"""Base class for Wyoming providers.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from wyoming.client import AsyncTcpClient from wyoming.info import Describe, Info, Satellite from homeassistant.const import Platform from .error import WyomingError _INFO_TIMEOUT = 1 _INFO_RETRY_WAIT = 2 _INFO_RETRIES = 3 class WyomingService: """Hold info for Wyoming service.""" def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, info: Info) -> None: """Initialize Wyoming service.""" self.host = host self.port = port self.info = info platforms = [] if any(asr.installed for asr in info.asr): platforms.append(Platform.STT) if any(tts.installed for tts in info.tts): platforms.append(Platform.TTS) if any(wake.installed for wake in info.wake): platforms.append(Platform.WAKE_WORD) self.platforms = platforms def has_services(self) -> bool: """Return True if services are installed that Home Assistant can use.""" return ( any(asr for asr in self.info.asr if asr.installed) or any(tts for tts in self.info.tts if tts.installed) or any(wake for wake in self.info.wake if wake.installed) or ((self.info.satellite is not None) and self.info.satellite.installed) ) def get_name(self) -> str | None: """Return name of first installed usable service.""" # ASR = automated speech recognition (speech-to-text) asr_installed = [asr for asr in self.info.asr if asr.installed] if asr_installed: return asr_installed[0].name # TTS = text-to-speech tts_installed = [tts for tts in self.info.tts if tts.installed] if tts_installed: return tts_installed[0].name # wake-word-detection wake_installed = [wake for wake in self.info.wake if wake.installed] if wake_installed: return wake_installed[0].name # satellite satellite_installed: Satellite | None = None if (self.info.satellite is not None) and self.info.satellite.installed: satellite_installed = self.info.satellite if satellite_installed: return satellite_installed.name return None @classmethod async def create(cls, host: str, port: int) -> WyomingService | None: """Create a Wyoming service.""" info = await load_wyoming_info(host, port) if info is None: return None return cls(host, port, info) async def load_wyoming_info( host: str, port: int, retries: int = _INFO_RETRIES, retry_wait: float = _INFO_RETRY_WAIT, timeout: float = _INFO_TIMEOUT, ) -> Info | None: """Load info from Wyoming server.""" wyoming_info: Info | None = None for _ in range(retries + 1): try: async with AsyncTcpClient(host, port) as client, asyncio.timeout(timeout): # Describe -> Info await client.write_event(Describe().event()) while True: event = await client.read_event() if event is None: raise WyomingError( "Connection closed unexpectedly", ) if Info.is_type(event.type): wyoming_info = Info.from_event(event) break # while if wyoming_info is not None: break # for except (TimeoutError, OSError, WyomingError): # Sleep and try again await asyncio.sleep(retry_wait) return wyoming_info