Support for Telldus Live.

For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
from datetime import timedelta

import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.helpers import discovery
from homeassistant.util import Throttle
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv

DOMAIN = 'tellduslive'

REQUIREMENTS = ['tellive-py==0.5.2']

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONF_PUBLIC_KEY = 'public_key'
CONF_PRIVATE_KEY = 'private_key'
CONF_TOKEN = 'token'
CONF_TOKEN_SECRET = 'token_secret'

MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SWITCH_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=1)
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SENSOR_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=5)


CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
    DOMAIN: vol.Schema({
        vol.Required(CONF_PUBLIC_KEY): cv.string,
        vol.Required(CONF_PRIVATE_KEY): cv.string,
        vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): cv.string,
        vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN_SECRET): cv.string,
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)

def setup(hass, config):
    """Setup the Telldus Live component."""
    # fixme: aquire app key and provide authentication using username+password

    global NETWORK
    NETWORK = TelldusLiveData(hass, config)

    if not NETWORK.validate_session():
            "Authentication Error: "
            "Please make sure you have configured your keys "
            "that can be aquired from https://api.telldus.com/keys/index")
        return False


    return True

def request_switches():
    """Make request to online service."""
    _LOGGER.debug("Updating switches from Telldus Live")
    switches = NETWORK.request('devices/list')
    # Filter out any group of switches.
    if switches and 'device' in switches:
        return {switch["id"]: switch for switch in switches['device']
                if switch["type"] == "device"}
    return None

def request_sensors():
    """Make request to online service."""
    _LOGGER.debug("Updating sensors from Telldus Live")
    units = NETWORK.request('sensors/list')
    # One unit can contain many sensors.
    if units and 'sensor' in units:
        return {(unit['id'], sensor['name'], sensor['scale']):
                dict(unit, data=sensor)
                for unit in units['sensor']
                for sensor in unit['data']}
    return None

class TelldusLiveData(object):
    """Get the latest data and update the states."""

    def __init__(self, hass, config):
        """Initialize the Tellus data object."""
        public_key = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_PUBLIC_KEY)
        private_key = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_PRIVATE_KEY)
        token = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_TOKEN)
        token_secret = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_TOKEN_SECRET)

        from tellive.client import LiveClient

        self._switches = {}
        self._sensors = {}

        self._hass = hass
        self._config = config

        self._client = LiveClient(
            public_key=public_key, private_key=private_key, access_token=token,

    def validate_session(self):
        """Make a dummy request to see if the session is valid."""
        response = self.request("user/profile")
        return response and 'email' in response

    def discover(self):
        """Update states, will trigger discover."""

    def _discover(self, found_devices, component_name):
        """Send discovery event if component not yet discovered."""
        if not found_devices:

        _LOGGER.info("discovered %d new %s devices",
                     len(found_devices), component_name)

        discovery.load_platform(self._hass, component_name, DOMAIN,
                                found_devices, self._config)

    def request(self, what, **params):
        """Send a request to the Tellstick Live API."""
        from tellive.live import const

        supported_methods = const.TELLSTICK_TURNON \
            | const.TELLSTICK_TURNOFF \
            | const.TELLSTICK_TOGGLE \

        # Tellstick device methods not yet supported
        #   | const.TELLSTICK_BELL \
        #   | const.TELLSTICK_DIM \
        #   | const.TELLSTICK_LEARN \
        #   | const.TELLSTICK_EXECUTE \
        #   | const.TELLSTICK_UP \
        #   | const.TELLSTICK_DOWN \
        #   | const.TELLSTICK_STOP

        default_params = {'supportedMethods': supported_methods,
                          'includeValues': 1,
                          'includeScale': 1,
                          'includeIgnored': 0}

        # room for improvement: the telllive library doesn't seem to
        # re-use sessions, instead it opens a new session for each request
        # this needs to be fixed

            response = self._client.request(what, params)
            _LOGGER.debug("got response %s", response)
            return response
        except OSError as error:
            _LOGGER.error("failed to make request to Tellduslive servers: %s",
            return None

    def update_devices(self, local_devices, remote_devices, component_name):
        """Update local device list and discover new devices."""
        if remote_devices is None:
            return local_devices

        remote_ids = remote_devices.keys()
        local_ids = local_devices.keys()

        added_devices = list(remote_ids - local_ids)

        removed_devices = list(local_ids - remote_ids)
        remote_devices.update({id: dict(local_devices[id], offline=True)
                               for id in removed_devices})

        return remote_devices

    def update_sensors(self):
        """Update local list of sensors."""
        self._sensors = self.update_devices(
            self._sensors, request_sensors(), 'sensor')

    def update_switches(self):
        """Update local list of switches."""
        self._switches = self.update_devices(
            self._switches, request_switches(), 'switch')

    def _check_request(self, what, **params):
        """Make request, check result if successful."""
        response = self.request(what, **params)
        return response and response.get('status') == 'success'

    def get_switch(self, switch_id):
        """Return the switch representation."""
        return self._switches[switch_id]

    def get_sensor(self, sensor_id):
        """Return the sensor representation."""
        return self._sensors[sensor_id]

    def turn_switch_on(self, switch_id):
        """Turn switch off."""
        if self._check_request('device/turnOn', id=switch_id):
            from tellive.live import const
            self.get_switch(switch_id)['state'] = const.TELLSTICK_TURNON

    def turn_switch_off(self, switch_id):
        """Turn switch on."""
        if self._check_request('device/turnOff', id=switch_id):
            from tellive.live import const
            self.get_switch(switch_id)['state'] = const.TELLSTICK_TURNOFF