# Describes the format for available fan services set_speed: description: Sets fan speed. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of the entities to set example: 'fan.living_room' speed: description: Speed setting example: 'low' turn_on: description: Turns fan on. fields: entity_id: description: Names(s) of the entities to turn on example: 'fan.living_room' speed: description: Speed setting example: 'high' turn_off: description: Turns fan off. fields: entity_id: description: Names(s) of the entities to turn off example: 'fan.living_room' oscillate: description: Oscillates the fan. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of the entities to oscillate example: 'fan.desk_fan' oscillating: description: Flag to turn on/off oscillation example: True toggle: description: Toggle the fan on/off. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of the entities to toggle exampl: 'fan.living_room' set_direction: description: Set the fan rotation. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of the entities to toggle example: 'fan.living_room' direction: description: The direction to rotate. Either 'forward' or 'reverse' example: 'forward' dyson_set_night_mode: description: Set the fan in night mode. fields: entity_id: description: Name(s) of the entities to enable/disable night mode example: 'fan.living_room' night_mode: description: Night mode status example: true xiaomi_miio_set_buzzer_on: description: Turn the buzzer on. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_buzzer_off: description: Turn the buzzer off. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_led_on: description: Turn the led on. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_led_off: description: Turn the led off. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_child_lock_on: description: Turn the child lock on. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_child_lock_off: description: Turn the child lock off. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_favorite_level: description: Set the favorite level. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' level: description: Level, between 0 and 16. example: 1 xiaomi_miio_set_led_brightness: description: Set the led brightness. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' brightness: description: Brightness (0 = Bright, 1 = Dim, 2 = Off) example: 1 xiaomi_miio_set_auto_detect_on: description: Turn the auto detect on. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_auto_detect_off: description: Turn the auto detect off. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_learn_mode_on: description: Turn the learn mode on. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_learn_mode_off: description: Turn the learn mode off. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_volume: description: Set the sound volume. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' volume: description: Volume, between 0 and 100. example: 50 xiaomi_miio_reset_filter: description: Reset the filter lifetime and usage. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_extra_features: description: Manipulates a storage register which advertises extra features. The Mi Home app evaluates the value. A feature called "turbo mode" is unlocked in the app on value 1. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' features: description: Integer, known values are 0 (default) and 1 (turbo mode). example: 1 xiaomi_miio_set_target_humidity: description: Set the target humidity. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' humidity: description: Target humidity. Allowed values are 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80. example: 50 xiaomi_miio_set_dry_on: description: Turn the dry mode on. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' xiaomi_miio_set_dry_off: description: Turn the dry mode off. fields: entity_id: description: Name of the xiaomi miio entity. example: 'fan.xiaomi_miio_device' wemo_set_humidity: description: Set the target humidity of WeMo humidifier devices. fields: entity_id: description: Names of the WeMo humidifier entities (0 or more entities, if no entity_id is provided, all WeMo humidifiers will have the target humidity set). example: 'fan.wemo_humidifier' target_humidity: description: Target humidity. This is a float value between 0 and 100, but will be mapped to the humidity levels that WeMo humidifiers support (45, 50, 55, 60, and 100/Max) by rounding the value down to the nearest supported value. example: 56.5