"""Helpers for LCN component.""" import re import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME from .const import DEFAULT_NAME # Regex for address validation PATTERN_ADDRESS = re.compile( "^((?P\\w+)\\.)?s?(?P\\d+)\\.(?Pm|g)?(?P\\d+)$" ) def get_connection(connections, connection_id=None): """Return the connection object from list.""" if connection_id is None: connection = connections[0] else: for connection in connections: if connection.connection_id == connection_id: break else: raise ValueError("Unknown connection_id.") return connection def has_unique_host_names(hosts): """Validate that all connection names are unique. Use 'pchk' as default connection_name (or add a numeric suffix if pchk' is already in use. """ suffix = 0 for host in hosts: host_name = host.get(CONF_NAME) if host_name is None: if suffix == 0: host[CONF_NAME] = DEFAULT_NAME else: host[CONF_NAME] = f"{DEFAULT_NAME}{suffix:d}" suffix += 1 schema = vol.Schema(vol.Unique()) schema([host.get(CONF_NAME) for host in hosts]) return hosts def is_address(value): """Validate the given address string. Examples for S000M005 at myhome: myhome.s000.m005 myhome.s0.m5 myhome.0.5 ("m" is implicit if missing) Examples for s000g011 myhome.0.g11 myhome.s0.g11 """ matcher = PATTERN_ADDRESS.match(value) if matcher: is_group = matcher.group("type") == "g" addr = (int(matcher.group("seg_id")), int(matcher.group("id")), is_group) conn_id = matcher.group("conn_id") return addr, conn_id raise vol.error.Invalid("Not a valid address string.") def is_relays_states_string(states_string): """Validate the given states string and return states list.""" if len(states_string) == 8: states = [] for state_string in states_string: if state_string == "1": state = "ON" elif state_string == "0": state = "OFF" elif state_string == "T": state = "TOGGLE" elif state_string == "-": state = "NOCHANGE" else: raise vol.error.Invalid("Not a valid relay state string.") states.append(state) return states raise vol.error.Invalid("Wrong length of relay state string.") def is_key_lock_states_string(states_string): """Validate the given states string and returns states list.""" if len(states_string) == 8: states = [] for state_string in states_string: if state_string == "1": state = "ON" elif state_string == "0": state = "OFF" elif state_string == "T": state = "TOGGLE" elif state_string == "-": state = "NOCHANGE" else: raise vol.error.Invalid("Not a valid key lock state string.") states.append(state) return states raise vol.error.Invalid("Wrong length of key lock state string.")