"""Test Home Assistant icon util methods.""" import pathlib from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import pytest from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import icon from homeassistant.loader import IntegrationNotFound from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component def test_battery_icon() -> None: """Test icon generator for battery sensor.""" assert icon.icon_for_battery_level(None, True) == "mdi:battery-unknown" assert icon.icon_for_battery_level(None, False) == "mdi:battery-unknown" assert icon.icon_for_battery_level(5, True) == "mdi:battery-outline" assert icon.icon_for_battery_level(5, False) == "mdi:battery-alert" assert icon.icon_for_battery_level(100, True) == "mdi:battery-charging-100" assert icon.icon_for_battery_level(100, False) == "mdi:battery" iconbase = "mdi:battery" for level in range(0, 100, 5): print( # noqa: T201 f"Level: {level}. icon: {icon.icon_for_battery_level(level, False)}, " f"charging: {icon.icon_for_battery_level(level, True)}" ) if level <= 10: postfix_charging = "-outline" elif level <= 30: postfix_charging = "-charging-20" elif level <= 50: postfix_charging = "-charging-40" elif level <= 70: postfix_charging = "-charging-60" elif level <= 90: postfix_charging = "-charging-80" else: postfix_charging = "-charging-100" if 5 < level < 95: postfix = f"-{int(round(level / 10 - 0.01)) * 10}" elif level <= 5: postfix = "-alert" else: postfix = "" assert iconbase + postfix == icon.icon_for_battery_level(level, False) assert iconbase + postfix_charging == icon.icon_for_battery_level(level, True) def test_signal_icon() -> None: """Test icon generator for signal sensor.""" assert icon.icon_for_signal_level(None) == "mdi:signal-cellular-outline" assert icon.icon_for_signal_level(0) == "mdi:signal-cellular-outline" assert icon.icon_for_signal_level(5) == "mdi:signal-cellular-1" assert icon.icon_for_signal_level(40) == "mdi:signal-cellular-2" assert icon.icon_for_signal_level(80) == "mdi:signal-cellular-3" assert icon.icon_for_signal_level(100) == "mdi:signal-cellular-3" def test_load_icons_files(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test the load icons files function.""" file1 = hass.config.path("custom_components", "test", "icons.json") file2 = hass.config.path("custom_components", "test", "invalid.json") assert icon._load_icons_files({"test": file1, "invalid": file2}) == { "test": { "entity": { "switch": { "something": { "state": {"away": "mdi:home-outline", "home": "mdi:home"} } } }, }, "invalid": {}, } @pytest.mark.usefixtures("enable_custom_integrations") async def test_get_icons(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test the get icon helper.""" icons = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity") assert icons == {} icons = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity_component") assert icons == {} # Set up test switch component assert await async_setup_component(hass, "switch", {"switch": {"platform": "test"}}) # Test getting icons for the entity component icons = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity_component") assert icons["switch"]["_"]["default"] == "mdi:toggle-switch-variant" # Test services icons are available icons = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "services") assert len(icons) == 1 assert icons["switch"]["turn_off"] == {"service": "mdi:toggle-switch-variant-off"} # Ensure icons file for platform isn't loaded, as that isn't supported icons = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity") assert icons == {} with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="test.switch"): await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity", ["test.switch"]) # Load up an custom integration hass.config.components.add("test_package") await hass.async_block_till_done() icons = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity") assert len(icons) == 1 assert icons == { "test_package": { "switch": { "something": {"state": {"away": "mdi:home-outline", "home": "mdi:home"}} } } } icons = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "services") assert len(icons) == 2 assert icons["test_package"]["enable_god_mode"] == {"service": "mdi:shield"} # Load another one hass.config.components.add("test_embedded") await hass.async_block_till_done() icons = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity") assert len(icons) == 2 assert icons["test_package"] == { "switch": { "something": {"state": {"away": "mdi:home-outline", "home": "mdi:home"}} } } # Test getting non-existing integration with pytest.raises( IntegrationNotFound, match="Integration 'non_existing' not found" ): await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity", ["non_existing"]) async def test_get_icons_while_loading_components(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test the get icons helper loads icons.""" integration = Mock(file_path=pathlib.Path(__file__)) integration.name = "Component 1" hass.config.components.add("component1") load_count = 0 def mock_load_icons_files(files): """Mock load icon files.""" nonlocal load_count load_count += 1 return {"component1": {"entity": {"climate": {"test": {"icon": "mdi:home"}}}}} with ( patch( "homeassistant.helpers.icon._load_icons_files", mock_load_icons_files, ), patch( "homeassistant.helpers.icon.async_get_integrations", return_value={"component1": integration}, ), ): times = 5 all_icons = [await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity") for _ in range(times)] assert all_icons == [ {"component1": {"climate": {"test": {"icon": "mdi:home"}}}} for _ in range(times) ] assert load_count == 1 async def test_caching(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test we cache data.""" hass.config.components.add("binary_sensor") hass.config.components.add("switch") # Patch with same method so we can count invocations with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.icon.build_resources", side_effect=icon.build_resources, ) as mock_build: load1 = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity_component") assert len(mock_build.mock_calls) == 2 load2 = await icon.async_get_icons(hass, "entity_component") assert len(mock_build.mock_calls) == 2 assert load1 == load2 assert load1["binary_sensor"] assert load1["switch"] load_switch_only = await icon.async_get_icons( hass, "entity_component", integrations={"switch"} ) assert load_switch_only assert list(load_switch_only) == ["switch"] load_binary_sensor_only = await icon.async_get_icons( hass, "entity_component", integrations={"binary_sensor"} ) assert load_binary_sensor_only assert list(load_binary_sensor_only) == ["binary_sensor"] # Check if new loaded component, trigger load hass.config.components.add("media_player") with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.icon._load_icons_files", side_effect=icon._load_icons_files, ) as mock_load: load_sensor_only = await icon.async_get_icons( hass, "entity_component", integrations={"switch"} ) assert load_sensor_only assert len(mock_load.mock_calls) == 0 await icon.async_get_icons( hass, "entity_component", integrations={"media_player"} ) assert len(mock_load.mock_calls) == 1