"""Support for fetching WiFi associations through SNMP.""" from __future__ import annotations import binascii import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from pysnmp.error import PySnmpError from pysnmp.hlapi.asyncio import ( CommunityData, Udp6TransportTarget, UdpTransportTarget, UsmUserData, bulkWalkCmd, isEndOfMib, ) import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import ( DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA as PARENT_PLATFORM_SCHEMA, DeviceScanner, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from .const import ( CONF_AUTH_KEY, CONF_BASEOID, CONF_COMMUNITY, CONF_PRIV_KEY, DEFAULT_AUTH_PROTOCOL, DEFAULT_COMMUNITY, DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_PRIV_PROTOCOL, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_VERSION, SNMP_VERSIONS, ) from .util import RequestArgsType, async_create_request_cmd_args _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PARENT_PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_BASEOID): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_COMMUNITY, default=DEFAULT_COMMUNITY): cv.string, vol.Inclusive(CONF_AUTH_KEY, "keys"): cv.string, vol.Inclusive(CONF_PRIV_KEY, "keys"): cv.string, } ) async def async_get_scanner( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> SnmpScanner | None: """Validate the configuration and return an SNMP scanner.""" scanner = SnmpScanner(config[DOMAIN]) await scanner.async_init(hass) return scanner if scanner.success_init else None class SnmpScanner(DeviceScanner): """Queries any SNMP capable Access Point for connected devices.""" def __init__(self, config): """Initialize the scanner and test the target device.""" host = config[CONF_HOST] community = config[CONF_COMMUNITY] baseoid = config[CONF_BASEOID] authkey = config.get(CONF_AUTH_KEY) authproto = DEFAULT_AUTH_PROTOCOL privkey = config.get(CONF_PRIV_KEY) privproto = DEFAULT_PRIV_PROTOCOL try: # Try IPv4 first. target = UdpTransportTarget((host, DEFAULT_PORT), timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) except PySnmpError: # Then try IPv6. try: target = Udp6TransportTarget( (host, DEFAULT_PORT), timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ) except PySnmpError as err: _LOGGER.error("Invalid SNMP host: %s", err) return if authkey is not None or privkey is not None: if not authkey: authproto = "none" if not privkey: privproto = "none" self._auth_data = UsmUserData( community, authKey=authkey or None, privKey=privkey or None, authProtocol=authproto, privProtocol=privproto, ) else: self._auth_data = CommunityData( community, mpModel=SNMP_VERSIONS[DEFAULT_VERSION] ) self._target = target self.request_args: RequestArgsType | None = None self.baseoid = baseoid self.last_results = [] self.success_init = False async def async_init(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Make a one-off read to check if the target device is reachable and readable.""" self.request_args = await async_create_request_cmd_args( hass, self._auth_data, self._target, self.baseoid ) data = await self.async_get_snmp_data() self.success_init = data is not None async def async_scan_devices(self): """Scan for new devices and return a list with found device IDs.""" await self._async_update_info() return [client["mac"] for client in self.last_results if client.get("mac")] async def async_get_device_name(self, device): """Return the name of the given device or None if we don't know.""" # We have no names return None async def _async_update_info(self): """Ensure the information from the device is up to date. Return boolean if scanning successful. """ if not self.success_init: return False if not (data := await self.async_get_snmp_data()): return False self.last_results = data return True async def async_get_snmp_data(self): """Fetch MAC addresses from access point via SNMP.""" devices = [] if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self.request_args is not None engine, auth_data, target, context_data, object_type = self.request_args walker = bulkWalkCmd( engine, auth_data, target, context_data, 0, 50, object_type, lexicographicMode=False, ) async for errindication, errstatus, errindex, res in walker: if errindication: _LOGGER.error("SNMPLIB error: %s", errindication) return None if errstatus: _LOGGER.error( "SNMP error: %s at %s", errstatus.prettyPrint(), errindex and res[int(errindex) - 1][0] or "?", ) return None for _oid, value in res: if not isEndOfMib(res): try: mac = binascii.hexlify(value.asOctets()).decode("utf-8") except AttributeError: continue _LOGGER.debug("Found MAC address: %s", mac) mac = ":".join([mac[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(mac), 2)]) devices.append({"mac": mac}) return devices