{ "config": { "step": { "auth_app": { "title": "Application credentials", "description": "Application ID and secret code from [StarLine developer account](https://my.starline.ru/developer)", "data": { "app_id": "App ID", "app_secret": "Secret" } }, "auth_user": { "title": "User credentials", "description": "StarLine account email and password", "data": { "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]" } }, "auth_mfa": { "title": "Two-factor authorization", "description": "Enter the code sent to phone {phone_number}", "data": { "mfa_code": "SMS code" } }, "auth_captcha": { "title": "Captcha", "description": "{captcha_img}", "data": { "captcha_code": "Code from image" } } }, "error": { "error_auth_app": "Incorrect application ID or secret", "error_auth_user": "Incorrect username or password", "error_auth_mfa": "Incorrect code" } }, "entity": { "binary_sensor": { "hand_brake": { "name": "Hand brake" }, "hood": { "name": "Hood" }, "trunk": { "name": "Trunk" }, "alarm": { "name": "Alarm" }, "doors": { "name": "Doors" }, "handsfree": { "name": "Handsfree" }, "neutral": { "name": "Programmable neutral" }, "moving_ban": { "name": "Moving ban" }, "ignition": { "name": "Ignition" }, "autostart": { "name": "Autostart" } }, "device_tracker": { "location": { "name": "Location" } }, "lock": { "security": { "name": "Security" } }, "sensor": { "battery": { "name": "[%key:component::sensor::entity_component::battery::name%]" }, "balance": { "name": "Balance" }, "interior_temperature": { "name": "Interior temperature" }, "engine_temperature": { "name": "Engine temperature" }, "gsm_signal": { "name": "GSM signal" }, "fuel": { "name": "Fuel volume" }, "errors": { "name": "OBD errors" }, "mileage": { "name": "Mileage" }, "gps_count": { "name": "GPS satellites" } }, "switch": { "engine": { "name": "Engine" }, "webasto": { "name": "Webasto" }, "additional_channel": { "name": "Additional channel" }, "service_mode": { "name": "Service mode" } }, "button": { "horn": { "name": "Horn" }, "flex": { "name": "Flex logic {num}" }, "panic": { "name": "Panic mode" } } }, "services": { "update_state": { "name": "Update state", "description": "Fetches the last state of the devices from the StarLine server." }, "set_scan_interval": { "name": "Set scan interval", "description": "Sets the update frequency for entities.", "fields": { "scan_interval": { "name": "Scan interval", "description": "Update frequency." } } }, "set_scan_obd_interval": { "name": "Set scan OBD interval", "description": "Sets the update frequency for OBD information.", "fields": { "scan_interval": { "name": "Scan interval", "description": "[%key:component::starline::services::set_scan_interval::fields::scan_interval::description%]" } } } } }