"""The nut component.""" from homeassistant.components.sensor import ( DEVICE_CLASS_BATTERY, DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY, DEVICE_CLASS_POWER, DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE, ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, FREQUENCY_HERTZ, PERCENTAGE, POWER_VOLT_AMPERE, POWER_WATT, TEMP_CELSIUS, TIME_SECONDS, ) DOMAIN = "nut" PLATFORMS = ["sensor"] UNDO_UPDATE_LISTENER = "undo_update_listener" DEFAULT_NAME = "NUT UPS" DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost" DEFAULT_PORT = 3493 KEY_STATUS = "ups.status" KEY_STATUS_DISPLAY = "ups.status.display" COORDINATOR = "coordinator" DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = 60 PYNUT_DATA = "data" PYNUT_UNIQUE_ID = "unique_id" PYNUT_MANUFACTURER = "manufacturer" PYNUT_MODEL = "model" PYNUT_FIRMWARE = "firmware" PYNUT_NAME = "name" SENSOR_TYPES = { "ups.status.display": ["Status", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.status": ["Status Data", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.alarm": ["Alarms", "", "mdi:alarm", None], "ups.temperature": [ "UPS Temperature", TEMP_CELSIUS, None, DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE, ], "ups.load": ["Load", PERCENTAGE, "mdi:gauge", None], "ups.load.high": ["Overload Setting", PERCENTAGE, "mdi:gauge", None], "ups.id": ["System identifier", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.delay.start": ["Load Restart Delay", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None], "ups.delay.reboot": ["UPS Reboot Delay", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None], "ups.delay.shutdown": [ "UPS Shutdown Delay", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None, ], "ups.timer.start": ["Load Start Timer", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None], "ups.timer.reboot": ["Load Reboot Timer", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None], "ups.timer.shutdown": [ "Load Shutdown Timer", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None, ], "ups.test.interval": [ "Self-Test Interval", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None, ], "ups.test.result": ["Self-Test Result", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.test.date": ["Self-Test Date", "", "mdi:calendar", None], "ups.display.language": ["Language", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.contacts": ["External Contacts", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.efficiency": ["Efficiency", PERCENTAGE, "mdi:gauge", None], "ups.power": ["Current Apparent Power", POWER_VOLT_AMPERE, "mdi:flash", None], "ups.power.nominal": ["Nominal Power", POWER_VOLT_AMPERE, "mdi:flash", None], "ups.realpower": [ "Current Real Power", POWER_WATT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_POWER, ], "ups.realpower.nominal": [ "Nominal Real Power", POWER_WATT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_POWER, ], "ups.beeper.status": ["Beeper Status", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.type": ["UPS Type", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.watchdog.status": ["Watchdog Status", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.start.auto": ["Start on AC", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.start.battery": ["Start on Battery", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.start.reboot": ["Reboot on Battery", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "ups.shutdown": ["Shutdown Ability", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "battery.charge": [ "Battery Charge", PERCENTAGE, None, DEVICE_CLASS_BATTERY, ], "battery.charge.low": ["Low Battery Setpoint", PERCENTAGE, "mdi:gauge", None], "battery.charge.restart": [ "Minimum Battery to Start", PERCENTAGE, "mdi:gauge", None, ], "battery.charge.warning": [ "Warning Battery Setpoint", PERCENTAGE, "mdi:gauge", None, ], "battery.charger.status": ["Charging Status", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "battery.voltage": [ "Battery Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "battery.voltage.nominal": [ "Nominal Battery Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "battery.voltage.low": [ "Low Battery Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "battery.voltage.high": [ "High Battery Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "battery.capacity": ["Battery Capacity", "Ah", "mdi:flash", None], "battery.current": [ "Battery Current", ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE, "mdi:flash", None, ], "battery.current.total": [ "Total Battery Current", ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE, "mdi:flash", None, ], "battery.temperature": [ "Battery Temperature", TEMP_CELSIUS, None, DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE, ], "battery.runtime": ["Battery Runtime", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None], "battery.runtime.low": [ "Low Battery Runtime", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None, ], "battery.runtime.restart": [ "Minimum Battery Runtime to Start", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:timer-outline", None, ], "battery.alarm.threshold": [ "Battery Alarm Threshold", "", "mdi:information-outline", None, ], "battery.date": ["Battery Date", "", "mdi:calendar", None], "battery.mfr.date": ["Battery Manuf. Date", "", "mdi:calendar", None], "battery.packs": ["Number of Batteries", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "battery.packs.bad": [ "Number of Bad Batteries", "", "mdi:information-outline", None, ], "battery.type": ["Battery Chemistry", "", "mdi:information-outline", None], "input.sensitivity": [ "Input Power Sensitivity", "", "mdi:information-outline", None, ], "input.transfer.low": [ "Low Voltage Transfer", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "input.transfer.high": [ "High Voltage Transfer", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "input.transfer.reason": [ "Voltage Transfer Reason", "", "mdi:information-outline", None, ], "input.voltage": [ "Input Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "input.voltage.nominal": [ "Nominal Input Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "input.frequency": ["Input Line Frequency", FREQUENCY_HERTZ, "mdi:flash", None], "input.frequency.nominal": [ "Nominal Input Line Frequency", FREQUENCY_HERTZ, "mdi:flash", None, ], "input.frequency.status": [ "Input Frequency Status", "", "mdi:information-outline", None, ], "output.current": ["Output Current", ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE, "mdi:flash", None], "output.current.nominal": [ "Nominal Output Current", ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE, "mdi:flash", None, ], "output.voltage": [ "Output Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "output.voltage.nominal": [ "Nominal Output Voltage", ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT, None, DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE, ], "output.frequency": ["Output Frequency", FREQUENCY_HERTZ, "mdi:flash", None], "output.frequency.nominal": [ "Nominal Output Frequency", FREQUENCY_HERTZ, "mdi:flash", None, ], "ambient.humidity": [ "Ambient Humidity", PERCENTAGE, None, DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY, ], "ambient.temperature": [ "Ambient Temperature", TEMP_CELSIUS, None, DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE, ], } STATE_TYPES = { "OL": "Online", "OB": "On Battery", "LB": "Low Battery", "HB": "High Battery", "RB": "Battery Needs Replaced", "CHRG": "Battery Charging", "DISCHRG": "Battery Discharging", "BYPASS": "Bypass Active", "CAL": "Runtime Calibration", "OFF": "Offline", "OVER": "Overloaded", "TRIM": "Trimming Voltage", "BOOST": "Boosting Voltage", "FSD": "Forced Shutdown", "ALARM": "Alarm", } SENSOR_NAME = 0 SENSOR_UNIT = 1 SENSOR_ICON = 2 SENSOR_DEVICE_CLASS = 3