{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "description": "Make a choice", "menu_options": { "sensor": "Set up a file based sensor", "notify": "Set up a notification service" } }, "sensor": { "title": "File sensor", "description": "Set up a file based sensor", "data": { "file_path": "File path", "value_template": "Value template", "unit_of_measurement": "Unit of measurement" }, "data_description": { "file_path": "The local file path to retrieve the sensor value from", "value_template": "A template to render the the sensors value based on the file content", "unit_of_measurement": "Unit of measurement for the sensor" } }, "notify": { "title": "Notification to file service", "description": "Set up a service that allows to write notification to a file.", "data": { "file_path": "[%key:component::file::config::step::sensor::data::file_path%]", "timestamp": "Timestamp" }, "data_description": { "file_path": "A local file path to write the notification to", "timestamp": "Add a timestamp to the notification" } } }, "error": { "not_allowed": "Access to the selected file path is not allowed" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]" } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "value_template": "[%key:component::file::config::step::sensor::data::value_template%]", "unit_of_measurement": "[%key:component::file::config::step::sensor::data::unit_of_measurement%]", "timestamp": "[%key:component::file::config::step::notify::data::timestamp%]" }, "data_description": { "value_template": "[%key:component::file::config::step::sensor::data_description::value_template%]", "unit_of_measurement": "[%key:component::file::config::step::sensor::data_description::unit_of_measurement%]", "timestamp": "[%key:component::file::config::step::notify::data_description::timestamp%]" } } } }, "exceptions": { "dir_not_allowed": { "message": "Access to {filename} is not allowed." }, "write_access_failed": { "message": "Write access to {filename} failed: {exc}." } } }