"""Support for Apple HomeKit.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Iterable from copy import deepcopy import ipaddress import logging import os import socket from typing import Any, cast from aiohttp import web from pyhap.characteristic import Characteristic from pyhap.const import STANDALONE_AID from pyhap.loader import get_loader from pyhap.service import Service import voluptuous as vol from zeroconf.asyncio import AsyncZeroconf from homeassistant.components import device_automation, network, zeroconf from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import ( DOMAIN as BINARY_SENSOR_DOMAIN, BinarySensorDeviceClass, ) from homeassistant.components.camera import DOMAIN as CAMERA_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.device_automation.trigger import ( async_validate_trigger_config, ) from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.humidifier import DOMAIN as HUMIDIFIER_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN as SENSOR_DOMAIN, SensorDeviceClass from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_IMPORT, ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING, ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_HW_VERSION, ATTR_MANUFACTURER, ATTR_MODEL, ATTR_SW_VERSION, CONF_DEVICES, CONF_IP_ADDRESS, CONF_NAME, CONF_PORT, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, SERVICE_RELOAD, ) from homeassistant.core import ( CALLBACK_TYPE, CoreState, HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, State, callback, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError, Unauthorized from homeassistant.helpers import ( config_validation as cv, device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er, instance_id, ) from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entityfilter import ( BASE_FILTER_SCHEMA, FILTER_SCHEMA, EntityFilter, ) from homeassistant.helpers.reload import async_integration_yaml_config from homeassistant.helpers.service import ( async_extract_referenced_entity_ids, async_register_admin_service, ) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.loader import IntegrationNotFound, async_get_integration from . import ( # noqa: F401 type_cameras, type_covers, type_fans, type_humidifiers, type_lights, type_locks, type_media_players, type_remotes, type_security_systems, type_sensors, type_switches, type_thermostats, ) from .accessories import HomeAccessory, HomeBridge, HomeDriver, get_accessory from .aidmanager import AccessoryAidStorage from .const import ( ATTR_INTEGRATION, BRIDGE_NAME, BRIDGE_SERIAL_NUMBER, CONF_ADVERTISE_IP, CONF_ENTITY_CONFIG, CONF_ENTRY_INDEX, CONF_EXCLUDE_ACCESSORY_MODE, CONF_FILTER, CONF_HOMEKIT_MODE, CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_CHARGING_SENSOR, CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_SENSOR, CONF_LINKED_DOORBELL_SENSOR, CONF_LINKED_HUMIDITY_SENSOR, CONF_LINKED_MOTION_SENSOR, CONFIG_OPTIONS, DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_ACCESSORY_MODE, DEFAULT_HOMEKIT_MODE, DEFAULT_PORT, DOMAIN, HOMEKIT_MODE_ACCESSORY, HOMEKIT_MODES, MANUFACTURER, PERSIST_LOCK_DATA, SERVICE_HOMEKIT_RESET_ACCESSORY, SERVICE_HOMEKIT_UNPAIR, SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, ) from .iidmanager import AccessoryIIDStorage from .models import HomeKitEntryData from .type_triggers import DeviceTriggerAccessory from .util import ( accessory_friendly_name, async_dismiss_setup_message, async_port_is_available, async_show_setup_message, get_persist_fullpath_for_entry_id, remove_state_files_for_entry_id, state_needs_accessory_mode, validate_entity_config, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAX_DEVICES = 150 # includes the bridge # #### Driver Status #### STATUS_READY = 0 STATUS_RUNNING = 1 STATUS_STOPPED = 2 STATUS_WAIT = 3 PORT_CLEANUP_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS = 1 _HOMEKIT_CONFIG_UPDATE_TIME = ( 10 # number of seconds to wait for homekit to see the c# change ) _HAS_IPV6 = hasattr(socket, "AF_INET6") _DEFAULT_BIND = ["", "::"] if _HAS_IPV6 else [""] def _has_all_unique_names_and_ports( bridges: list[dict[str, Any]], ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Validate that each homekit bridge configured has a unique name.""" names = [bridge[CONF_NAME] for bridge in bridges] ports = [bridge[CONF_PORT] for bridge in bridges] vol.Schema(vol.Unique())(names) vol.Schema(vol.Unique())(ports) return bridges BRIDGE_SCHEMA = vol.All( vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_HOMEKIT_MODE, default=DEFAULT_HOMEKIT_MODE): vol.In( HOMEKIT_MODES ), vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=BRIDGE_NAME): vol.All( cv.string, vol.Length(min=3, max=25) ), vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_IP_ADDRESS): vol.All(ipaddress.ip_address, cv.string), vol.Optional(CONF_ADVERTISE_IP): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [ipaddress.ip_address], [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(CONF_FILTER, default={}): BASE_FILTER_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITY_CONFIG, default={}): validate_entity_config, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICES): cv.ensure_list, }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ), ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [BRIDGE_SCHEMA], _has_all_unique_names_and_ports)}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) RESET_ACCESSORY_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {vol.Required(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids} ) UNPAIR_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.All( vol.Schema(cv.ENTITY_SERVICE_FIELDS), cv.has_at_least_one_key(ATTR_DEVICE_ID), ) def _async_all_homekit_instances(hass: HomeAssistant) -> list[HomeKit]: """All active HomeKit instances.""" domain_data: dict[str, HomeKitEntryData] = hass.data[DOMAIN] return [data.homekit for data in domain_data.values()] def _async_get_imported_entries_indices( current_entries: list[ConfigEntry], ) -> tuple[dict[str, ConfigEntry], dict[int, ConfigEntry]]: """Return a dicts of the entries by name and port.""" # For backwards compat, its possible the first bridge is using the default # name. entries_by_name: dict[str, ConfigEntry] = {} entries_by_port: dict[int, ConfigEntry] = {} for entry in current_entries: if entry.source != SOURCE_IMPORT: continue entries_by_name[entry.data.get(CONF_NAME, BRIDGE_NAME)] = entry entries_by_port[entry.data.get(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT)] = entry return entries_by_name, entries_by_port async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up the HomeKit from yaml.""" hass.data[DOMAIN] = {} hass.data[PERSIST_LOCK_DATA] = asyncio.Lock() # Initialize the loader before loading entries to ensure # there is no race where multiple entries try to load it # at the same time. await hass.async_add_executor_job(get_loader) _async_register_events_and_services(hass) if DOMAIN not in config: return True current_entries = hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) entries_by_name, entries_by_port = _async_get_imported_entries_indices( current_entries ) for index, conf in enumerate(config[DOMAIN]): if _async_update_config_entry_from_yaml( hass, entries_by_name, entries_by_port, conf ): continue conf[CONF_ENTRY_INDEX] = index hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_IMPORT}, data=conf, ), eager_start=True, ) return True @callback def _async_update_config_entry_from_yaml( hass: HomeAssistant, entries_by_name: dict[str, ConfigEntry], entries_by_port: dict[int, ConfigEntry], conf: ConfigType, ) -> bool: """Update a config entry with the latest yaml. Returns True if a matching config entry was found Returns False if there is no matching config entry """ if not ( matching_entry := entries_by_name.get(conf.get(CONF_NAME, BRIDGE_NAME)) or entries_by_port.get(conf.get(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT)) ): return False # If they alter the yaml config we import the changes # since there currently is no practical way to support # all the options in the UI at this time. data = conf.copy() options = {} for key in CONFIG_OPTIONS: if key in data: options[key] = data[key] del data[key] hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(matching_entry, data=data, options=options) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up HomeKit from a config entry.""" _async_import_options_from_data_if_missing(hass, entry) conf = entry.data options = entry.options name = conf[CONF_NAME] port = conf[CONF_PORT] _LOGGER.debug("Begin setup HomeKit for %s", name) # ip_address and advertise_ip are yaml only ip_address = conf.get(CONF_IP_ADDRESS, _DEFAULT_BIND) advertise_ips: list[str] = conf.get( CONF_ADVERTISE_IP ) or await network.async_get_announce_addresses(hass) # exclude_accessory_mode is only used for config flow # to indicate that the config entry was setup after # we started creating config entries for entities that # to run in accessory mode and that we should never include # these entities on the bridge. For backwards compatibility # with users who have not migrated yet we do not do exclude # these entities by default as we cannot migrate automatically # since it requires a re-pairing. exclude_accessory_mode = conf.get( CONF_EXCLUDE_ACCESSORY_MODE, DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_ACCESSORY_MODE ) homekit_mode = options.get(CONF_HOMEKIT_MODE, DEFAULT_HOMEKIT_MODE) entity_config = options.get(CONF_ENTITY_CONFIG, {}).copy() entity_filter = FILTER_SCHEMA(options.get(CONF_FILTER, {})) devices = options.get(CONF_DEVICES, []) homekit = HomeKit( hass, name, port, ip_address, entity_filter, exclude_accessory_mode, entity_config, homekit_mode, advertise_ips, entry.entry_id, entry.title, devices=devices, ) entry.async_on_unload(entry.add_update_listener(_async_update_listener)) entry.async_on_unload( hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, homekit.async_stop) ) entry_data = HomeKitEntryData( homekit=homekit, pairing_qr=None, pairing_qr_secret=None ) hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] = entry_data if hass.state is CoreState.running: await homekit.async_start() else: hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, homekit.async_start) return True async def _async_update_listener(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Handle options update.""" if entry.source == SOURCE_IMPORT: return await hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" async_dismiss_setup_message(hass, entry.entry_id) entry_data: HomeKitEntryData = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] homekit = entry_data.homekit if homekit.status == STATUS_RUNNING: await homekit.async_stop() logged_shutdown_wait = False for _ in range(0, SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT): if async_port_is_available(entry.data[CONF_PORT]): break if not logged_shutdown_wait: _LOGGER.info("Waiting for the HomeKit server to shutdown") logged_shutdown_wait = True await asyncio.sleep(PORT_CLEANUP_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS) hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) return True async def async_remove_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Remove a config entry.""" await hass.async_add_executor_job( remove_state_files_for_entry_id, hass, entry.entry_id ) @callback def _async_import_options_from_data_if_missing( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry ) -> None: options = deepcopy(dict(entry.options)) data = deepcopy(dict(entry.data)) modified = False for importable_option in CONFIG_OPTIONS: if importable_option not in entry.options and importable_option in entry.data: options[importable_option] = entry.data[importable_option] del data[importable_option] modified = True if modified: hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, data=data, options=options) @callback def _async_register_events_and_services(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Register events and services for HomeKit.""" hass.http.register_view(HomeKitPairingQRView) async def async_handle_homekit_reset_accessory(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Handle reset accessory HomeKit service call.""" for homekit in _async_all_homekit_instances(hass): if homekit.status != STATUS_RUNNING: _LOGGER.warning( "HomeKit is not running. Either it is waiting to be " "started or has been stopped" ) continue entity_ids = cast(list[str], service.data.get("entity_id")) await homekit.async_reset_accessories(entity_ids) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_HOMEKIT_RESET_ACCESSORY, async_handle_homekit_reset_accessory, schema=RESET_ACCESSORY_SERVICE_SCHEMA, ) async def async_handle_homekit_unpair(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Handle unpair HomeKit service call.""" referenced = async_extract_referenced_entity_ids(hass, service) dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) for device_id in referenced.referenced_devices: if not (dev_reg_ent := dev_reg.async_get(device_id)): raise HomeAssistantError(f"No device found for device id: {device_id}") macs = [ cval for ctype, cval in dev_reg_ent.connections if ctype == dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC ] matching_instances = [ homekit for homekit in _async_all_homekit_instances(hass) if homekit.driver and dr.format_mac(homekit.driver.state.mac) in macs ] if not matching_instances: raise HomeAssistantError( f"No homekit accessory found for device id: {device_id}" ) for homekit in matching_instances: homekit.async_unpair() hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_HOMEKIT_UNPAIR, async_handle_homekit_unpair, schema=UNPAIR_SERVICE_SCHEMA, ) async def _handle_homekit_reload(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Handle start HomeKit service call.""" config = await async_integration_yaml_config(hass, DOMAIN) if not config or DOMAIN not in config: return current_entries = hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) entries_by_name, entries_by_port = _async_get_imported_entries_indices( current_entries ) for conf in config[DOMAIN]: _async_update_config_entry_from_yaml( hass, entries_by_name, entries_by_port, conf ) reload_tasks = [ hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) for entry in current_entries ] await asyncio.gather(*reload_tasks) async_register_admin_service( hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD, _handle_homekit_reload, ) class HomeKit: """Class to handle all actions between HomeKit and Home Assistant.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, name: str, port: int, ip_address: str | None, entity_filter: EntityFilter, exclude_accessory_mode: bool, entity_config: dict, homekit_mode: str, advertise_ips: list[str], entry_id: str, entry_title: str, devices: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a HomeKit object.""" self.hass = hass self._name = name self._port = port self._ip_address = ip_address self._filter = entity_filter self._config = entity_config self._exclude_accessory_mode = exclude_accessory_mode self._advertise_ips = advertise_ips self._entry_id = entry_id self._entry_title = entry_title self._homekit_mode = homekit_mode self._devices = devices or [] self.aid_storage: AccessoryAidStorage | None = None self.iid_storage: AccessoryIIDStorage | None = None self.status = STATUS_READY self.driver: HomeDriver | None = None self.bridge: HomeBridge | None = None self._reset_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._cancel_reload_dispatcher: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None def setup(self, async_zeroconf_instance: AsyncZeroconf, uuid: str) -> None: """Set up bridge and accessory driver.""" assert self.iid_storage is not None persist_file = get_persist_fullpath_for_entry_id(self.hass, self._entry_id) self.driver = HomeDriver( self.hass, self._entry_id, self._name, self._entry_title, loop=self.hass.loop, address=self._ip_address, port=self._port, persist_file=persist_file, advertised_address=self._advertise_ips, async_zeroconf_instance=async_zeroconf_instance, zeroconf_server=f"{uuid}-hap.local.", loader=get_loader(), iid_storage=self.iid_storage, ) # If we do not load the mac address will be wrong # as pyhap uses a random one until state is restored if os.path.exists(persist_file): self.driver.load() async def async_reset_accessories(self, entity_ids: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Reset the accessory to load the latest configuration.""" _LOGGER.debug("Resetting accessories: %s", entity_ids) async with self._reset_lock: if not self.bridge: # For accessory mode reset and reload are the same await self._async_reload_accessories_in_accessory_mode(entity_ids) return await self._async_reset_accessories_in_bridge_mode(entity_ids) async def async_reload_accessories(self, entity_ids: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Reload the accessory to load the latest configuration.""" _LOGGER.debug("Reloading accessories: %s", entity_ids) async with self._reset_lock: if not self.bridge: await self._async_reload_accessories_in_accessory_mode(entity_ids) return await self._async_reload_accessories_in_bridge_mode(entity_ids) @callback def _async_shutdown_accessory(self, accessory: HomeAccessory) -> None: """Shutdown an accessory.""" assert self.driver is not None accessory.async_stop() # Deallocate the IIDs for the accessory iid_manager = accessory.iid_manager services: list[Service] = accessory.services for service in services: iid_manager.remove_obj(service) characteristics: list[Characteristic] = service.characteristics for char in characteristics: iid_manager.remove_obj(char) async def _async_reload_accessories_in_accessory_mode( self, entity_ids: Iterable[str] ) -> None: """Reset accessories in accessory mode.""" assert self.driver is not None acc = cast(HomeAccessory, self.driver.accessory) if acc.entity_id not in entity_ids: return if not (state := self.hass.states.get(acc.entity_id)): _LOGGER.warning( "The underlying entity %s disappeared during reload", acc.entity_id ) return self._async_shutdown_accessory(acc) if new_acc := self._async_create_single_accessory([state]): self.driver.accessory = new_acc new_acc.run() self._async_update_accessories_hash() def _async_remove_accessories_by_entity_id( self, entity_ids: Iterable[str] ) -> list[str]: """Remove accessories by entity id.""" assert self.aid_storage is not None assert self.bridge is not None removed: list[str] = [] acc: HomeAccessory | None for entity_id in entity_ids: aid = self.aid_storage.get_or_allocate_aid_for_entity_id(entity_id) if aid not in self.bridge.accessories: continue if acc := self.async_remove_bridge_accessory(aid): self._async_shutdown_accessory(acc) removed.append(entity_id) return removed async def _async_reset_accessories_in_bridge_mode( self, entity_ids: Iterable[str] ) -> None: """Reset accessories in bridge mode.""" if not (removed := self._async_remove_accessories_by_entity_id(entity_ids)): _LOGGER.debug("No accessories to reset in bridge mode for: %s", entity_ids) return # With a reset, we need to remove the accessories, # and force config change so iCloud deletes them from # the database. assert self.driver is not None self._async_update_accessories_hash() await asyncio.sleep(_HOMEKIT_CONFIG_UPDATE_TIME) await self._async_recreate_removed_accessories_in_bridge_mode(removed) async def _async_reload_accessories_in_bridge_mode( self, entity_ids: Iterable[str] ) -> None: """Reload accessories in bridge mode.""" removed = self._async_remove_accessories_by_entity_id(entity_ids) await self._async_recreate_removed_accessories_in_bridge_mode(removed) async def _async_recreate_removed_accessories_in_bridge_mode( self, removed: list[str] ) -> None: """Recreate removed accessories in bridge mode.""" for entity_id in removed: if not (state := self.hass.states.get(entity_id)): _LOGGER.warning( "The underlying entity %s disappeared during reload", entity_id ) continue if acc := self.add_bridge_accessory(state): acc.run() self._async_update_accessories_hash() @callback def _async_update_accessories_hash(self) -> bool: """Update the accessories hash.""" assert self.driver is not None driver = self.driver old_hash = driver.state.accessories_hash new_hash = driver.accessories_hash if driver.state.set_accessories_hash(new_hash): _LOGGER.debug( "Updating HomeKit accessories hash from %s -> %s", old_hash, new_hash ) driver.async_persist() driver.async_update_advertisement() return True _LOGGER.debug("HomeKit accessories hash is unchanged: %s", new_hash) return False def add_bridge_accessory(self, state: State) -> HomeAccessory | None: """Try adding accessory to bridge if configured beforehand.""" assert self.driver is not None if self._would_exceed_max_devices(state.entity_id): return None if state_needs_accessory_mode(state): if self._exclude_accessory_mode: return None _LOGGER.warning( ( "The bridge %s has entity %s. For best performance, " "and to prevent unexpected unavailability, create and " "pair a separate HomeKit instance in accessory mode for " "this entity" ), self._name, state.entity_id, ) assert self.aid_storage is not None assert self.bridge is not None aid = self.aid_storage.get_or_allocate_aid_for_entity_id(state.entity_id) conf = self._config.get(state.entity_id, {}).copy() # If an accessory cannot be created or added due to an exception # of any kind (usually in pyhap) it should not prevent # the rest of the accessories from being created try: acc = get_accessory(self.hass, self.driver, state, aid, conf) if acc is not None: self.bridge.add_accessory(acc) return acc except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception( "Failed to create a HomeKit accessory for %s", state.entity_id ) return None def _would_exceed_max_devices(self, name: str | None) -> bool: """Check if adding another devices would reach the limit and log.""" # The bridge itself counts as an accessory assert self.bridge is not None if len(self.bridge.accessories) + 1 >= MAX_DEVICES: _LOGGER.warning( ( "Cannot add %s as this would exceed the %d device limit. Consider" " using the filter option" ), name, MAX_DEVICES, ) return True return False async def add_bridge_triggers_accessory( self, device: dr.DeviceEntry, device_triggers: list[dict[str, Any]] ) -> None: """Add device automation triggers to the bridge.""" if self._would_exceed_max_devices(device.name): return assert self.aid_storage is not None assert self.bridge is not None aid = self.aid_storage.get_or_allocate_aid(device.id, device.id) # If an accessory cannot be created or added due to an exception # of any kind (usually in pyhap) it should not prevent # the rest of the accessories from being created config: dict[str, Any] = {} self._fill_config_from_device_registry_entry(device, config) trigger_accessory = DeviceTriggerAccessory( self.hass, self.driver, device.name, None, aid, config, device_id=device.id, device_triggers=device_triggers, ) await trigger_accessory.async_attach() self.bridge.add_accessory(trigger_accessory) @callback def async_remove_bridge_accessory(self, aid: int) -> HomeAccessory | None: """Try adding accessory to bridge if configured beforehand.""" assert self.bridge is not None if acc := self.bridge.accessories.pop(aid, None): return cast(HomeAccessory, acc) return None async def async_configure_accessories(self) -> list[State]: """Configure accessories for the included states.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(self.hass) ent_reg = er.async_get(self.hass) device_lookup = ent_reg.async_get_device_class_lookup( { (BINARY_SENSOR_DOMAIN, BinarySensorDeviceClass.BATTERY_CHARGING), (BINARY_SENSOR_DOMAIN, BinarySensorDeviceClass.MOTION), (BINARY_SENSOR_DOMAIN, BinarySensorDeviceClass.OCCUPANCY), (SENSOR_DOMAIN, SensorDeviceClass.BATTERY), (SENSOR_DOMAIN, SensorDeviceClass.HUMIDITY), } ) entity_states: list[State] = [] entity_filter = self._filter.get_filter() for state in self.hass.states.async_all(): entity_id = state.entity_id if not entity_filter(entity_id): continue if ent_reg_ent := ent_reg.async_get(entity_id): if ( ent_reg_ent.entity_category is not None or ent_reg_ent.hidden_by is not None ) and not self._filter.explicitly_included(entity_id): continue await self._async_set_device_info_attributes( ent_reg_ent, dev_reg, entity_id ) self._async_configure_linked_sensors(ent_reg_ent, device_lookup, state) entity_states.append(state) return entity_states async def async_start(self, *args: Any) -> None: """Load storage and start.""" if self.status != STATUS_READY: return self.status = STATUS_WAIT self._cancel_reload_dispatcher = async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, f"homekit_reload_entities_{self._entry_id}", self.async_reload_accessories, ) async_zc_instance = await zeroconf.async_get_async_instance(self.hass) uuid = await instance_id.async_get(self.hass) self.aid_storage = AccessoryAidStorage(self.hass, self._entry_id) self.iid_storage = AccessoryIIDStorage(self.hass, self._entry_id) # Avoid gather here since it will be I/O bound anyways await self.aid_storage.async_initialize() await self.iid_storage.async_initialize() await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.setup, async_zc_instance, uuid) assert self.driver is not None if not await self._async_create_accessories(): return self._async_register_bridge() _LOGGER.debug("Driver start for %s", self._name) await self.driver.async_start() async with self.hass.data[PERSIST_LOCK_DATA]: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.driver.persist) self.status = STATUS_RUNNING if self.driver.state.paired: return self._async_show_setup_message() @callback def _async_show_setup_message(self) -> None: """Show the pairing setup message.""" assert self.driver is not None async_show_setup_message( self.hass, self._entry_id, accessory_friendly_name(self._entry_title, self.driver.accessory), self.driver.state.pincode, self.driver.accessory.xhm_uri(), ) @callback def async_unpair(self) -> None: """Remove all pairings for an accessory so it can be repaired.""" assert self.driver is not None state = self.driver.state for client_uuid in list(state.paired_clients): # We need to check again since removing a single client # can result in removing all the clients that the client # granted access to if it was an admin, otherwise # remove_paired_client can generate a KeyError if client_uuid in state.paired_clients: state.remove_paired_client(client_uuid) self.driver.async_persist() self.driver.async_update_advertisement() self._async_show_setup_message() @callback def _async_register_bridge(self) -> None: """Register the bridge as a device so homekit_controller and exclude it from discovery.""" assert self.driver is not None dev_reg = dr.async_get(self.hass) formatted_mac = dr.format_mac(self.driver.state.mac) # Connections and identifiers are both used here. # # connections exists so homekit_controller can know the # virtual mac address of the bridge and know to not offer # it via discovery. # # identifiers is used as well since the virtual mac may change # because it will not survive manual pairing resets (deleting state file) # which we have trained users to do over the past few years # because this was the way you had to fix homekit when pairing # failed. # connection = (dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, formatted_mac) identifier = (DOMAIN, self._entry_id, BRIDGE_SERIAL_NUMBER) self._async_purge_old_bridges(dev_reg, identifier, connection) accessory_type = type(self.driver.accessory).__name__ dev_reg.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=self._entry_id, identifiers={ identifier # type: ignore[arg-type] }, # this needs to be migrated as a 2 item tuple at some point connections={connection}, manufacturer=MANUFACTURER, name=accessory_friendly_name(self._entry_title, self.driver.accessory), model=accessory_type, entry_type=dr.DeviceEntryType.SERVICE, ) @callback def _async_purge_old_bridges( self, dev_reg: dr.DeviceRegistry, identifier: tuple[str, str, str], connection: tuple[str, str], ) -> None: """Purge bridges that exist from failed pairing or manual resets.""" devices_to_purge = [] for entry in dev_reg.devices.values(): if self._entry_id in entry.config_entries and ( identifier not in entry.identifiers # type: ignore[comparison-overlap] or connection not in entry.connections ): devices_to_purge.append(entry.id) for device_id in devices_to_purge: dev_reg.async_remove_device(device_id) @callback def _async_create_single_accessory( self, entity_states: list[State] ) -> HomeAccessory | None: """Create a single HomeKit accessory (accessory mode).""" assert self.driver is not None if not entity_states: _LOGGER.error( "HomeKit %s cannot startup: entity not available: %s", self._name, self._filter.config, ) return None state = entity_states[0] conf = self._config.get(state.entity_id, {}).copy() acc = get_accessory(self.hass, self.driver, state, STANDALONE_AID, conf) if acc is None: _LOGGER.error( "HomeKit %s cannot startup: entity not supported: %s", self._name, self._filter.config, ) return acc async def _async_create_bridge_accessory( self, entity_states: Iterable[State] ) -> HomeAccessory: """Create a HomeKit bridge with accessories. (bridge mode).""" assert self.driver is not None self.bridge = HomeBridge(self.hass, self.driver, self._name) for state in entity_states: self.add_bridge_accessory(state) if self._devices: await self._async_add_trigger_accessories() return self.bridge async def _async_add_trigger_accessories(self) -> None: """Add devices with triggers to the bridge.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(self.hass) valid_device_ids = [] for device_id in self._devices: if not dev_reg.async_get(device_id): _LOGGER.warning( ( "HomeKit %s cannot add device %s because it is missing from the" " device registry" ), self._name, device_id, ) else: valid_device_ids.append(device_id) for device_id, device_triggers in ( await device_automation.async_get_device_automations( self.hass, device_automation.DeviceAutomationType.TRIGGER, valid_device_ids, ) ).items(): device = dev_reg.async_get(device_id) assert device is not None valid_device_triggers: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] for trigger in device_triggers: try: await async_validate_trigger_config(self.hass, trigger) except vol.Invalid as ex: _LOGGER.debug( ( "%s: cannot add unsupported trigger %s because it requires" " additional inputs which are not supported by HomeKit: %s" ), self._name, trigger, ex, ) continue valid_device_triggers.append(trigger) await self.add_bridge_triggers_accessory(device, valid_device_triggers) async def _async_create_accessories(self) -> bool: """Create the accessories.""" assert self.driver is not None entity_states = await self.async_configure_accessories() if self._homekit_mode == HOMEKIT_MODE_ACCESSORY: acc = self._async_create_single_accessory(entity_states) else: acc = await self._async_create_bridge_accessory(entity_states) if acc is None: return False # No need to load/persist as we do it in setup self.driver.accessory = acc return True async def async_stop(self, *args: Any) -> None: """Stop the accessory driver.""" if self.status != STATUS_RUNNING: return async with self._reset_lock: self.status = STATUS_STOPPED assert self._cancel_reload_dispatcher is not None self._cancel_reload_dispatcher() _LOGGER.debug("Driver stop for %s", self._name) if self.driver: await self.driver.async_stop() @callback def _async_configure_linked_sensors( self, ent_reg_ent: er.RegistryEntry, device_lookup: dict[str, dict[tuple[str, str | None], str]], state: State, ) -> None: if ( ent_reg_ent is None or ent_reg_ent.device_id is None or ent_reg_ent.device_id not in device_lookup or (ent_reg_ent.device_class or ent_reg_ent.original_device_class) in (BinarySensorDeviceClass.BATTERY_CHARGING, SensorDeviceClass.BATTERY) ): return if ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING not in state.attributes: battery_charging_binary_sensor_entity_id = device_lookup[ ent_reg_ent.device_id ].get((BINARY_SENSOR_DOMAIN, BinarySensorDeviceClass.BATTERY_CHARGING)) if battery_charging_binary_sensor_entity_id: self._config.setdefault(state.entity_id, {}).setdefault( CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_CHARGING_SENSOR, battery_charging_binary_sensor_entity_id, ) if ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL not in state.attributes: battery_sensor_entity_id = device_lookup[ent_reg_ent.device_id].get( (SENSOR_DOMAIN, SensorDeviceClass.BATTERY) ) if battery_sensor_entity_id: self._config.setdefault(state.entity_id, {}).setdefault( CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_SENSOR, battery_sensor_entity_id ) if state.entity_id.startswith(f"{CAMERA_DOMAIN}."): motion_binary_sensor_entity_id = device_lookup[ent_reg_ent.device_id].get( (BINARY_SENSOR_DOMAIN, BinarySensorDeviceClass.MOTION) ) if motion_binary_sensor_entity_id: self._config.setdefault(state.entity_id, {}).setdefault( CONF_LINKED_MOTION_SENSOR, motion_binary_sensor_entity_id, ) doorbell_binary_sensor_entity_id = device_lookup[ent_reg_ent.device_id].get( (BINARY_SENSOR_DOMAIN, BinarySensorDeviceClass.OCCUPANCY) ) if doorbell_binary_sensor_entity_id: self._config.setdefault(state.entity_id, {}).setdefault( CONF_LINKED_DOORBELL_SENSOR, doorbell_binary_sensor_entity_id, ) if state.entity_id.startswith(f"{HUMIDIFIER_DOMAIN}."): current_humidity_sensor_entity_id = device_lookup[ ent_reg_ent.device_id ].get((SENSOR_DOMAIN, SensorDeviceClass.HUMIDITY)) if current_humidity_sensor_entity_id: self._config.setdefault(state.entity_id, {}).setdefault( CONF_LINKED_HUMIDITY_SENSOR, current_humidity_sensor_entity_id, ) async def _async_set_device_info_attributes( self, ent_reg_ent: er.RegistryEntry, dev_reg: dr.DeviceRegistry, entity_id: str, ) -> None: """Set attributes that will be used for homekit device info.""" ent_cfg = self._config.setdefault(entity_id, {}) if ent_reg_ent.device_id: if dev_reg_ent := dev_reg.async_get(ent_reg_ent.device_id): self._fill_config_from_device_registry_entry(dev_reg_ent, ent_cfg) if ATTR_MANUFACTURER not in ent_cfg: try: integration = await async_get_integration( self.hass, ent_reg_ent.platform ) ent_cfg[ATTR_INTEGRATION] = integration.name except IntegrationNotFound: ent_cfg[ATTR_INTEGRATION] = ent_reg_ent.platform def _fill_config_from_device_registry_entry( self, device_entry: dr.DeviceEntry, config: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Populate a config dict from the registry.""" if device_entry.manufacturer: config[ATTR_MANUFACTURER] = device_entry.manufacturer if device_entry.model: config[ATTR_MODEL] = device_entry.model if device_entry.sw_version: config[ATTR_SW_VERSION] = device_entry.sw_version if device_entry.hw_version: config[ATTR_HW_VERSION] = device_entry.hw_version if device_entry.config_entries: first_entry = list(device_entry.config_entries)[0] if entry := self.hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(first_entry): config[ATTR_INTEGRATION] = entry.domain class HomeKitPairingQRView(HomeAssistantView): """Display the homekit pairing code at a protected url.""" url = "/api/homekit/pairingqr" name = "api:homekit:pairingqr" requires_auth = False async def get(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: """Retrieve the pairing QRCode image.""" if not request.query_string: raise Unauthorized() entry_id, secret = request.query_string.split("-") hass: HomeAssistant = request.app["hass"] domain_data: dict[str, HomeKitEntryData] = hass.data[DOMAIN] if ( not (entry_data := domain_data.get(entry_id)) or not secret or not entry_data.pairing_qr_secret or secret != entry_data.pairing_qr_secret ): raise Unauthorized() return web.Response( body=entry_data.pairing_qr, content_type="image/svg+xml", )