"""Script to convert an old-format home-assistant.db to a new format one.""" import argparse import os.path import sqlite3 import sys from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional, List import homeassistant.config as config_util import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util # pylint: disable=unused-import from homeassistant.components.recorder import REQUIREMENTS # NOQA def ts_to_dt(timestamp: Optional[float]) -> Optional[datetime]: """Turn a datetime into an integer for in the DB.""" if timestamp is None: return None return dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(timestamp) # Based on code at # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3173320/text-progress-bar-in-the-console # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def print_progress(iteration: int, total: int, prefix: str='', suffix: str='', decimals: int=2, bar_length: int=68) -> None: """Print progress bar. Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar @params: iteration - Required : current iteration (Int) total - Required : total iterations (Int) prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str) suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str) decimals - Optional : number of decimals in percent complete (Int) barLength - Optional : character length of bar (Int) """ filled_length = int(round(bar_length * iteration / float(total))) percents = round(100.00 * (iteration / float(total)), decimals) line = '#' * filled_length + '-' * (bar_length - filled_length) sys.stdout.write('%s [%s] %s%s %s\r' % (prefix, line, percents, '%', suffix)) sys.stdout.flush() if iteration == total: print("\n") def run(script_args: List) -> int: """The actual script body.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,invalid-name,too-many-statements from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from homeassistant.components.recorder import models parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Migrate legacy DB to SQLAlchemy format.") parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', metavar='path_to_config_dir', default=config_util.get_default_config_dir(), help="Directory that contains the Home Assistant configuration") parser.add_argument( '-a', '--append', action='store_true', default=False, help="Append to existing new format SQLite database") parser.add_argument( '--uri', type=str, help="Connect to URI and import (implies --append)" "eg: mysql://localhost/homeassistant") parser.add_argument( '--script', choices=['db_migrator']) args = parser.parse_args() config_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.config) # type: str # Test if configuration directory exists if not os.path.isdir(config_dir): if config_dir != config_util.get_default_config_dir(): print(('Fatal Error: Specified configuration directory does ' 'not exist {} ').format(config_dir)) return 1 src_db = '{}/home-assistant.db'.format(config_dir) dst_db = '{}/home-assistant_v2.db'.format(config_dir) if not os.path.exists(src_db): print("Fatal Error: Old format database '{}' does not exist".format( src_db)) return 1 if not args.uri and (os.path.exists(dst_db) and not args.append): print("Fatal Error: New format database '{}' exists already - " "Remove it or use --append".format(dst_db)) print("Note: --append must maintain an ID mapping and is much slower" "and requires sufficient memory to track all event IDs") return 1 conn = sqlite3.connect(src_db) uri = args.uri or "sqlite:///{}".format(dst_db) engine = create_engine(uri, echo=False) models.Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = session_factory() append = args.append or args.uri c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM recorder_runs") num_rows = c.fetchone()[0] print("Converting {} recorder_runs".format(num_rows)) c.close() c = conn.cursor() n = 0 for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM recorder_runs"): # type: ignore n += 1 session.add(models.RecorderRuns( start=ts_to_dt(row[1]), end=ts_to_dt(row[2]), closed_incorrect=row[3], created=ts_to_dt(row[4]) )) if n % 1000 == 0: session.commit() print_progress(n, num_rows) print_progress(n, num_rows) session.commit() c.close() c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM events") num_rows = c.fetchone()[0] print("Converting {} events".format(num_rows)) c.close() id_mapping = {} c = conn.cursor() n = 0 for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM events"): # type: ignore n += 1 o = models.Events( event_type=row[1], event_data=row[2], origin=row[3], created=ts_to_dt(row[4]), time_fired=ts_to_dt(row[5]), ) session.add(o) if append: session.flush() id_mapping[row[0]] = o.event_id if n % 1000 == 0: session.commit() print_progress(n, num_rows) print_progress(n, num_rows) session.commit() c.close() c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM states") num_rows = c.fetchone()[0] print("Converting {} states".format(num_rows)) c.close() c = conn.cursor() n = 0 for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM states"): # type: ignore n += 1 session.add(models.States( entity_id=row[1], state=row[2], attributes=row[3], last_changed=ts_to_dt(row[4]), last_updated=ts_to_dt(row[5]), event_id=id_mapping.get(row[6], row[6]), domain=row[7] )) if n % 1000 == 0: session.commit() print_progress(n, num_rows) print_progress(n, num_rows) session.commit() c.close() return 0