{ "title": "Counter", "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "[%key:component::counter::title%]", "state_attributes": { "editable": { "name": "[%key:common::generic::ui_managed%]", "state": { "true": "[%key:common::state::yes%]", "false": "[%key:common::state::no%]" } }, "initial": { "name": "Initial value" }, "maximum": { "name": "Maximum" }, "minimum": { "name": "Minimum" }, "step": { "name": "Step" } } } }, "issues": { "deprecated_configure_service": { "title": "The counter configure service is being removed", "fix_flow": { "step": { "confirm": { "title": "[%key:component::counter::issues::deprecated_configure_service::title%]", "description": "The counter service `counter.configure` is being removed and use of it has been detected. If you want to change the current value of a counter, use the new `counter.set_value` service instead.\n\nPlease remove this service from your automations and scripts and select **submit** to close this issue." } } } } }, "services": { "decrement": { "name": "Decrement", "description": "Decrements a counter." }, "increment": { "name": "Increment", "description": "Increments a counter." }, "reset": { "name": "Reset", "description": "Resets a counter." }, "set_value": { "name": "Set", "description": "Sets the counter value.", "fields": { "value": { "name": "Value", "description": "The new counter value the entity should be set to." } } } } }