""" Support for OpenTherm Gateway devices. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at http://home-assistant.io/components/climate.opentherm_gw/ """ import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.climate import (ClimateDevice, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, STATE_IDLE, STATE_HEAT, STATE_COOL, SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE) from homeassistant.const import (ATTR_TEMPERATURE, CONF_DEVICE, CONF_NAME, PRECISION_HALVES, PRECISION_TENTHS, TEMP_CELSIUS, PRECISION_WHOLE) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv REQUIREMENTS = ['pyotgw==0.1b0'] CONF_FLOOR_TEMP = "floor_temperature" CONF_PRECISION = 'precision' PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Required(CONF_DEVICE): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default="OpenTherm Gateway"): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PRECISION): vol.In([PRECISION_TENTHS, PRECISION_HALVES, PRECISION_WHOLE]), vol.Optional(CONF_FLOOR_TEMP, default=False): cv.boolean, }) SUPPORT_FLAGS = (SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the opentherm_gw device.""" gateway = OpenThermGateway(config) async_add_entities([gateway]) class OpenThermGateway(ClimateDevice): """Representation of a climate device.""" def __init__(self, config): """Initialize the sensor.""" import pyotgw self.pyotgw = pyotgw self.gateway = self.pyotgw.pyotgw() self._device = config[CONF_DEVICE] self.friendly_name = config.get(CONF_NAME) self.floor_temp = config.get(CONF_FLOOR_TEMP) self.temp_precision = config.get(CONF_PRECISION) self._current_operation = STATE_IDLE self._current_temperature = 0.0 self._target_temperature = 0.0 self._away_mode_a = None self._away_mode_b = None self._away_state_a = False self._away_state_b = False async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Connect to the OpenTherm Gateway device.""" await self.gateway.connect(self.hass.loop, self._device) self.gateway.subscribe(self.receive_report) _LOGGER.debug("Connected to %s on %s", self.friendly_name, self._device) async def receive_report(self, status): """Receive and handle a new report from the Gateway.""" _LOGGER.debug("Received report: %s", status) ch_active = status.get(self.pyotgw.DATA_SLAVE_CH_ACTIVE) flame_on = status.get(self.pyotgw.DATA_SLAVE_FLAME_ON) cooling_active = status.get(self.pyotgw.DATA_SLAVE_COOLING_ACTIVE) if ch_active and flame_on: self._current_operation = STATE_HEAT elif cooling_active: self._current_operation = STATE_COOL else: self._current_operation = STATE_IDLE self._current_temperature = status.get(self.pyotgw.DATA_ROOM_TEMP) temp = status.get(self.pyotgw.DATA_ROOM_SETPOINT_OVRD) if temp is None: temp = status.get(self.pyotgw.DATA_ROOM_SETPOINT) self._target_temperature = temp # GPIO mode 5: 0 == Away # GPIO mode 6: 1 == Away gpio_a_state = status.get(self.pyotgw.OTGW_GPIO_A) if gpio_a_state == 5: self._away_mode_a = 0 elif gpio_a_state == 6: self._away_mode_a = 1 else: self._away_mode_a = None gpio_b_state = status.get(self.pyotgw.OTGW_GPIO_B) if gpio_b_state == 5: self._away_mode_b = 0 elif gpio_b_state == 6: self._away_mode_b = 1 else: self._away_mode_b = None if self._away_mode_a is not None: self._away_state_a = (status.get(self.pyotgw.OTGW_GPIO_A_STATE) == self._away_mode_a) if self._away_mode_b is not None: self._away_state_b = (status.get(self.pyotgw.OTGW_GPIO_B_STATE) == self._away_mode_b) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state() @property def name(self): """Return the friendly name.""" return self.friendly_name @property def precision(self): """Return the precision of the system.""" if self.temp_precision is not None: return self.temp_precision if self.hass.config.units.temperature_unit == TEMP_CELSIUS: return PRECISION_HALVES return PRECISION_WHOLE @property def should_poll(self): """Disable polling for this entity.""" return False @property def temperature_unit(self): """Return the unit of measurement used by the platform.""" return TEMP_CELSIUS @property def current_operation(self): """Return current operation ie. heat, cool, idle.""" return self._current_operation @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" if self.floor_temp is True: if self.temp_precision == PRECISION_HALVES: return int(2 * self._current_temperature) / 2 if self.temp_precision == PRECISION_TENTHS: return int(10 * self._current_temperature) / 10 return int(self._current_temperature) return self._current_temperature @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the temperature we try to reach.""" return self._target_temperature @property def target_temperature_step(self): """Return the supported step of target temperature.""" return self.temp_precision @property def is_away_mode_on(self): """Return true if away mode is on.""" return self._away_state_a or self._away_state_b async def async_set_temperature(self, **kwargs): """Set new target temperature.""" if ATTR_TEMPERATURE in kwargs: temp = float(kwargs[ATTR_TEMPERATURE]) self._target_temperature = await self.gateway.set_target_temp( temp) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state() @property def supported_features(self): """Return the list of supported features.""" return SUPPORT_FLAGS @property def min_temp(self): """Return the minimum temperature.""" return 1 @property def max_temp(self): """Return the maximum temperature.""" return 30