"""Support for the Meraki CMX location service.""" from __future__ import annotations from http import HTTPStatus import json import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import ( PLATFORM_SCHEMA as PARENT_PLATFORM_SCHEMA, AsyncSeeCallback, SourceType, ) from homeassistant.components.http import KEY_HASS, HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType CONF_VALIDATOR = "validator" CONF_SECRET = "secret" URL = "/api/meraki" VERSION = "2.0" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PARENT_PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(CONF_VALIDATOR): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_SECRET): cv.string} ) async def async_setup_scanner( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, async_see: AsyncSeeCallback, discovery_info: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None, ) -> bool: """Set up an endpoint for the Meraki tracker.""" hass.http.register_view(MerakiView(config, async_see)) return True class MerakiView(HomeAssistantView): """View to handle Meraki requests.""" url = URL name = "api:meraki" requires_auth = False def __init__(self, config: ConfigType, async_see: AsyncSeeCallback) -> None: """Initialize Meraki URL endpoints.""" self.async_see = async_see self.validator = config[CONF_VALIDATOR] self.secret = config[CONF_SECRET] async def get(self, request): """Meraki message received as GET.""" return self.validator async def post(self, request): """Meraki CMX message received.""" try: data = await request.json() except ValueError: return self.json_message("Invalid JSON", HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) _LOGGER.debug("Meraki Data from Post: %s", json.dumps(data)) if not data.get("secret", False): _LOGGER.error("The secret is invalid") return self.json_message("No secret", HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) if data["secret"] != self.secret: _LOGGER.error("Invalid Secret received from Meraki") return self.json_message("Invalid secret", HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) if data["version"] != VERSION: _LOGGER.error("Invalid API version: %s", data["version"]) return self.json_message("Invalid version", HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) _LOGGER.debug("Valid Secret") if data["type"] not in ("DevicesSeen", "BluetoothDevicesSeen"): _LOGGER.error("Unknown Device %s", data["type"]) return self.json_message( "Invalid device type", HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY ) _LOGGER.debug("Processing %s", data["type"]) if not data["data"]["observations"]: _LOGGER.debug("No observations found") return self._handle(request.app[KEY_HASS], data) @callback def _handle(self, hass, data): for i in data["data"]["observations"]: data["data"]["secret"] = "hidden" lat = i["location"]["lat"] lng = i["location"]["lng"] try: accuracy = int(float(i["location"]["unc"])) except ValueError: accuracy = 0 mac = i["clientMac"] _LOGGER.debug("clientMac: %s", mac) if lat == "NaN" or lng == "NaN": _LOGGER.debug("No coordinates received, skipping location for: %s", mac) gps_location = None accuracy = None else: gps_location = (lat, lng) attrs = {} if i.get("os", False): attrs["os"] = i["os"] if i.get("manufacturer", False): attrs["manufacturer"] = i["manufacturer"] if i.get("ipv4", False): attrs["ipv4"] = i["ipv4"] if i.get("ipv6", False): attrs["ipv6"] = i["ipv6"] if i.get("seenTime", False): attrs["seenTime"] = i["seenTime"] if i.get("ssid", False): attrs["ssid"] = i["ssid"] hass.async_create_task( self.async_see( gps=gps_location, mac=mac, source_type=SourceType.ROUTER, gps_accuracy=accuracy, attributes=attrs, ) )