{ "config": { "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "user": { "description": "[%key:component::bluetooth::config::step::user::description%]", "data": { "address": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::device%]" } }, "bluetooth_confirm": { "description": "[%key:component::bluetooth::config::step::bluetooth_confirm::description%]" }, "identify": { "description": "The device is now identifying itself, for example by blinking or beeping." }, "main_menu": { "description": "Choose next step.", "menu_options": { "identify": "Identify device", "provision": "Connect device to a Wi-Fi network" } }, "provision": { "description": "Enter Wi-Fi credentials to connect the device to your network.", "data": { "password": "Password", "ssid": "SSID" } } }, "progress": { "authorize": "The device requires authorization, please press its authorization button or consult the device's manual for how to proceed.", "provisioning": "The device is connecting to the Wi-Fi network." }, "error": { "unable_to_connect": "The device could not connect to the Wi-Fi network. Check that the SSID and password are correct and try again." }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "characteristic_missing": "The device is either already connected to Wi-Fi, or no longer able to connect to Wi-Fi. If you want to connect it to another network, try factory resetting it first.", "no_devices_found": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::no_devices_found%]", "provision_successful": "The device has successfully connected to the Wi-Fi network.", "provision_successful_url": "The device has successfully connected to the Wi-Fi network.\n\nPlease visit {url} to finish setup.", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]" } } }