"""Utilities used by insteon component.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from pyinsteon import devices from pyinsteon.address import Address from pyinsteon.constants import ALDBStatus, DeviceAction from pyinsteon.device_types.device_base import Device from pyinsteon.events import OFF_EVENT, OFF_FAST_EVENT, ON_EVENT, ON_FAST_EVENT, Event from pyinsteon.managers.link_manager import ( async_enter_linking_mode, async_enter_unlinking_mode, ) from pyinsteon.managers.scene_manager import ( async_trigger_scene_off, async_trigger_scene_on, ) from pyinsteon.managers.x10_manager import ( async_x10_all_lights_off, async_x10_all_lights_on, async_x10_all_units_off, ) from pyinsteon.x10_address import create as create_x10_address from serial.tools import list_ports from homeassistant.components import usb from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_ADDRESS, CONF_ENTITY_ID, CONF_PLATFORM, ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, callback from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import ( async_dispatcher_connect, async_dispatcher_send, dispatcher_send, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from .const import ( CONF_CAT, CONF_DIM_STEPS, CONF_HOUSECODE, CONF_SUBCAT, CONF_UNITCODE, DOMAIN, EVENT_CONF_BUTTON, EVENT_GROUP_OFF, EVENT_GROUP_OFF_FAST, EVENT_GROUP_ON, EVENT_GROUP_ON_FAST, SIGNAL_ADD_DEFAULT_LINKS, SIGNAL_ADD_DEVICE_OVERRIDE, SIGNAL_ADD_ENTITIES, SIGNAL_ADD_X10_DEVICE, SIGNAL_LOAD_ALDB, SIGNAL_PRINT_ALDB, SIGNAL_REMOVE_DEVICE_OVERRIDE, SIGNAL_REMOVE_ENTITY, SIGNAL_REMOVE_HA_DEVICE, SIGNAL_REMOVE_INSTEON_DEVICE, SIGNAL_REMOVE_X10_DEVICE, SIGNAL_SAVE_DEVICES, SRV_ADD_ALL_LINK, SRV_ADD_DEFAULT_LINKS, SRV_ALL_LINK_GROUP, SRV_ALL_LINK_MODE, SRV_CONTROLLER, SRV_DEL_ALL_LINK, SRV_HOUSECODE, SRV_LOAD_ALDB, SRV_LOAD_DB_RELOAD, SRV_PRINT_ALDB, SRV_PRINT_IM_ALDB, SRV_SCENE_OFF, SRV_SCENE_ON, SRV_X10_ALL_LIGHTS_OFF, SRV_X10_ALL_LIGHTS_ON, SRV_X10_ALL_UNITS_OFF, ) from .ipdb import get_device_platform_groups, get_device_platforms from .schemas import ( ADD_ALL_LINK_SCHEMA, ADD_DEFAULT_LINKS_SCHEMA, DEL_ALL_LINK_SCHEMA, LOAD_ALDB_SCHEMA, PRINT_ALDB_SCHEMA, TRIGGER_SCENE_SCHEMA, X10_HOUSECODE_SCHEMA, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from .entity import InsteonEntity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _register_event(event: Event, listener: Callable) -> None: """Register the events raised by a device.""" _LOGGER.debug( "Registering on/off event for %s %d %s", str(event.address), event.group, event.name, ) event.subscribe(listener, force_strong_ref=True) def add_insteon_events(hass: HomeAssistant, device: Device) -> None: """Register Insteon device events.""" @callback def async_fire_insteon_event( name: str, address: Address, group: int, button: str | None = None ): # Firing an event when a button is pressed. if button and button[-2] == "_": button_id = button[-1].lower() else: button_id = None schema = {CONF_ADDRESS: address, "group": group} if button_id: schema[EVENT_CONF_BUTTON] = button_id if name == ON_EVENT: event = EVENT_GROUP_ON elif name == OFF_EVENT: event = EVENT_GROUP_OFF elif name == ON_FAST_EVENT: event = EVENT_GROUP_ON_FAST elif name == OFF_FAST_EVENT: event = EVENT_GROUP_OFF_FAST else: event = f"insteon.{name}" _LOGGER.debug("Firing event %s with %s", event, schema) hass.bus.async_fire(event, schema) if str(device.address).startswith("X10"): return for name_or_group, event in device.events.items(): if isinstance(name_or_group, int): for event in device.events[name_or_group].values(): _register_event(event, async_fire_insteon_event) else: _register_event(event, async_fire_insteon_event) def register_new_device_callback(hass): """Register callback for new Insteon device.""" @callback def async_new_insteon_device(address, action: DeviceAction): """Detect device from transport to be delegated to platform.""" if action == DeviceAction.ADDED: hass.async_create_task(async_create_new_entities(address)) async def async_create_new_entities(address): _LOGGER.debug( "Adding new INSTEON device to Home Assistant with address %s", address ) await devices.async_save(workdir=hass.config.config_dir) device = devices[address] await device.async_status() platforms = get_device_platforms(device) for platform in platforms: groups = get_device_platform_groups(device, platform) signal = f"{SIGNAL_ADD_ENTITIES}_{platform}" dispatcher_send(hass, signal, {"address": device.address, "groups": groups}) add_insteon_events(hass, device) devices.subscribe(async_new_insteon_device, force_strong_ref=True) @callback def async_register_services(hass): # noqa: C901 """Register services used by insteon component.""" save_lock = asyncio.Lock() async def async_srv_add_all_link(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Add an INSTEON All-Link between two devices.""" group = service.data[SRV_ALL_LINK_GROUP] mode = service.data[SRV_ALL_LINK_MODE] link_mode = mode.lower() == SRV_CONTROLLER await async_enter_linking_mode(link_mode, group) async def async_srv_del_all_link(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Delete an INSTEON All-Link between two devices.""" group = service.data.get(SRV_ALL_LINK_GROUP) await async_enter_unlinking_mode(group) async def async_srv_load_aldb(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Load the device All-Link database.""" entity_id = service.data[CONF_ENTITY_ID] reload = service.data[SRV_LOAD_DB_RELOAD] if entity_id.lower() == ENTITY_MATCH_ALL: await async_srv_load_aldb_all(reload) else: signal = f"{entity_id}_{SIGNAL_LOAD_ALDB}" async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal, reload) async def async_srv_load_aldb_all(reload): """Load the All-Link database for all devices.""" # Cannot be done concurrently due to issues with the underlying protocol. for address in devices: device = devices[address] if device != devices.modem and device.cat != 0x03: await device.aldb.async_load(refresh=reload) await async_srv_save_devices() async def async_srv_save_devices(): """Write the Insteon device configuration to file.""" async with save_lock: _LOGGER.debug("Saving Insteon devices") await devices.async_save(hass.config.config_dir) def print_aldb(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Print the All-Link Database for a device.""" # For now this sends logs to the log file. # Future direction is to create an INSTEON control panel. entity_id = service.data[CONF_ENTITY_ID] signal = f"{entity_id}_{SIGNAL_PRINT_ALDB}" dispatcher_send(hass, signal) def print_im_aldb(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Print the All-Link Database for a device.""" # For now this sends logs to the log file. # Future direction is to create an INSTEON control panel. print_aldb_to_log(devices.modem.aldb) async def async_srv_x10_all_units_off(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Send the X10 All Units Off command.""" housecode = service.data.get(SRV_HOUSECODE) await async_x10_all_units_off(housecode) async def async_srv_x10_all_lights_off(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Send the X10 All Lights Off command.""" housecode = service.data.get(SRV_HOUSECODE) await async_x10_all_lights_off(housecode) async def async_srv_x10_all_lights_on(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Send the X10 All Lights On command.""" housecode = service.data.get(SRV_HOUSECODE) await async_x10_all_lights_on(housecode) async def async_srv_scene_on(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Trigger an INSTEON scene ON.""" group = service.data.get(SRV_ALL_LINK_GROUP) await async_trigger_scene_on(group) async def async_srv_scene_off(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Trigger an INSTEON scene ON.""" group = service.data.get(SRV_ALL_LINK_GROUP) await async_trigger_scene_off(group) @callback def async_add_default_links(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Add the default All-Link entries to a device.""" entity_id = service.data[CONF_ENTITY_ID] signal = f"{entity_id}_{SIGNAL_ADD_DEFAULT_LINKS}" async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal) async def async_add_device_override(override): """Remove an Insten device and associated entities.""" address = Address(override[CONF_ADDRESS]) await async_remove_ha_device(address) devices.set_id(address, override[CONF_CAT], override[CONF_SUBCAT], 0) await async_srv_save_devices() async def async_remove_device_override(address): """Remove an Insten device and associated entities.""" address = Address(address) await async_remove_ha_device(address) devices.set_id(address, None, None, None) await devices.async_identify_device(address) await async_srv_save_devices() @callback def async_add_x10_device(x10_config): """Add X10 device.""" housecode = x10_config[CONF_HOUSECODE] unitcode = x10_config[CONF_UNITCODE] platform = x10_config[CONF_PLATFORM] steps = x10_config.get(CONF_DIM_STEPS, 22) x10_type = "on_off" if platform == "light": x10_type = "dimmable" elif platform == "binary_sensor": x10_type = "sensor" _LOGGER.debug( "Adding X10 device to Insteon: %s %d %s", housecode, unitcode, x10_type ) # This must be run in the event loop devices.add_x10_device(housecode, unitcode, x10_type, steps) async def async_remove_x10_device(housecode, unitcode): """Remove an X10 device and associated entities.""" address = create_x10_address(housecode, unitcode) devices.pop(address) await async_remove_ha_device(address) async def async_remove_ha_device(address: Address, remove_all_refs: bool = False): """Remove the device and all entities from hass.""" signal = f"{address.id}_{SIGNAL_REMOVE_ENTITY}" async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal) dev_registry = dr.async_get(hass) device = dev_registry.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, str(address))}) if device: dev_registry.async_remove_device(device.id) async def async_remove_insteon_device( address: Address, remove_all_refs: bool = False ): """Remove the underlying Insteon device from the network.""" await devices.async_remove_device( address=address, force=False, remove_all_refs=remove_all_refs ) await async_srv_save_devices() hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_ADD_ALL_LINK, async_srv_add_all_link, schema=ADD_ALL_LINK_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_DEL_ALL_LINK, async_srv_del_all_link, schema=DEL_ALL_LINK_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_LOAD_ALDB, async_srv_load_aldb, schema=LOAD_ALDB_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_PRINT_ALDB, print_aldb, schema=PRINT_ALDB_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SRV_PRINT_IM_ALDB, print_im_aldb, schema=None) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_X10_ALL_UNITS_OFF, async_srv_x10_all_units_off, schema=X10_HOUSECODE_SCHEMA, ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_X10_ALL_LIGHTS_OFF, async_srv_x10_all_lights_off, schema=X10_HOUSECODE_SCHEMA, ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_X10_ALL_LIGHTS_ON, async_srv_x10_all_lights_on, schema=X10_HOUSECODE_SCHEMA, ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_SCENE_ON, async_srv_scene_on, schema=TRIGGER_SCENE_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_SCENE_OFF, async_srv_scene_off, schema=TRIGGER_SCENE_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SRV_ADD_DEFAULT_LINKS, async_add_default_links, schema=ADD_DEFAULT_LINKS_SCHEMA, ) async_dispatcher_connect(hass, SIGNAL_SAVE_DEVICES, async_srv_save_devices) async_dispatcher_connect( hass, SIGNAL_ADD_DEVICE_OVERRIDE, async_add_device_override ) async_dispatcher_connect( hass, SIGNAL_REMOVE_DEVICE_OVERRIDE, async_remove_device_override ) async_dispatcher_connect(hass, SIGNAL_ADD_X10_DEVICE, async_add_x10_device) async_dispatcher_connect(hass, SIGNAL_REMOVE_X10_DEVICE, async_remove_x10_device) async_dispatcher_connect(hass, SIGNAL_REMOVE_HA_DEVICE, async_remove_ha_device) async_dispatcher_connect( hass, SIGNAL_REMOVE_INSTEON_DEVICE, async_remove_insteon_device ) _LOGGER.debug("Insteon Services registered") def print_aldb_to_log(aldb): """Print the All-Link Database to the log file.""" logger = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}.links") logger.info("%s ALDB load status is %s", aldb.address, aldb.status.name) if aldb.status not in [ALDBStatus.LOADED, ALDBStatus.PARTIAL]: _LOGGER.warning("All-Link database not loaded") logger.info("RecID In Use Mode HWM Group Address Data 1 Data 2 Data 3") logger.info("----- ------ ---- --- ----- -------- ------ ------ ------") for mem_addr in aldb: rec = aldb[mem_addr] # For now we write this to the log # Roadmap is to create a configuration panel in_use = "Y" if rec.is_in_use else "N" mode = "C" if rec.is_controller else "R" hwm = "Y" if rec.is_high_water_mark else "N" log_msg = ( f" {rec.mem_addr:04x} {in_use:s} {mode:s} {hwm:s} " f"{rec.group:3d} {rec.target!s:s} {rec.data1:3d} " f"{rec.data2:3d} {rec.data3:3d}" ) logger.info(log_msg) @callback def async_add_insteon_entities( hass: HomeAssistant, platform: Platform, entity_type: type[InsteonEntity], async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, discovery_info: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Add an Insteon group to a platform.""" address = discovery_info["address"] device = devices[address] new_entities = [ entity_type(device=device, group=group) for group in discovery_info["groups"] ] async_add_entities(new_entities) @callback def async_add_insteon_devices( hass: HomeAssistant, platform: Platform, entity_type: type[InsteonEntity], async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Add all entities to a platform.""" for address in devices: device = devices[address] groups = get_device_platform_groups(device, platform) discovery_info = {"address": address, "groups": groups} async_add_insteon_entities( hass, platform, entity_type, async_add_entities, discovery_info ) def get_usb_ports() -> dict[str, str]: """Return a dict of USB ports and their friendly names.""" ports = list_ports.comports() port_descriptions = {} for port in ports: vid: str | None = None pid: str | None = None if port.vid is not None and port.pid is not None: usb_device = usb.usb_device_from_port(port) vid = usb_device.vid pid = usb_device.pid dev_path = usb.get_serial_by_id(port.device) human_name = usb.human_readable_device_name( dev_path, port.serial_number, port.manufacturer, port.description, vid, pid, ) port_descriptions[dev_path] = human_name return port_descriptions async def async_get_usb_ports(hass: HomeAssistant) -> dict[str, str]: """Return a dict of USB ports and their friendly names.""" return await hass.async_add_executor_job(get_usb_ports) def compute_device_name(ha_device) -> str: """Return the HA device name.""" return ha_device.name_by_user if ha_device.name_by_user else ha_device.name async def async_device_name(dev_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, address: Address) -> str: """Get the Insteon device name from a device registry id.""" ha_device = dev_registry.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, str(address))}) if not ha_device: if device := devices[address]: return f"{device.description} ({device.model})" return "" return compute_device_name(ha_device)