{ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "Device is already configured", "reauth_successful": "Re-authentication was successful", "reconfigure_successful": "Re-configuration was successful" }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect", "invalid_auth": "Invalid authentication", "missing_data": "Missing data: please retry later or an other configuration", "otp_failed": "Two-step authentication failed, retry with a new pass code", "unknown": "Unexpected error" }, "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "2sa": { "data": { "otp_code": "Code" }, "title": "Synology DSM: two-step authentication" }, "link": { "data": { "password": "Password", "port": "Port", "ssl": "Uses an SSL certificate", "username": "Username", "verify_ssl": "Verify SSL certificate" }, "description": "Do you want to setup {name} ({host})?" }, "reauth_confirm": { "data": { "password": "Password", "username": "Username" }, "title": "Synology DSM Reauthenticate Integration" }, "user": { "data": { "host": "Host", "password": "Password", "port": "Port", "ssl": "Uses an SSL certificate", "username": "Username", "verify_ssl": "Verify SSL certificate" } } } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "scan_interval": "Minutes between scans", "snap_profile_type": "Quality level of camera snapshots (0:high 1:medium 2:low)", "timeout": "Timeout (seconds)" } } } } }