"""Runtime entry data for ESPHome stored in hass.data.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable from aioesphomeapi import ( COMPONENT_TYPE_TO_INFO, BinarySensorInfo, CameraInfo, ClimateInfo, CoverInfo, DeviceInfo, EntityInfo, EntityState, FanInfo, LightInfo, SensorInfo, SwitchInfo, TextSensorInfo, UserService, ) import attr from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.storage import Store from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import APIClient SAVE_DELAY = 120 # Mapping from ESPHome info type to HA platform INFO_TYPE_TO_PLATFORM = { BinarySensorInfo: "binary_sensor", CameraInfo: "camera", ClimateInfo: "climate", CoverInfo: "cover", FanInfo: "fan", LightInfo: "light", SensorInfo: "sensor", SwitchInfo: "switch", TextSensorInfo: "sensor", } @attr.s class RuntimeEntryData: """Store runtime data for esphome config entries.""" entry_id: str = attr.ib() client: APIClient = attr.ib() store: Store = attr.ib() state: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = attr.ib(factory=dict) info: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = attr.ib(factory=dict) # A second list of EntityInfo objects # This is necessary for when an entity is being removed. HA requires # some static info to be accessible during removal (unique_id, maybe others) # If an entity can't find anything in the info array, it will look for info here. old_info: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = attr.ib(factory=dict) services: dict[int, UserService] = attr.ib(factory=dict) available: bool = attr.ib(default=False) device_info: DeviceInfo | None = attr.ib(default=None) cleanup_callbacks: list[Callable[[], None]] = attr.ib(factory=list) disconnect_callbacks: list[Callable[[], None]] = attr.ib(factory=list) loaded_platforms: set[str] = attr.ib(factory=set) platform_load_lock: asyncio.Lock = attr.ib(factory=asyncio.Lock) @callback def async_update_entity( self, hass: HomeAssistantType, component_key: str, key: int ) -> None: """Schedule the update of an entity.""" signal = f"esphome_{self.entry_id}_update_{component_key}_{key}" async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal) @callback def async_remove_entity( self, hass: HomeAssistantType, component_key: str, key: int ) -> None: """Schedule the removal of an entity.""" signal = f"esphome_{self.entry_id}_remove_{component_key}_{key}" async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal) async def _ensure_platforms_loaded( self, hass: HomeAssistantType, entry: ConfigEntry, platforms: set[str] ): async with self.platform_load_lock: needed = platforms - self.loaded_platforms tasks = [] for platform in needed: tasks.append( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, platform) ) if tasks: await asyncio.wait(tasks) self.loaded_platforms |= needed async def async_update_static_infos( self, hass: HomeAssistantType, entry: ConfigEntry, infos: list[EntityInfo] ) -> None: """Distribute an update of static infos to all platforms.""" # First, load all platforms needed_platforms = set() for info in infos: for info_type, platform in INFO_TYPE_TO_PLATFORM.items(): if isinstance(info, info_type): needed_platforms.add(platform) break await self._ensure_platforms_loaded(hass, entry, needed_platforms) # Then send dispatcher event signal = f"esphome_{self.entry_id}_on_list" async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal, infos) @callback def async_update_state(self, hass: HomeAssistantType, state: EntityState) -> None: """Distribute an update of state information to all platforms.""" signal = f"esphome_{self.entry_id}_on_state" async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal, state) @callback def async_update_device_state(self, hass: HomeAssistantType) -> None: """Distribute an update of a core device state like availability.""" signal = f"esphome_{self.entry_id}_on_device_update" async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal) async def async_load_from_store(self) -> tuple[list[EntityInfo], list[UserService]]: """Load the retained data from store and return de-serialized data.""" restored = await self.store.async_load() if restored is None: return [], [] self.device_info = _attr_obj_from_dict( DeviceInfo, **restored.pop("device_info") ) infos = [] for comp_type, restored_infos in restored.items(): if comp_type not in COMPONENT_TYPE_TO_INFO: continue for info in restored_infos: cls = COMPONENT_TYPE_TO_INFO[comp_type] infos.append(_attr_obj_from_dict(cls, **info)) services = [] for service in restored.get("services", []): services.append(UserService.from_dict(service)) return infos, services async def async_save_to_store(self) -> None: """Generate dynamic data to store and save it to the filesystem.""" store_data = {"device_info": attr.asdict(self.device_info), "services": []} for comp_type, infos in self.info.items(): store_data[comp_type] = [attr.asdict(info) for info in infos.values()] for service in self.services.values(): store_data["services"].append(service.to_dict()) self.store.async_delay_save(lambda: store_data, SAVE_DELAY) def _attr_obj_from_dict(cls, **kwargs): return cls(**{key: kwargs[key] for key in attr.fields_dict(cls) if key in kwargs})