpeechError( code="tts-failed", message="Unexpected error during text-to-speech", ) from src_error _LOGGER.debug("TTS result %s", tts_media) tts_output = { "media_id": tts_media_id, **asdict(tts_media), } self.process_event( PipelineEvent(PipelineEventType.TTS_END, {"tts_output": tts_output}) ) def _capture_chunk(self, audio_bytes: bytes | None) -> None: """Forward audio chunk to various capturing mechanisms.""" if self.debug_recording_queue is not None: # Forward to debug WAV file recording self.debug_recording_queue.put_nowait(audio_bytes) if self._device_id is None: return # Forward to device audio capture pipeline_data: PipelineData = self.hass.data[DOMAIN] audio_queue = pipeline_data.device_audio_queues.get(self._device_id) if audio_queue is None: return try: audio_queue.queue.put_nowait(audio_bytes) except asyncio.QueueFull: audio_queue.overflow = True _LOGGER.warning("Audio queue full for device %s", self._device_id) def _start_debug_recording_thread(self) -> None: """Start thread to record wake/stt audio if debug_recording_dir is set.""" if self.debug_recording_thread is not None: # Already started return # Directory to save audio for each pipeline run. # Configured in YAML for assist_pipeline. if debug_recording_dir := self.hass.data[DATA_CONFIG].get( CONF_DEBUG_RECORDING_DIR ): if self._device_id is None: # // run_recording_dir = ( Path(debug_recording_dir) / self.pipeline.name / str(time.monotonic_ns()) ) else: # /// run_recording_dir = ( Path(debug_recording_dir) / self._device_id / self.pipeline.name / str(time.monotonic_ns()) ) self.debug_recording_queue = Queue() self.debug_recording_thread = Thread( target=_pipeline_debug_recording_thread_proc, args=(run_recording_dir, self.debug_recording_queue), daemon=True, ) self.debug_recording_thread.start() async def _stop_debug_recording_thread(self) -> None: """Stop recording thread.""" if (self.debug_recording_thread is None) or ( self.debug_recording_queue is None ): # Not running return # NOTE: Expecting a None to have been put in self.debug_recording_queue # in self.end() to signal the thread to stop. # Wait until the thread has finished to ensure that files are fully written await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.debug_recording_thread.join) self.debug_recording_queue = None self.debug_recording_thread = None async def process_volume_only( self, audio_stream: AsyncIterable[bytes], sample_rate: int = 16000, sample_width: int = 2, ) -> AsyncGenerator[ProcessedAudioChunk, None]: """Apply volume transformation only (no VAD/audio enhancements) with optional chunking.""" ms_per_sample = sample_rate // 1000 ms_per_chunk = (AUDIO_PROCESSOR_SAMPLES // sample_width) // ms_per_sample timestamp_ms = 0 async for chunk in audio_stream: if self.audio_settings.volume_multiplier != 1.0: chunk = _multiply_volume(chunk, self.audio_settings.volume_multiplier) if self.audio_settings.is_chunking_enabled: # 10 ms chunking for chunk_10ms in chunk_samples( chunk, AUDIO_PROCESSOR_BYTES, self.audio_processor_buffer ): yield ProcessedAudioChunk( audio=chunk_10ms, timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms, is_speech=None, # no VAD ) timestamp_ms += ms_per_chunk else: # No chunking yield ProcessedAudioChunk( audio=chunk, timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms, is_speech=None, # no VAD ) timestamp_ms += (len(chunk) // sample_width) // ms_per_sample async def process_enhance_audio( self, audio_stream: AsyncIterable[bytes], sample_rate: int = 16000, sample_width: int = 2, ) -> AsyncGenerator[ProcessedAudioChunk, None]: """Split audio into 10 ms chunks and apply VAD/noise suppression/auto gain/volume transformation.""" assert self.audio_processor is not None ms_per_sample = sample_rate // 1000 ms_per_chunk = (AUDIO_PROCESSOR_SAMPLES // sample_width) // ms_per_sample timestamp_ms = 0 async for dirty_samples in audio_stream: if self.audio_settings.volume_multiplier != 1.0: # Static gain dirty_samples = _multiply_volume( dirty_samples, self.audio_settings.volume_multiplier ) # Split into 10ms chunks for audio enhancements/VAD for dirty_10ms_chunk in chunk_samples( dirty_samples, AUDIO_PROCESSOR_BYTES, self.audio_processor_buffer ): ap_result = self.audio_processor.Process10ms(dirty_10ms_chunk) yield ProcessedAudioChunk( audio=ap_result.audio, timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms, is_speech=ap_result.is_speech, ) timestamp_ms += ms_per_chunk def _multiply_volume(chunk: bytes, volume_multiplier: float) -> bytes: """Multiplies 16-bit PCM samples by a constant.""" def _clamp(val: float) -> float: """Clamp to signed 16-bit.""" return max(-32768, min(32767, val)) return array.array( "h", (int(_clamp(value * volume_multiplier)) for value in array.array("h", chunk)), ).tobytes() def _pipeline_debug_recording_thread_proc( run_recording_dir: Path, queue: Queue[str | bytes | None], message_timeout: float = 5, ) -> None: wav_writer: wave.Wave_write | None = None try: _LOGGER.debug("Saving wake/stt audio to %s", run_recording_dir) run_recording_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) while True: message = queue.get(timeout=message_timeout) if message is None: # Stop signal break if isinstance(message, str): # New WAV file name if wav_writer is not None: wav_writer.close() wav_path = run_recording_dir / f"{message}.wav" wav_writer = wave.open(str(wav_path), "wb") wav_writer.setframerate(16000) wav_writer.setsampwidth(2) wav_writer.setnchannels(1) elif isinstance(message, bytes): # Chunk of 16-bit mono audio at 16Khz if wav_writer is not None: wav_writer.writeframes(message) except Empty: pass # occurs when pipeline has unexpected error except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error in debug recording thread") finally: if wav_writer is not None: wav_writer.close() @dataclass class PipelineInput: """Input to a pipeline run.""" run: PipelineRun stt_metadata: stt.SpeechMetadata | None = None """Metadata of stt input audio. Required when start_stage = stt.""" stt_stream: AsyncIterable[bytes] | None = None """Input audio for stt. Required when start_stage = stt.""" wake_word_phrase: str | None = None """Optional key used to de-duplicate wake-ups for local wake word detection.""" intent_input: str | None = None """Input for conversation agent. Required when start_stage = intent.""" tts_input: str | None = None """Input for text-to-speech. Required when start_stage = tts.""" conversation_id: str | None = None device_id: str | None = None async def execute(self) -> None: """Run pipeline.""" self.run.start(device_id=self.device_id) current_stage: PipelineStage | None = self.run.start_stage stt_audio_buffer: list[ProcessedAudioChunk] = [] stt_processed_stream: AsyncIterable[ProcessedAudioChunk] | None = None if self.stt_stream is not None: if self.run.audio_settings.needs_processor: # VAD/noise suppression/auto gain/volume stt_processed_stream = self.run.process_enhance_audio(self.stt_stream) else: # Volume multiplier only stt_processed_stream = self.run.process_volume_only(self.stt_stream) try: if current_stage == PipelineStage.WAKE_WORD: # wake-word-detection assert stt_processed_stream is not None detect_result = await self.run.wake_word_detection( stt_processed_stream, stt_audio_buffer ) if detect_result is None: # No wake word. Abort the rest of the pipeline. return current_stage = PipelineStage.STT # speech-to-text intent_input = self.intent_input if current_stage == PipelineStage.STT: assert self.stt_metadata is not None assert stt_processed_stream is not None if self.wake_word_phrase is not None: # Avoid duplicate wake-ups by checking cooldown last_wake_up = self.run.hass.data[DATA_LAST_WAKE_UP].get( self.wake_word_phrase ) if last_wake_up is not None: sec_since_last_wake_up = time.monotonic() - last_wake_up if sec_since_last_wake_up < WAKE_WORD_COOLDOWN: _LOGGER.debug( "Speech-to-text cancelled to avoid duplicate wake-up for %s", self.wake_word_phrase, ) raise DuplicateWakeUpDetectedError(self.wake_word_phrase) # Record last wake up time to block duplicate detections self.run.hass.data[DATA_LAST_WAKE_UP][ self.wake_word_phrase ] = time.monotonic() stt_input_stream = stt_processed_stream if stt_audio_buffer: # Send audio in the buffer first to speech-to-text, then move on to stt_stream. # This is basically an async itertools.chain. async def buffer_then_audio_stream() -> ( AsyncGenerator[ProcessedAudioChunk, None] ): # Buffered audio for chunk in stt_audio_buffer: yield chunk # Streamed audio assert stt_processed_stream is not None async for chunk in stt_processed_stream: yield chunk stt_input_stream = buffer_then_audio_stream() intent_input = await self.run.speech_to_text( self.stt_metadata, stt_input_stream, ) current_stage = PipelineStage.INTENT if self.run.end_stage != PipelineStage.STT: tts_input = self.tts_input if current_stage == PipelineStage.INTENT: # intent-recognition assert intent_input is not None tts_input = await self.run.recognize_intent( intent_input, self.conversation_id, self.device_id, ) if tts_input.strip(): current_stage = PipelineStage.TTS else: # Skip TTS current_stage = PipelineStage.END if self.run.end_stage != PipelineStage.INTENT: # text-to-speech if current_stage == PipelineStage.TTS: assert tts_input is not None await self.run.text_to_speech(tts_input) except PipelineError as err: self.run.process_event( PipelineEvent( PipelineEventType.ERROR, {"code": err.code, "message": err.message}, ) ) finally: # Always end the run since it needs to shut down the debug recording # thread, etc. await self.run.end() async def validate(self) -> None: """Validate pipeline input against start stage.""" if self.run.start_stage in (PipelineStage.WAKE_WORD, PipelineStage.STT): if self.run.pipeline.stt_engine is None: raise PipelineRunValidationError( "the pipeline does not support speech-to-text" ) if self.stt_metadata is None: raise PipelineRunValidationError( "stt_metadata is required for speech-to-text" ) if self.stt_stream is None: raise PipelineRunValidationError( "stt_stream is required for speech-to-text" ) elif self.run.start_stage == PipelineStage.INTENT: if self.intent_input is None: raise PipelineRunValidationError( "intent_input is required for intent recognition" ) elif self.run.start_stage == PipelineStage.TTS: if self.tts_input is None: raise PipelineRunValidationError( "tts_input is required for text-to-speech" ) if self.run.end_stage == PipelineStage.TTS: if self.run.pipeline.tts_engine is None: raise PipelineRunValidationError( "the pipeline does not support text-to-speech" ) start_stage_index = PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER.index(self.run.start_stage) end_stage_index = PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER.index(self.run.end_stage) prepare_tasks = [] if ( start_stage_index <= PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER.index(PipelineStage.WAKE_WORD) <= end_stage_index ): prepare_tasks.append(self.run.prepare_wake_word_detection()) if ( start_stage_index <= PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER.index(PipelineStage.STT) <= end_stage_index ): # self.stt_metadata can't be None or we'd raise above prepare_tasks.append(self.run.prepare_speech_to_text(self.stt_metadata)) # type: ignore[arg-type] if ( start_stage_index <= PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER.index(PipelineStage.INTENT) <= end_stage_index ): prepare_tasks.append(self.run.prepare_recognize_intent()) if ( start_stage_index <= PIPELINE_STAGE_ORDER.index(PipelineStage.TTS) <= end_stage_index ): prepare_tasks.append(self.run.prepare_text_to_speech()) if prepare_tasks: await asyncio.gather(*prepare_tasks) class PipelinePreferred(CollectionError): """Raised when attempting to delete the preferred pipelen.""" def __init__(self, item_id: str) -> None: """Initialize pipeline preferred error.""" super().__init__(f"Item {item_id} preferred.") self.item_id = item_id class SerializedPipelineStorageCollection(SerializedStorageCollection): """Serialized pipeline storage collection.""" preferred_item: str class PipelineStorageCollection( StorageCollection[Pipeline, SerializedPipelineStorageCollection] ): """Pipeline storage collection.""" _preferred_item: str async def _async_load_data(self) -> SerializedPipelineStorageCollection | None: """Load the data.""" if not (data := await super()._async_load_data()): pipeline = await _async_create_default_pipeline(self.hass, self) self._preferred_item = pipeline.id return data self._preferred_item = data["preferred_item"] return data async def _process_create_data(self, data: dict) -> dict: """Validate the config is valid.""" validated_data: dict = validate_language(data) return validated_data @callback def _get_suggested_id(self, info: dict) -> str: """Suggest an ID based on the config.""" return ulid_util.ulid_now() async def _update_data(self, item: Pipeline, update_data: dict) -> Pipeline: """Return a new updated item.""" update_data = validate_language(update_data) return Pipeline(id=item.id, **update_data) def _create_item(self, item_id: str, data: dict) -> Pipeline: """Create an item from validated config.""" return Pipeline(id=item_id, **data) def _deserialize_item(self, data: dict) -> Pipeline: """Create an item from its serialized representation.""" return Pipeline.from_json(data) def _serialize_item(self, item_id: str, item: Pipeline) -> dict: """Return the serialized representation of an item for storing.""" return item.to_json() async def async_delete_item(self, item_id: str) -> None: """Delete item.""" if self._preferred_item == item_id: raise PipelinePreferred(item_id) await super().async_delete_item(item_id) @callback def async_get_preferred_item(self) -> str: """Get the id of the preferred item.""" return self._preferred_item @callback def async_set_preferred_item(self, item_id: str) -> None: """Set the preferred pipeline.""" if item_id not in self.data: raise ItemNotFound(item_id) self._preferred_item = item_id self._async_schedule_save() @callback def _data_to_save(self) -> SerializedPipelineStorageCollection: """Return JSON-compatible date for storing to file.""" base_data = super()._base_data_to_save() return { "items": base_data["items"], "preferred_item": self._preferred_item, } class PipelineStorageCollectionWebsocket( StorageCollectionWebsocket[PipelineStorageCollection] ): """Class to expose storage collection management over websocket.""" @callback def async_setup( self, hass: HomeAssistant, *, create_list: bool = True, create_create: bool = True, ) -> None: """Set up the websocket commands.""" super().async_setup(hass, create_list=create_list, create_create=create_create) websocket_api.async_register_command( hass, f"{self.api_prefix}/get", self.ws_get_item, websocket_api.BASE_COMMAND_MESSAGE_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required("type"): f"{self.api_prefix}/get", vol.Optional(self.item_id_key): str, } ), ) websocket_api.async_register_command( hass, f"{self.api_prefix}/set_preferred", websocket_api.require_admin( websocket_api.async_response(self.ws_set_preferred_item) ), websocket_api.BASE_COMMAND_MESSAGE_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required("type"): f"{self.api_prefix}/set_preferred", vol.Required(self.item_id_key): str, } ), ) async def ws_delete_item( self, hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ) -> None: """Delete an item.""" try: await super().ws_delete_item(hass, connection, msg) except PipelinePreferred as exc: connection.send_error( msg["id"], websocket_api.const.ERR_NOT_ALLOWED, str(exc) ) @callback def ws_get_item( self, hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ) -> None: """Get an item.""" item_id = msg.get(self.item_id_key) if item_id is None: item_id = self.storage_collection.async_get_preferred_item() if item_id not in self.storage_collection.data: connection.send_error( msg["id"], websocket_api.const.ERR_NOT_FOUND, f"Unable to find {self.item_id_key} {item_id}", ) return connection.send_result(msg["id"], self.storage_collection.data[item_id]) @callback def ws_list_item( self, hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ) -> None: """List items.""" connection.send_result( msg["id"], { "pipelines": self.storage_collection.async_items(), "preferred_pipeline": self.storage_collection.async_get_preferred_item(), }, ) async def ws_set_preferred_item( self, hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Set the preferred item.""" try: self.storage_collection.async_set_preferred_item(msg[self.item_id_key]) except ItemNotFound: connection.send_error( msg["id"], websocket_api.const.ERR_NOT_FOUND, "unknown item" ) return connection.send_result(msg["id"]) class PipelineRuns: """Class managing pipelineruns.""" def __init__(self, pipeline_store: PipelineStorageCollection) -> None: """Initialize.""" self._pipeline_runs: dict[str, dict[str, PipelineRun]] = defaultdict(dict) self._pipeline_store = pipeline_store pipeline_store.async_add_listener(self._change_listener) def add_run(self, pipeline_run: PipelineRun) -> None: """Add pipeline run.""" pipeline_id = pipeline_run.pipeline.id self._pipeline_runs[pipeline_id][pipeline_run.id] = pipeline_run def remove_run(self, pipeline_run: PipelineRun) -> None: """Remove pipeline run.""" pipeline_id = pipeline_run.pipeline.id self._pipeline_runs[pipeline_id].pop(pipeline_run.id) async def _change_listener( self, change_type: str, item_id: str, change: dict ) -> None: """Handle pipeline store changes.""" if change_type != CHANGE_UPDATED: return if pipeline_runs := self._pipeline_runs.get(item_id): # Create a temporary list in case the list is modified while we iterate for pipeline_run in list(pipeline_runs.values()): pipeline_run.abort_wake_word_detection = True @dataclass(slots=True) class DeviceAudioQueue: """Audio capture queue for a satellite device.""" queue: asyncio.Queue[bytes | None] """Queue of audio chunks (None = stop signal)""" id: str = field(default_factory=ulid_util.ulid_now) """Unique id to ensure the correct audio queue is cleaned up in websocket API.""" overflow: bool = False """Flag to be set if audio samples were dropped because the queue was full.""" @dataclass(slots=True) class AssistDevice: """Assist device.""" domain: str unique_id_prefix: str class PipelineData: """Store and debug data stored in hass.data.""" def __init__(self, pipeline_store: PipelineStorageCollection) -> None: """Initialize.""" self.pipeline_store = pipeline_store self.pipeline_debug: dict[str, LimitedSizeDict[str, PipelineRunDebug]] = {} self.pipeline_devices: dict[str, AssistDevice] = {} self.pipeline_runs = PipelineRuns(pipeline_store) self.device_audio_queues: dict[str, DeviceAudioQueue] = {} @dataclass(slots=True) class PipelineRunDebug: """Debug data for a pipelinerun.""" events: list[PipelineEvent] = field(default_factory=list, init=False) timestamp: str = field( default_factory=lambda: dt_util.utcnow().isoformat(), init=False, ) class PipelineStore(Store[SerializedPipelineStorageCollection]): """Store entity registry data.""" async def _async_migrate_func( self, old_major_version: int, old_minor_version: int, old_data: SerializedPipelineStorageCollection, ) -> SerializedPipelineStorageCollection: """Migrate to the new version.""" if old_major_version == 1 and old_minor_version < 2: # Version 1.2 adds wake word configuration for pipeline in old_data["items"]: # Populate keys which were introduced before version 1.2 pipeline.setdefault("wake_word_entity", None) pipeline.setdefault("wake_word_id", None) if old_major_version > 1: raise NotImplementedError return old_data @singleton(DOMAIN) async def async_setup_pipeline_store(hass: HomeAssistant) -> PipelineData: """Set up the pipeline storage collection.""" pipeline_store = PipelineStorageCollection( PipelineStore( hass, STORAGE_VERSION, STORAGE_KEY, minor_version=STORAGE_VERSION_MINOR ) ) await pipeline_store.async_load() PipelineStorageCollectionWebsocket( pipeline_store, f"{DOMAIN}/pipeline", "pipeline", PIPELINE_FIELDS, PIPELINE_FIELDS, ).async_setup(hass) return PipelineData(pipeline_store)