"""Support for the Netatmo cameras.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging from typing import Any, cast import aiohttp import pyatmo import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.camera import SUPPORT_STREAM, Camera from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError, PlatformNotReady from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, entity_platform from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from .const import ( ATTR_CAMERA_LIGHT_MODE, ATTR_PERSON, ATTR_PERSONS, ATTR_PSEUDO, CAMERA_LIGHT_MODES, DATA_CAMERAS, DATA_EVENTS, DATA_HANDLER, DATA_PERSONS, DOMAIN, EVENT_TYPE_LIGHT_MODE, EVENT_TYPE_OFF, EVENT_TYPE_ON, MANUFACTURER, MODELS, SERVICE_SET_CAMERA_LIGHT, SERVICE_SET_PERSON_AWAY, SERVICE_SET_PERSONS_HOME, SIGNAL_NAME, WEBHOOK_LIGHT_MODE, WEBHOOK_NACAMERA_CONNECTION, WEBHOOK_PUSH_TYPE, ) from .data_handler import CAMERA_DATA_CLASS_NAME, NetatmoDataHandler from .netatmo_entity_base import NetatmoBase _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_QUALITY = "high" async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback ) -> None: """Set up the Netatmo camera platform.""" data_handler = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][DATA_HANDLER] await data_handler.register_data_class( CAMERA_DATA_CLASS_NAME, CAMERA_DATA_CLASS_NAME, None ) data_class = data_handler.data.get(CAMERA_DATA_CLASS_NAME) if not data_class or not data_class.raw_data: raise PlatformNotReady all_cameras = [] for home in data_class.cameras.values(): for camera in home.values(): all_cameras.append(camera) entities = [ NetatmoCamera( data_handler, camera["id"], camera["type"], camera["home_id"], DEFAULT_QUALITY, ) for camera in all_cameras ] for home in data_class.homes.values(): if home.get("id") is None: continue hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_PERSONS][home["id"]] = { person_id: person_data.get(ATTR_PSEUDO) for person_id, person_data in data_handler.data[CAMERA_DATA_CLASS_NAME] .persons[home["id"]] .items() } _LOGGER.debug("Adding cameras %s", entities) async_add_entities(entities, True) platform = entity_platform.async_get_current_platform() platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_PERSONS_HOME, {vol.Required(ATTR_PERSONS): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string])}, "_service_set_persons_home", ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_PERSON_AWAY, {vol.Optional(ATTR_PERSON): cv.string}, "_service_set_person_away", ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_CAMERA_LIGHT, {vol.Required(ATTR_CAMERA_LIGHT_MODE): vol.In(CAMERA_LIGHT_MODES)}, "_service_set_camera_light", ) class NetatmoCamera(NetatmoBase, Camera): """Representation of a Netatmo camera.""" def __init__( self, data_handler: NetatmoDataHandler, camera_id: str, camera_type: str, home_id: str, quality: str, ) -> None: """Set up for access to the Netatmo camera images.""" Camera.__init__(self) super().__init__(data_handler) self._data_classes.append( {"name": CAMERA_DATA_CLASS_NAME, SIGNAL_NAME: CAMERA_DATA_CLASS_NAME} ) self._id = camera_id self._home_id = home_id self._device_name = self._data.get_camera(camera_id=camera_id)["name"] self._attr_name = f"{MANUFACTURER} {self._device_name}" self._model = camera_type self._attr_unique_id = f"{self._id}-{self._model}" self._quality = quality self._vpnurl: str | None = None self._localurl: str | None = None self._status: str | None = None self._sd_status: str | None = None self._alim_status: str | None = None self._is_local: str | None = None self._light_state = None async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Entity created.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() for event_type in (EVENT_TYPE_LIGHT_MODE, EVENT_TYPE_OFF, EVENT_TYPE_ON): self._listeners.append( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, f"signal-{DOMAIN}-webhook-{event_type}", self.handle_event, ) ) self.hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_CAMERAS][self._id] = self._device_name @callback def handle_event(self, event: dict) -> None: """Handle webhook events.""" data = event["data"] if not data.get("camera_id"): return if data["home_id"] == self._home_id and data["camera_id"] == self._id: if data[WEBHOOK_PUSH_TYPE] in ("NACamera-off", "NACamera-disconnection"): self.is_streaming = False self._status = "off" elif data[WEBHOOK_PUSH_TYPE] in ( "NACamera-on", WEBHOOK_NACAMERA_CONNECTION, ): self.is_streaming = True self._status = "on" elif data[WEBHOOK_PUSH_TYPE] == WEBHOOK_LIGHT_MODE: self._light_state = data["sub_type"] self._attr_extra_state_attributes.update( {"light_state": self._light_state} ) self.async_write_ha_state() return @property def _data(self) -> pyatmo.AsyncCameraData: """Return data for this entity.""" return cast( pyatmo.AsyncCameraData, self.data_handler.data[self._data_classes[0]["name"]], ) async def async_camera_image( self, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None ) -> bytes | None: """Return a still image response from the camera.""" try: return cast( bytes, await self._data.async_get_live_snapshot(camera_id=self._id) ) except ( aiohttp.ClientPayloadError, aiohttp.ContentTypeError, aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError, aiohttp.ClientConnectorError, pyatmo.exceptions.ApiError, ) as err: _LOGGER.debug("Could not fetch live camera image (%s)", err) return None @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is available.""" return bool(self._alim_status == "on" or self._status == "disconnected") @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Return supported features.""" return SUPPORT_STREAM @property def brand(self) -> str: """Return the camera brand.""" return MANUFACTURER @property def motion_detection_enabled(self) -> bool: """Return the camera motion detection status.""" return bool(self._status == "on") @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if on.""" return self.is_streaming async def async_turn_off(self) -> None: """Turn off camera.""" await self._data.async_set_state( home_id=self._home_id, camera_id=self._id, monitoring="off" ) async def async_turn_on(self) -> None: """Turn on camera.""" await self._data.async_set_state( home_id=self._home_id, camera_id=self._id, monitoring="on" ) async def stream_source(self) -> str: """Return the stream source.""" url = "{0}/live/files/{1}/index.m3u8" if self._localurl: return url.format(self._localurl, self._quality) return url.format(self._vpnurl, self._quality) @property def model(self) -> str: """Return the camera model.""" return MODELS[self._model] @callback def async_update_callback(self) -> None: """Update the entity's state.""" camera = self._data.get_camera(self._id) self._vpnurl, self._localurl = self._data.camera_urls(self._id) self._status = camera.get("status") self._sd_status = camera.get("sd_status") self._alim_status = camera.get("alim_status") self._is_local = camera.get("is_local") self.is_streaming = bool(self._status == "on") if self._model == "NACamera": # Smart Indoor Camera self.hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_EVENTS][self._id] = self.process_events( self._data.events.get(self._id, {}) ) elif self._model == "NOC": # Smart Outdoor Camera self.hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_EVENTS][self._id] = self.process_events( self._data.outdoor_events.get(self._id, {}) ) self._attr_extra_state_attributes.update( { "id": self._id, "status": self._status, "sd_status": self._sd_status, "alim_status": self._alim_status, "is_local": self._is_local, "vpn_url": self._vpnurl, "local_url": self._localurl, "light_state": self._light_state, } ) def process_events(self, events: dict) -> dict: """Add meta data to events.""" for event in events.values(): if "video_id" not in event: continue if self._is_local: event[ "media_url" ] = f"{self._localurl}/vod/{event['video_id']}/files/{self._quality}/index.m3u8" else: event[ "media_url" ] = f"{self._vpnurl}/vod/{event['video_id']}/files/{self._quality}/index.m3u8" return events def fetch_person_ids(self, persons: list[str | None]) -> list[str]: """Fetch matching person ids for give list of persons.""" person_ids = [] person_id_errors = [] for person in persons: person_id = None for pid, data in self._data.persons[self._home_id].items(): if data.get("pseudo") == person: person_ids.append(pid) person_id = pid break if person_id is None: person_id_errors.append(person) if person_id_errors: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Person(s) not registered {person_id_errors}") return person_ids async def _service_set_persons_home(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Service to change current home schedule.""" persons = kwargs.get(ATTR_PERSONS, []) person_ids = self.fetch_person_ids(persons) await self._data.async_set_persons_home( person_ids=person_ids, home_id=self._home_id ) _LOGGER.debug("Set %s as at home", persons) async def _service_set_person_away(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Service to mark a person as away or set the home as empty.""" person = kwargs.get(ATTR_PERSON) person_ids = self.fetch_person_ids([person] if person else []) person_id = next(iter(person_ids), None) await self._data.async_set_persons_away( person_id=person_id, home_id=self._home_id, ) if person_id: _LOGGER.debug("Set %s as away %s", person, person_id) else: _LOGGER.debug("Set home as empty") async def _service_set_camera_light(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Service to set light mode.""" mode = str(kwargs.get(ATTR_CAMERA_LIGHT_MODE)) _LOGGER.debug("Turn %s camera light for '%s'", mode, self._attr_name) await self._data.async_set_state( home_id=self._home_id, camera_id=self._id, floodlight=mode, )