"""The tests the Graph component.""" import unittest from homeassistant.setup import setup_component from tests.common import init_recorder_component, get_test_home_assistant class TestGraph(unittest.TestCase): """Test the Google component.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Set up things to be run when tests are started.""" self.hass = get_test_home_assistant() def tearDown(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() def test_setup_component(self): """Test setup component.""" self.init_recorder() config = { 'history': { }, 'history_graph': { 'name_1': { 'entities': 'test.test', } } } assert setup_component(self.hass, 'history_graph', config) assert dict( self.hass.states.get('history_graph.name_1').attributes ) == { 'entity_id': ['test.test'], 'friendly_name': 'name_1', 'hours_to_show': 24, 'refresh': 0 } def init_recorder(self): """Initialize the recorder.""" init_recorder_component(self.hass) self.hass.start()