"""UniFi entity representation.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod from collections.abc import Callable from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, TypeVar import aiounifi from aiounifi.interfaces.api_handlers import ( APIHandler, CallbackType, ItemEvent, UnsubscribeType, ) from aiounifi.models.api import ApiItemT from aiounifi.models.event import Event, EventKey from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers import entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import ( CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, DeviceEntryType, DeviceInfo, ) from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity, EntityDescription from .const import ATTR_MANUFACTURER, DOMAIN if TYPE_CHECKING: from .hub import UnifiHub HandlerT = TypeVar("HandlerT", bound=APIHandler) SubscriptionT = Callable[[CallbackType, ItemEvent], UnsubscribeType] @callback def async_device_available_fn(hub: UnifiHub, obj_id: str) -> bool: """Check if device is available.""" if "_" in obj_id: # Sub device (outlet or port) obj_id = obj_id.partition("_")[0] device = hub.api.devices[obj_id] return hub.available and not device.disabled @callback def async_wlan_available_fn(hub: UnifiHub, obj_id: str) -> bool: """Check if WLAN is available.""" wlan = hub.api.wlans[obj_id] return hub.available and wlan.enabled @callback def async_device_device_info_fn(hub: UnifiHub, obj_id: str) -> DeviceInfo: """Create device registry entry for device.""" if "_" in obj_id: # Sub device (outlet or port) obj_id = obj_id.partition("_")[0] device = hub.api.devices[obj_id] return DeviceInfo( connections={(CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, device.mac)}, manufacturer=ATTR_MANUFACTURER, model=device.model, name=device.name or None, sw_version=device.version, hw_version=str(device.board_revision), ) @callback def async_wlan_device_info_fn(hub: UnifiHub, obj_id: str) -> DeviceInfo: """Create device registry entry for WLAN.""" wlan = hub.api.wlans[obj_id] return DeviceInfo( entry_type=DeviceEntryType.SERVICE, identifiers={(DOMAIN, wlan.id)}, manufacturer=ATTR_MANUFACTURER, model="UniFi WLAN", name=wlan.name, ) @callback def async_client_device_info_fn(hub: UnifiHub, obj_id: str) -> DeviceInfo: """Create device registry entry for client.""" client = hub.api.clients[obj_id] return DeviceInfo( connections={(CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, obj_id)}, default_manufacturer=client.oui, default_name=client.name or client.hostname, ) @dataclass(frozen=True) class UnifiDescription(Generic[HandlerT, ApiItemT]): """Validate and load entities from different UniFi handlers.""" allowed_fn: Callable[[UnifiHub, str], bool] api_handler_fn: Callable[[aiounifi.Controller], HandlerT] available_fn: Callable[[UnifiHub, str], bool] device_info_fn: Callable[[UnifiHub, str], DeviceInfo | None] event_is_on: tuple[EventKey, ...] | None event_to_subscribe: tuple[EventKey, ...] | None name_fn: Callable[[ApiItemT], str | None] object_fn: Callable[[aiounifi.Controller, str], ApiItemT] should_poll: bool supported_fn: Callable[[UnifiHub, str], bool | None] unique_id_fn: Callable[[UnifiHub, str], str] @dataclass(frozen=True) class UnifiEntityDescription(EntityDescription, UnifiDescription[HandlerT, ApiItemT]): """UniFi Entity Description.""" class UnifiEntity(Entity, Generic[HandlerT, ApiItemT]): """Representation of a UniFi entity.""" entity_description: UnifiEntityDescription[HandlerT, ApiItemT] _attr_unique_id: str def __init__( self, obj_id: str, hub: UnifiHub, description: UnifiEntityDescription[HandlerT, ApiItemT], ) -> None: """Set up UniFi switch entity.""" self._obj_id = obj_id self.hub = hub self.entity_description = description hub.known_objects.add((description.key, obj_id)) self._removed = False self._attr_available = description.available_fn(hub, obj_id) self._attr_device_info = description.device_info_fn(hub, obj_id) self._attr_should_poll = description.should_poll self._attr_unique_id = description.unique_id_fn(hub, obj_id) obj = description.object_fn(self.hub.api, obj_id) self._attr_name = description.name_fn(obj) self.async_initiate_state() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Register callbacks.""" description = self.entity_description handler = description.api_handler_fn(self.hub.api) @callback def unregister_object() -> None: """Remove object ID from known_objects when unloaded.""" self.hub.known_objects.discard((description.key, self._obj_id)) self.async_on_remove(unregister_object) # New data from handler self.async_on_remove( handler.subscribe( self.async_signalling_callback, id_filter=self._obj_id, ) ) # State change from hub or websocket self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, self.hub.signal_reachable, self.async_signal_reachable_callback, ) ) # Config entry options updated self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, self.hub.signal_options_update, self.async_signal_options_updated, ) ) # Subscribe to events if defined if description.event_to_subscribe is not None: self.async_on_remove( self.hub.api.events.subscribe( self.async_event_callback, description.event_to_subscribe, ) ) @callback def async_signalling_callback(self, event: ItemEvent, obj_id: str) -> None: """Update the entity state.""" if event == ItemEvent.DELETED and obj_id == self._obj_id: self.hass.async_create_task(self.remove_item({self._obj_id})) return description = self.entity_description if not description.supported_fn(self.hub, self._obj_id): self.hass.async_create_task(self.remove_item({self._obj_id})) return self._attr_available = description.available_fn(self.hub, self._obj_id) self.async_update_state(event, obj_id) self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def async_signal_reachable_callback(self) -> None: """Call when hub connection state change.""" self.async_signalling_callback(ItemEvent.ADDED, self._obj_id) async def async_signal_options_updated(self) -> None: """Config entry options are updated, remove entity if option is disabled.""" if not self.entity_description.allowed_fn(self.hub, self._obj_id): await self.remove_item({self._obj_id}) async def remove_item(self, keys: set) -> None: """Remove entity if object ID is part of set.""" if self._obj_id not in keys or self._removed: return self._removed = True if self.registry_entry: er.async_get(self.hass).async_remove(self.entity_id) else: await self.async_remove(force_remove=True) async def async_update(self) -> None: """Update state if polling is configured.""" self.async_update_state(ItemEvent.CHANGED, self._obj_id) @callback def async_initiate_state(self) -> None: """Initiate entity state. Perform additional actions setting up platform entity child class state. Defaults to using async_update_state to set initial state. """ self.async_update_state(ItemEvent.ADDED, self._obj_id) @callback @abstractmethod def async_update_state(self, event: ItemEvent, obj_id: str) -> None: """Update entity state. Perform additional actions updating platform entity child class state. """ @callback def async_event_callback(self, event: Event) -> None: """Update entity state based on subscribed event. Perform additional action updating platform entity child class state. """ raise NotImplementedError()