"""Handles Hue resource of type `device` mapping to Home Assistant device.""" from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from aiohue.v2 import HueBridgeV2 from aiohue.v2.controllers.events import EventType from aiohue.v2.models.device import Device, DeviceArchetypes from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_CONNECTIONS, ATTR_IDENTIFIERS, ATTR_MANUFACTURER, ATTR_MODEL, ATTR_NAME, ATTR_SUGGESTED_AREA, ATTR_SW_VERSION, ATTR_VIA_DEVICE, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr from ..const import DOMAIN if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..bridge import HueBridge async def async_setup_devices(bridge: "HueBridge"): """Manage setup of devices from Hue devices.""" entry = bridge.config_entry hass = bridge.hass api: HueBridgeV2 = bridge.api # to satisfy typing dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) dev_controller = api.devices @callback def add_device(hue_device: Device) -> dr.DeviceEntry: """Register a Hue device in device registry.""" model = f"{hue_device.product_data.product_name} ({hue_device.product_data.model_id})" params = { ATTR_IDENTIFIERS: {(DOMAIN, hue_device.id)}, ATTR_SW_VERSION: hue_device.product_data.software_version, ATTR_NAME: hue_device.metadata.name, ATTR_MODEL: model, ATTR_MANUFACTURER: hue_device.product_data.manufacturer_name, } if room := dev_controller.get_room(hue_device.id): params[ATTR_SUGGESTED_AREA] = room.metadata.name if hue_device.metadata.archetype == DeviceArchetypes.BRIDGE_V2: params[ATTR_IDENTIFIERS].add((DOMAIN, api.config.bridge_id)) else: params[ATTR_VIA_DEVICE] = (DOMAIN, api.config.bridge_device.id) zigbee = dev_controller.get_zigbee_connectivity(hue_device.id) if zigbee and zigbee.mac_address: params[ATTR_CONNECTIONS] = {(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, zigbee.mac_address)} return dev_reg.async_get_or_create(config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, **params) @callback def remove_device(hue_device_id: str) -> None: """Remove device from registry.""" if device := dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, hue_device_id)}): # note: removal of any underlying entities is handled by core dev_reg.async_remove_device(device.id) @callback def handle_device_event(evt_type: EventType, hue_device: Device) -> None: """Handle event from Hue devices controller.""" if evt_type == EventType.RESOURCE_DELETED: remove_device(hue_device.id) else: # updates to existing device will also be handled by this call add_device(hue_device) # create/update all current devices found in controller known_devices = [add_device(hue_device) for hue_device in dev_controller] # Check for nodes that no longer exist and remove them for device in dr.async_entries_for_config_entry(dev_reg, entry.entry_id): if device not in known_devices: # handle case where a virtual device was created for a Hue group hue_dev_id = next(x[1] for x in device.identifiers if x[0] == DOMAIN) if hue_dev_id in api.groups: continue dev_reg.async_remove_device(device.id) # add listener for updates on Hue devices controller entry.async_on_unload(dev_controller.subscribe(handle_device_event))