"""Support for ESPHome lights.""" from __future__ import annotations from functools import lru_cache from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast from aioesphomeapi import ( APIVersion, EntityInfo, LightColorCapability, LightInfo, LightState, ) from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_FLASH, ATTR_RGB_COLOR, ATTR_RGBW_COLOR, ATTR_RGBWW_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, ATTR_WHITE, FLASH_LONG, FLASH_SHORT, ColorMode, LightEntity, LightEntityFeature, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from .entity import ( EsphomeEntity, convert_api_error_ha_error, esphome_state_property, platform_async_setup_entry, ) FLASH_LENGTHS = {FLASH_SHORT: 2, FLASH_LONG: 10} async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback ) -> None: """Set up ESPHome lights based on a config entry.""" await platform_async_setup_entry( hass, entry, async_add_entities, info_type=LightInfo, entity_type=EsphomeLight, state_type=LightState, ) _COLOR_MODE_MAPPING = { ColorMode.ONOFF: [ LightColorCapability.ON_OFF, ], ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS: [ LightColorCapability.ON_OFF | LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS, # for compatibility with older clients (2021.8.x) LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS, ], ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP: [ LightColorCapability.ON_OFF | LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS | LightColorCapability.COLOR_TEMPERATURE, LightColorCapability.ON_OFF | LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS | LightColorCapability.COLD_WARM_WHITE, ], ColorMode.RGB: [ LightColorCapability.ON_OFF | LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS | LightColorCapability.RGB, ], ColorMode.RGBW: [ LightColorCapability.ON_OFF | LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS | LightColorCapability.RGB | LightColorCapability.WHITE, ], ColorMode.RGBWW: [ LightColorCapability.ON_OFF | LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS | LightColorCapability.RGB | LightColorCapability.WHITE | LightColorCapability.COLOR_TEMPERATURE, LightColorCapability.ON_OFF | LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS | LightColorCapability.RGB | LightColorCapability.COLD_WARM_WHITE, ], ColorMode.WHITE: [ LightColorCapability.ON_OFF | LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS | LightColorCapability.WHITE ], } def _mired_to_kelvin(mired_temperature: float) -> int: """Convert absolute mired shift to degrees kelvin. This function rounds the converted value instead of flooring the value as is done in homeassistant.util.color.color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin(). If the value of mired_temperature is less than or equal to zero, return the original value to avoid a divide by zero. """ if mired_temperature <= 0: return round(mired_temperature) return round(1000000 / mired_temperature) @lru_cache def _color_mode_to_ha(mode: int) -> str: """Convert an esphome color mode to a HA color mode constant. Choses the color mode that best matches the feature-set. """ candidates = [] for ha_mode, cap_lists in _COLOR_MODE_MAPPING.items(): for caps in cap_lists: if caps == mode: # exact match return ha_mode if (mode & caps) == caps: # all requirements met candidates.append((ha_mode, caps)) if not candidates: return ColorMode.UNKNOWN # choose the color mode with the most bits set candidates.sort(key=lambda key: bin(key[1]).count("1")) return candidates[-1][0] @lru_cache def _filter_color_modes( supported: list[int], features: LightColorCapability ) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Filter the given supported color modes. Excluding all values that don't have the requested features. """ features_value = features.value return tuple( mode for mode in supported if (mode & features_value) == features_value ) @lru_cache def _least_complex_color_mode(color_modes: tuple[int, ...]) -> int: """Return the color mode with the least complexity.""" # popcount with bin() function because it appears # to be the best way: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9831671 color_modes_list = list(color_modes) color_modes_list.sort(key=lambda mode: bin(mode).count("1")) return color_modes_list[0] class EsphomeLight(EsphomeEntity[LightInfo, LightState], LightEntity): """A light implementation for ESPHome.""" _native_supported_color_modes: tuple[int, ...] _supports_color_mode = False @property @esphome_state_property def is_on(self) -> bool | None: """Return true if the light is on.""" return self._state.state @convert_api_error_ha_error async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the entity on.""" data: dict[str, Any] = {"key": self._key, "state": True} # The list of color modes that would fit this service call color_modes = self._native_supported_color_modes try_keep_current_mode = True # rgb/brightness input is in range 0-255, but esphome uses 0-1 if (brightness_ha := kwargs.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS)) is not None: data["brightness"] = brightness_ha / 255 color_modes = _filter_color_modes( color_modes, LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS ) if (rgb_ha := kwargs.get(ATTR_RGB_COLOR)) is not None: rgb = tuple(x / 255 for x in rgb_ha) color_bri = max(rgb) # normalize rgb data["rgb"] = tuple(x / (color_bri or 1) for x in rgb) data["color_brightness"] = color_bri color_modes = _filter_color_modes(color_modes, LightColorCapability.RGB) try_keep_current_mode = False if (rgbw_ha := kwargs.get(ATTR_RGBW_COLOR)) is not None: *rgb, w = tuple(x / 255 for x in rgbw_ha) # type: ignore[assignment] color_bri = max(rgb) # normalize rgb data["rgb"] = tuple(x / (color_bri or 1) for x in rgb) data["white"] = w data["color_brightness"] = color_bri color_modes = _filter_color_modes( color_modes, LightColorCapability.RGB | LightColorCapability.WHITE ) try_keep_current_mode = False if (rgbww_ha := kwargs.get(ATTR_RGBWW_COLOR)) is not None: *rgb, cw, ww = tuple(x / 255 for x in rgbww_ha) # type: ignore[assignment] color_bri = max(rgb) # normalize rgb data["rgb"] = tuple(x / (color_bri or 1) for x in rgb) color_modes = _filter_color_modes(color_modes, LightColorCapability.RGB) if _filter_color_modes(color_modes, LightColorCapability.COLD_WARM_WHITE): # Device supports setting cwww values directly data["cold_white"] = cw data["warm_white"] = ww color_modes = _filter_color_modes( color_modes, LightColorCapability.COLD_WARM_WHITE ) else: # need to convert cw+ww part to white+color_temp white = data["white"] = max(cw, ww) if white != 0: static_info = self._static_info min_ct = static_info.min_mireds max_ct = static_info.max_mireds ct_ratio = ww / (cw + ww) data["color_temperature"] = min_ct + ct_ratio * (max_ct - min_ct) color_modes = _filter_color_modes( color_modes, LightColorCapability.COLOR_TEMPERATURE | LightColorCapability.WHITE, ) try_keep_current_mode = False data["color_brightness"] = color_bri if (flash := kwargs.get(ATTR_FLASH)) is not None: data["flash_length"] = FLASH_LENGTHS[flash] if (transition := kwargs.get(ATTR_TRANSITION)) is not None: data["transition_length"] = transition if (color_temp_k := kwargs.get(ATTR_COLOR_TEMP_KELVIN)) is not None: # Do not use kelvin_to_mired here to prevent precision loss data["color_temperature"] = 1000000.0 / color_temp_k if color_temp_modes := _filter_color_modes( color_modes, LightColorCapability.COLOR_TEMPERATURE ): color_modes = color_temp_modes else: color_modes = _filter_color_modes( color_modes, LightColorCapability.COLD_WARM_WHITE ) try_keep_current_mode = False if (effect := kwargs.get(ATTR_EFFECT)) is not None: data["effect"] = effect if (white_ha := kwargs.get(ATTR_WHITE)) is not None: # ESPHome multiplies brightness and white together for final brightness # HA only sends `white` in turn_on, and reads total brightness # through brightness property. data["brightness"] = white_ha / 255 data["white"] = 1.0 color_modes = _filter_color_modes( color_modes, LightColorCapability.BRIGHTNESS | LightColorCapability.WHITE, ) try_keep_current_mode = False if self._supports_color_mode and color_modes: if ( try_keep_current_mode and self._state is not None and self._state.color_mode in color_modes ): # if possible, stay with the color mode that is already set data["color_mode"] = self._state.color_mode else: # otherwise try the color mode with the least complexity # (fewest capabilities set) data["color_mode"] = _least_complex_color_mode(color_modes) self._client.light_command(**data) @convert_api_error_ha_error async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the entity off.""" data: dict[str, Any] = {"key": self._key, "state": False} if ATTR_FLASH in kwargs: data["flash_length"] = FLASH_LENGTHS[kwargs[ATTR_FLASH]] if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: data["transition_length"] = kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] self._client.light_command(**data) @property @esphome_state_property def brightness(self) -> int | None: """Return the brightness of this light between 0..255.""" return round(self._state.brightness * 255) @property @esphome_state_property def color_mode(self) -> str | None: """Return the color mode of the light.""" if not self._supports_color_mode: supported_color_modes = self.supported_color_modes if TYPE_CHECKING: assert supported_color_modes is not None return next(iter(supported_color_modes)) return _color_mode_to_ha(self._state.color_mode) @property @esphome_state_property def rgb_color(self) -> tuple[int, int, int] | None: """Return the rgb color value [int, int, int].""" state = self._state if not self._supports_color_mode: return ( round(state.red * 255), round(state.green * 255), round(state.blue * 255), ) return ( round(state.red * state.color_brightness * 255), round(state.green * state.color_brightness * 255), round(state.blue * state.color_brightness * 255), ) @property @esphome_state_property def rgbw_color(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int] | None: """Return the rgbw color value [int, int, int, int].""" white = round(self._state.white * 255) rgb = cast("tuple[int, int, int]", self.rgb_color) return (*rgb, white) @property @esphome_state_property def rgbww_color(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int, int] | None: """Return the rgbww color value [int, int, int, int, int].""" state = self._state rgb = cast("tuple[int, int, int]", self.rgb_color) if not _filter_color_modes( self._native_supported_color_modes, LightColorCapability.COLD_WARM_WHITE ): # Try to reverse white + color temp to cwww static_info = self._static_info min_ct = static_info.min_mireds max_ct = static_info.max_mireds color_temp = min(max(state.color_temperature, min_ct), max_ct) white = state.white ww_frac = (color_temp - min_ct) / (max_ct - min_ct) cw_frac = 1 - ww_frac return ( *rgb, round(white * cw_frac / max(cw_frac, ww_frac) * 255), round(white * ww_frac / max(cw_frac, ww_frac) * 255), ) return ( *rgb, round(state.cold_white * 255), round(state.warm_white * 255), ) @property @esphome_state_property def color_temp_kelvin(self) -> int: """Return the CT color value in Kelvin.""" return _mired_to_kelvin(self._state.color_temperature) @property @esphome_state_property def effect(self) -> str | None: """Return the current effect.""" return self._state.effect @callback def _on_static_info_update(self, static_info: EntityInfo) -> None: """Set attrs from static info.""" super()._on_static_info_update(static_info) static_info = self._static_info self._supports_color_mode = self._api_version >= APIVersion(1, 6) self._native_supported_color_modes = tuple( static_info.supported_color_modes_compat(self._api_version) ) flags = LightEntityFeature.FLASH # All color modes except UNKNOWN,ON_OFF support transition modes = self._native_supported_color_modes if any(m not in (0, LightColorCapability.ON_OFF) for m in modes): flags |= LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION if static_info.effects: flags |= LightEntityFeature.EFFECT self._attr_supported_features = flags supported = set(map(_color_mode_to_ha, self._native_supported_color_modes)) # If we don't know the supported color modes, ESPHome lights # are always at least ONOFF so we can safely discard UNKNOWN supported.discard(ColorMode.UNKNOWN) if ColorMode.ONOFF in supported and len(supported) > 1: supported.remove(ColorMode.ONOFF) if ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS in supported and len(supported) > 1: supported.remove(ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS) if ColorMode.WHITE in supported and len(supported) == 1: supported.remove(ColorMode.WHITE) # If we don't know the supported color modes, its a very old # legacy device, and since ESPHome lights are always at least ONOFF # we can safely assume that it supports ONOFF if not supported: supported.add(ColorMode.ONOFF) self._attr_supported_color_modes = supported self._attr_effect_list = static_info.effects self._attr_min_mireds = round(static_info.min_mireds) self._attr_max_mireds = round(static_info.max_mireds) if ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP in supported: self._attr_min_color_temp_kelvin = _mired_to_kelvin(static_info.max_mireds) self._attr_max_color_temp_kelvin = _mired_to_kelvin(static_info.min_mireds)