"""Generic device for the HomematicIP Cloud component.""" import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from homematicip.aio.device import AsyncDevice from homematicip.aio.group import AsyncGroup from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from .const import DOMAIN as HMIPC_DOMAIN from .hap import HomematicipHAP _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_MODEL_TYPE = "model_type" ATTR_LOW_BATTERY = "low_battery" ATTR_CONFIG_PENDING = "config_pending" ATTR_DUTY_CYCLE_REACHED = "duty_cycle_reached" ATTR_ID = "id" ATTR_IS_GROUP = "is_group" # RSSI HAP -> Device ATTR_RSSI_DEVICE = "rssi_device" # RSSI Device -> HAP ATTR_RSSI_PEER = "rssi_peer" ATTR_SABOTAGE = "sabotage" ATTR_GROUP_MEMBER_UNREACHABLE = "group_member_unreachable" ATTR_DEVICE_OVERHEATED = "device_overheated" ATTR_DEVICE_OVERLOADED = "device_overloaded" ATTR_DEVICE_UNTERVOLTAGE = "device_undervoltage" ATTR_EVENT_DELAY = "event_delay" DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_ICONS = { "lowBat": "mdi:battery-outline", "sabotage": "mdi:shield-alert", "dutyCycle": "mdi:alert", "deviceOverheated": "mdi:alert", "deviceOverloaded": "mdi:alert", "deviceUndervoltage": "mdi:alert", "configPending": "mdi:alert-circle", } DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES = { "modelType": ATTR_MODEL_TYPE, "sabotage": ATTR_SABOTAGE, "dutyCycle": ATTR_DUTY_CYCLE_REACHED, "rssiDeviceValue": ATTR_RSSI_DEVICE, "rssiPeerValue": ATTR_RSSI_PEER, "deviceOverheated": ATTR_DEVICE_OVERHEATED, "deviceOverloaded": ATTR_DEVICE_OVERLOADED, "deviceUndervoltage": ATTR_DEVICE_UNTERVOLTAGE, "configPending": ATTR_CONFIG_PENDING, "eventDelay": ATTR_EVENT_DELAY, "id": ATTR_ID, } GROUP_ATTRIBUTES = { "modelType": ATTR_MODEL_TYPE, "lowBat": ATTR_LOW_BATTERY, "sabotage": ATTR_SABOTAGE, "dutyCycle": ATTR_DUTY_CYCLE_REACHED, "configPending": ATTR_CONFIG_PENDING, "unreach": ATTR_GROUP_MEMBER_UNREACHABLE, } class HomematicipGenericDevice(Entity): """Representation of an HomematicIP generic device.""" def __init__(self, hap: HomematicipHAP, device, post: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Initialize the generic device.""" self._hap = hap self._home = hap.home self._device = device self.post = post # Marker showing that the HmIP device hase been removed. self.hmip_device_removed = False _LOGGER.info("Setting up %s (%s)", self.name, self._device.modelType) @property def device_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return device specific attributes.""" # Only physical devices should be HA devices. if isinstance(self._device, AsyncDevice): return { "identifiers": { # Serial numbers of Homematic IP device (HMIPC_DOMAIN, self._device.id) }, "name": self._device.label, "manufacturer": self._device.oem, "model": self._device.modelType, "sw_version": self._device.firmwareVersion, "via_device": (HMIPC_DOMAIN, self._device.homeId), } return None async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Register callbacks.""" self._hap.hmip_device_by_entity_id[self.entity_id] = self._device self._device.on_update(self._async_device_changed) self._device.on_remove(self._async_device_removed) @callback def _async_device_changed(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Handle device state changes.""" # Don't update disabled entities if self.enabled: _LOGGER.debug("Event %s (%s)", self.name, self._device.modelType) self.async_write_ha_state() else: _LOGGER.debug( "Device Changed Event for %s (%s) not fired. Entity is disabled", self.name, self._device.modelType, ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Run when entity will be removed from hass.""" # Only go further if the device/entity should be removed from registries # due to a removal of the HmIP device. if self.hmip_device_removed: try: del self._hap.hmip_device_by_entity_id[self.entity_id] await self.async_remove_from_registries() except KeyError as err: _LOGGER.debug("Error removing HMIP entity from registry: %s", err) async def async_remove_from_registries(self) -> None: """Remove entity/device from registry.""" # Remove callback from device. self._device.remove_callback(self._async_device_changed) self._device.remove_callback(self._async_device_removed) if not self.registry_entry: return device_id = self.registry_entry.device_id if device_id: # Remove from device registry. device_registry = await dr.async_get_registry(self.hass) if device_id in device_registry.devices: # This will also remove associated entities from entity registry. device_registry.async_remove_device(device_id) else: # Remove from entity registry. # Only relevant for entities that do not belong to a device. entity_id = self.registry_entry.entity_id if entity_id: entity_registry = await er.async_get_registry(self.hass) if entity_id in entity_registry.entities: entity_registry.async_remove(entity_id) @callback def _async_device_removed(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Handle hmip device removal.""" # Set marker showing that the HmIP device hase been removed. self.hmip_device_removed = True self.hass.async_create_task(self.async_remove()) @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the generic device.""" name = self._device.label if name and self._home.name: name = f"{self._home.name} {name}" if name and self.post: name = f"{name} {self.post}" return name def _get_label_by_channel(self, channel: int) -> str: """Return the name of the channel.""" name = self._device.functionalChannels[channel].label if name and self._home.name: name = f"{self._home.name} {name}" return name @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """No polling needed.""" return False @property def available(self) -> bool: """Device available.""" return not self._device.unreach @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique ID.""" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}_{self._device.id}" @property def icon(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the icon.""" for attr, icon in DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_ICONS.items(): if getattr(self._device, attr, None): return icon return None @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the state attributes of the generic device.""" state_attr = {} if isinstance(self._device, AsyncDevice): for attr, attr_key in DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES.items(): attr_value = getattr(self._device, attr, None) if attr_value: state_attr[attr_key] = attr_value state_attr[ATTR_IS_GROUP] = False if isinstance(self._device, AsyncGroup): for attr, attr_key in GROUP_ATTRIBUTES.items(): attr_value = getattr(self._device, attr, None) if attr_value: state_attr[attr_key] = attr_value state_attr[ATTR_IS_GROUP] = True return state_attr