"""Tests for ffmpeg proxy view.""" from http import HTTPStatus import io import tempfile from unittest.mock import patch from urllib.request import pathname2url import wave import mutagen from homeassistant.components import esphome from homeassistant.components.esphome.ffmpeg_proxy import async_create_proxy_url from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.typing import ClientSessionGenerator async def test_async_create_proxy_url(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test that async_create_proxy_url returns the correct format.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "esphome", {}) device_id = "test-device" convert_id = "test-id" media_format = "flac" media_url = "" proxy_url = f"/api/esphome/ffmpeg_proxy/{device_id}/{convert_id}.{media_format}" with patch( "homeassistant.components.esphome.ffmpeg_proxy.secrets.token_urlsafe", return_value=convert_id, ): assert ( async_create_proxy_url(hass, device_id, media_url, media_format) == proxy_url ) async def test_proxy_view( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_client: ClientSessionGenerator, ) -> None: """Test proxy HTTP view for converting audio.""" device_id = "1234" await async_setup_component(hass, esphome.DOMAIN, {esphome.DOMAIN: {}}) client = await hass_client() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb+", suffix=".wav") as temp_file: with wave.open(temp_file.name, "wb") as wav_file: wav_file.setframerate(16000) wav_file.setsampwidth(2) wav_file.setnchannels(1) wav_file.writeframes(bytes(16000 * 2)) # 1s temp_file.seek(0) wav_url = pathname2url(temp_file.name) convert_id = "test-id" url = f"/api/esphome/ffmpeg_proxy/{device_id}/{convert_id}.mp3" # Should fail because we haven't allowed the URL yet req = await client.get(url) assert req.status == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND # Allow the URL with patch( "homeassistant.components.esphome.ffmpeg_proxy.secrets.token_urlsafe", return_value=convert_id, ): assert ( async_create_proxy_url( hass, device_id, wav_url, media_format="mp3", rate=22050, channels=2 ) == url ) # Requesting the wrong media format should fail wrong_url = f"/api/esphome/ffmpeg_proxy/{device_id}/{convert_id}.flac" req = await client.get(wrong_url) assert req.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST # Correct URL req = await client.get(url) assert req.status == HTTPStatus.OK mp3_data = await req.content.read() # Verify conversion with io.BytesIO(mp3_data) as mp3_io: mp3_file = mutagen.File(mp3_io) assert mp3_file.info.sample_rate == 22050 assert mp3_file.info.channels == 2 # About a second, but not exact assert round(mp3_file.info.length, 0) == 1 async def test_ffmpeg_file_doesnt_exist( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_client: ClientSessionGenerator, ) -> None: """Test ffmpeg conversion with a file that doesn't exist.""" device_id = "1234" await async_setup_component(hass, esphome.DOMAIN, {esphome.DOMAIN: {}}) client = await hass_client() # Try to convert a file that doesn't exist url = async_create_proxy_url(hass, device_id, "missing-file", media_format="mp3") req = await client.get(url) # The HTTP status is OK because the ffmpeg process started, but no data is # returned. assert req.status == HTTPStatus.OK mp3_data = await req.content.read() assert not mp3_data async def test_lingering_process( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_client: ClientSessionGenerator, ) -> None: """Test that a new request stops the old ffmpeg process.""" device_id = "1234" await async_setup_component(hass, esphome.DOMAIN, {esphome.DOMAIN: {}}) client = await hass_client() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb+", suffix=".wav") as temp_file: with wave.open(temp_file.name, "wb") as wav_file: wav_file.setframerate(16000) wav_file.setsampwidth(2) wav_file.setnchannels(1) wav_file.writeframes(bytes(16000 * 2)) # 1s temp_file.seek(0) wav_url = pathname2url(temp_file.name) url1 = async_create_proxy_url( hass, device_id, wav_url, media_format="wav", rate=22050, channels=2, width=2, ) # First request will start ffmpeg req1 = await client.get(url1) assert req1.status == HTTPStatus.OK # Only read part of the data await req1.content.readexactly(100) # Allow another URL url2 = async_create_proxy_url( hass, device_id, wav_url, media_format="wav", rate=22050, channels=2, width=2, ) req2 = await client.get(url2) assert req2.status == HTTPStatus.OK wav_data = await req2.content.read() # All of the data should be there because this is a new ffmpeg process with io.BytesIO(wav_data) as wav_io, wave.open(wav_io, "rb") as wav_file: # We can't use getnframes() here because the WAV header will be incorrect. # WAV encoders usually go back and update the WAV header after all of # the frames are written, but ffmpeg can't do that because we're # streaming the data. # So instead, we just read and count frames until we run out. num_frames = 0 while chunk := wav_file.readframes(1024): num_frames += len(chunk) // (2 * 2) # 2 channels, 16-bit samples assert num_frames == 22050 # 1s async def test_request_same_url_multiple_times( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_client: ClientSessionGenerator, ) -> None: """Test that the ffmpeg process is restarted if the same URL is requested multiple times.""" device_id = "1234" await async_setup_component(hass, esphome.DOMAIN, {esphome.DOMAIN: {}}) client = await hass_client() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb+", suffix=".wav") as temp_file: with wave.open(temp_file.name, "wb") as wav_file: wav_file.setframerate(16000) wav_file.setsampwidth(2) wav_file.setnchannels(1) wav_file.writeframes(bytes(16000 * 2 * 10)) # 10s temp_file.seek(0) wav_url = pathname2url(temp_file.name) url = async_create_proxy_url( hass, device_id, wav_url, media_format="wav", rate=22050, channels=2, width=2, ) # First request will start ffmpeg req1 = await client.get(url) assert req1.status == HTTPStatus.OK # Only read part of the data await req1.content.readexactly(100) # Second request should restart ffmpeg req2 = await client.get(url) assert req2.status == HTTPStatus.OK wav_data = await req2.content.read() # All of the data should be there because this is a new ffmpeg process with io.BytesIO(wav_data) as wav_io, wave.open(wav_io, "rb") as wav_file: num_frames = 0 while chunk := wav_file.readframes(1024): num_frames += len(chunk) // (2 * 2) # 2 channels, 16-bit samples assert num_frames == 22050 * 10 # 10s