""" homeassistant.components.isy994 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Connects to an ISY-994 controller and loads relevant components to control its devices. Also contains the base classes for ISY Sensors, Lights, and Switches. """ # system imports import logging from urllib.parse import urlparse # homeassistant imports from homeassistant import bootstrap from homeassistant.loader import get_component from homeassistant.helpers import validate_config from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD, EVENT_PLATFORM_DISCOVERED, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ATTR_SERVICE, ATTR_DISCOVERED, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME) # homeassistant constants DOMAIN = "isy994" DEPENDENCIES = [] DISCOVER_LIGHTS = "isy994.lights" DISCOVER_SWITCHES = "isy994.switches" DISCOVER_SENSORS = "isy994.sensors" ISY = None SENSOR_STRING = 'Sensor' HIDDEN_STRING = '{HIDE ME}' CONF_TLS_VER = 'tls' # setup logger _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup(hass, config): """ Setup ISY994 component. This will automatically import associated lights, switches, and sensors. """ try: import PyISY except ImportError: _LOGGER.error("Error while importing dependency PyISY.") return False # pylint: disable=global-statement # check for required values in configuration file if not validate_config(config, {DOMAIN: [CONF_HOST, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD]}, _LOGGER): return False # pull and parse standard configuration user = config[DOMAIN][CONF_USERNAME] password = config[DOMAIN][CONF_PASSWORD] host = urlparse(config[DOMAIN][CONF_HOST]) addr = host.geturl() if host.scheme == 'http': addr = addr.replace('http://', '') https = False elif host.scheme == 'https': addr = addr.replace('https://', '') https = True else: _LOGGER.error('isy994 host value in configuration file is invalid.') return False port = host.port addr = addr.replace(':{}'.format(port), '') # pull and parse optional configuration global SENSOR_STRING global HIDDEN_STRING SENSOR_STRING = str(config[DOMAIN].get('sensor_string', SENSOR_STRING)) HIDDEN_STRING = str(config[DOMAIN].get('hidden_string', HIDDEN_STRING)) tls_version = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_TLS_VER, None) # connect to ISY controller global ISY ISY = PyISY.ISY(addr, port, user, password, use_https=https, tls_ver=tls_version, log=_LOGGER) if not ISY.connected: return False # listen for HA stop to disconnect hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, stop) # Load components for the devices in the ISY controller that we support for comp_name, discovery in ((('sensor', DISCOVER_SENSORS), ('light', DISCOVER_LIGHTS), ('switch', DISCOVER_SWITCHES))): component = get_component(comp_name) bootstrap.setup_component(hass, component.DOMAIN, config) hass.bus.fire(EVENT_PLATFORM_DISCOVERED, {ATTR_SERVICE: discovery, ATTR_DISCOVERED: {}}) ISY.auto_update = True return True def stop(event): """ Cleanup the ISY subscription. """ ISY.auto_update = False class ISYDeviceABC(ToggleEntity): """ Abstract Class for an ISY device. """ _attrs = {} _onattrs = [] _states = [] _dtype = None _domain = None _name = None def __init__(self, node): # setup properties self.node = node self.hidden = HIDDEN_STRING in self.raw_name # track changes self._change_handler = self.node.status. \ subscribe('changed', self.on_update) def __del__(self): """ cleanup subscriptions because it is the right thing to do. """ self._change_handler.unsubscribe() @property def domain(self): """ Returns the domain of the entity. """ return self._domain @property def dtype(self): """ Returns the data type of the entity (binary or analog). """ if self._dtype in ['analog', 'binary']: return self._dtype return 'binary' if self.unit_of_measurement is None else 'analog' @property def should_poll(self): """ Tells Home Assistant not to poll this entity. """ return False @property def value(self): """ Returns the unclean value from the controller. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access return self.node.status._val @property def state_attributes(self): """ Returns the state attributes for the node. """ attr = {ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME: self.name} for name, prop in self._attrs.items(): attr[name] = getattr(self, prop) return attr @property def unique_id(self): """ Returns the id of this ISY sensor. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access return self.node._id @property def raw_name(self): """ Returns the unclean node name. """ return str(self._name) \ if self._name is not None else str(self.node.name) @property def name(self): """ Returns the cleaned name of the node. """ return self.raw_name.replace(HIDDEN_STRING, '').strip() \ .replace('_', ' ') def update(self): """ Update state of the sensor. """ # ISY objects are automatically updated by the ISY's event stream pass def on_update(self, event): """ Handles the update received event. """ self.update_ha_state() @property def is_on(self): """ Returns boolean response if the node is on. """ return bool(self.value) @property def is_open(self): """ Returns boolean respons if the node is open. On = Open. """ return self.is_on @property def state(self): """ Returns the state of the node. """ if len(self._states) > 0: return self._states[0] if self.is_on else self._states[1] return self.value def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """ Turns the device on. """ if self.domain is not 'sensor': attrs = [kwargs.get(name) for name in self._onattrs] self.node.on(*attrs) else: _LOGGER.error('ISY cannot turn on sensors.') def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """ Turns the device off. """ if self.domain is not 'sensor': self.node.off() else: _LOGGER.error('ISY cannot turn off sensors.') @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """ Returns the defined units of measurement or None. """ try: return self.node.units except AttributeError: return None