"""Support for Roku selects.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Awaitable, Callable from dataclasses import dataclass from rokuecp import Roku from rokuecp.models import Device as RokuDevice from homeassistant.components.select import SelectEntity, SelectEntityDescription from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from .const import DOMAIN from .coordinator import RokuDataUpdateCoordinator from .entity import RokuEntity from .helpers import format_channel_name, roku_exception_handler def _get_application_name(device: RokuDevice) -> str | None: if device.app is None or device.app.name is None: return None if device.app.name == "Roku": return "Home" return device.app.name def _get_applications(device: RokuDevice) -> list[str]: return ["Home"] + sorted(app.name for app in device.apps if app.name is not None) def _get_channel_name(device: RokuDevice) -> str | None: if device.channel is None: return None return format_channel_name(device.channel.number, device.channel.name) def _get_channels(device: RokuDevice) -> list[str]: return sorted( format_channel_name(channel.number, channel.name) for channel in device.channels ) async def _launch_application(device: RokuDevice, roku: Roku, value: str) -> None: if value == "Home": await roku.remote("home") appl = next( (app for app in device.apps if value == app.name), None, ) if appl is not None and appl.app_id is not None: await roku.launch(appl.app_id) async def _tune_channel(device: RokuDevice, roku: Roku, value: str) -> None: _channel = next( ( channel for channel in device.channels if ( channel.name is not None and value == format_channel_name(channel.number, channel.name) ) or value == channel.number ), None, ) if _channel is not None: await roku.tune(_channel.number) @dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True) class RokuSelectEntityDescription(SelectEntityDescription): """Describes Roku select entity.""" options_fn: Callable[[RokuDevice], list[str]] value_fn: Callable[[RokuDevice], str | None] set_fn: Callable[[RokuDevice, Roku, str], Awaitable[None]] ENTITIES: tuple[RokuSelectEntityDescription, ...] = ( RokuSelectEntityDescription( key="application", translation_key="application", set_fn=_launch_application, value_fn=_get_application_name, options_fn=_get_applications, entity_registry_enabled_default=False, ), ) CHANNEL_ENTITY = RokuSelectEntityDescription( key="channel", translation_key="channel", set_fn=_tune_channel, value_fn=_get_channel_name, options_fn=_get_channels, ) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up Roku select based on a config entry.""" coordinator: RokuDataUpdateCoordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] device: RokuDevice = coordinator.data entities: list[RokuSelectEntity] = [ RokuSelectEntity( coordinator=coordinator, description=description, ) for description in ENTITIES ] if len(device.channels) > 0: entities.append( RokuSelectEntity( coordinator=coordinator, description=CHANNEL_ENTITY, ) ) async_add_entities(entities) class RokuSelectEntity(RokuEntity, SelectEntity): """Defines a Roku select entity.""" entity_description: RokuSelectEntityDescription @property def current_option(self) -> str | None: """Return the current value.""" return self.entity_description.value_fn(self.coordinator.data) @property def options(self) -> list[str]: """Return a set of selectable options.""" return self.entity_description.options_fn(self.coordinator.data) @roku_exception_handler() async def async_select_option(self, option: str) -> None: """Set the option.""" await self.entity_description.set_fn( self.coordinator.data, self.coordinator.roku, option, ) await self.coordinator.async_request_refresh()