# Describes the ISY-specific services available # Note: controlling many entity_ids with one call is not recommended since it may result in # flooding the ISY with requests. To control multiple devices with a service call # the recommendation is to add a scene in the ISY and control that scene. send_raw_node_command: name: Send raw node command description: Send a "raw" ISY REST Device Command to a Node using its Home Assistant Entity ID. target: entity: integration: isy994 fields: command: name: Command description: The ISY REST Command to be sent to the device required: true example: "DON" selector: text: value: name: Value description: The integer value to be sent with the command. selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 parameters: name: Parameters description: A dict of parameters to be sent in the query string (e.g. for controlling colored bulbs). example: { GV2: 0, GV3: 0, GV4: 255 } default: {} selector: object: unit_of_measurement: name: Unit of measurement description: The ISY Unit of Measurement (UOM) to send with the command, if required. selector: number: min: 0 max: 120 send_node_command: name: Send node command description: >- Send a command to an ISY Device using its Home Assistant entity ID. Valid commands are: beep, brighten, dim, disable, enable, fade_down, fade_stop, fade_up, fast_off, fast_on, and query. target: entity: integration: isy994 fields: command: name: Command description: The command to be sent to the device. required: true selector: select: options: - "beep" - "brighten" - "dim" - "disable" - "enable" - "fade_down" - "fade_stop" - "fade_up" - "fast_off" - "fast_on" - "query" get_zwave_parameter: name: Get Z-Wave Parameter description: >- Request a Z-Wave Device parameter via the ISY. The parameter value will be returned as a entity extra state attribute with the name "ZW_#" where "#" is the parameter number. target: entity: integration: isy994 fields: parameter: name: Parameter description: The parameter number to retrieve from the device. example: 8 selector: number: min: 1 max: 255 set_zwave_parameter: name: Set Z-Wave Parameter description: >- Update a Z-Wave Device parameter via the ISY. The parameter value will also be returned as a entity extra state attribute with the name "ZW_#" where "#" is the parameter number. target: entity: integration: isy994 fields: parameter: name: Parameter description: The parameter number to set on the end device. required: true example: 8 selector: number: min: 1 max: 255 value: name: Value description: The value to set for the parameter. May be an integer or byte string (e.g. "0xFFFF"). required: true example: 33491663 selector: text: size: name: Size description: The size of the parameter, either 1, 2, or 4 bytes. required: true example: 4 selector: select: options: - "1" - "2" - "4" rename_node: name: Rename Node on ISY description: >- Rename a node or group (scene) on the ISY. Note: this will not automatically change the Home Assistant Entity Name or Entity ID to match. The entity name and ID will only be updated after calling `isy994.reload` or restarting Home Assistant, and ONLY IF you have not already customized the name within Home Assistant. target: entity: integration: isy994 fields: name: name: New Name description: The new name to use within the ISY. required: true example: "Front Door Light" selector: text: set_on_level: name: Set On Level (Deprecated) description: "Send a ISY set_on_level command to a Node. Deprecated: Use On Level Number entity instead." target: entity: integration: isy994 domain: light fields: value: name: Value description: integer value to set. required: true selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 set_ramp_rate: name: Set ramp rate (Deprecated) description: "Send a ISY set_ramp_rate command to a Node. Deprecated: Use On Level Number entity instead." target: entity: integration: isy994 domain: light fields: value: name: Value description: Integer value to set, see PyISY/ISY documentation for values to actual ramp times. required: true selector: number: min: 0 max: 31 system_query: name: System query (Deprecated) description: "Request the ISY Query the connected devices. Deprecated: Use device Query button entity." fields: address: name: Address description: ISY Address to Query. Omitting this requests a system-wide scan (typically scheduled once per day). example: "1A 2B 3C 1" selector: text: isy: name: ISY description: If you have more than one ISY connected, provide the name of the ISY to query (as shown on the Device Registry or as the top-first node in the ISY Admin Console). Omitting this will cause all ISYs to be queried. example: "ISY" selector: text: set_variable: name: Set variable (Deprecated) description: "Set an ISY variable's current or initial value. Variables can be set by either type/address or by name. Deprecated: Use number entities instead." fields: address: name: Address description: The address of the variable for which to set the value. selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 type: name: Type description: The variable type, 1 = Integer, 2 = State. selector: number: min: 1 max: 2 name: name: Name description: The name of the variable to set (use instead of type/address). example: "my_variable_name" selector: text: init: name: Init description: If True, the initial (init) value will be updated instead of the current value. default: false selector: boolean: value: name: Value description: The integer value to be sent. required: true selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 isy: name: ISY description: If you have more than one ISY connected, provide the name of the ISY to query (as shown on the Device Registry or as the top-first node in the ISY Admin Console). If you have the same variable name or address on multiple ISYs, omitting this will run the command on them all. example: "ISY" selector: text: send_program_command: name: Send program command description: >- Send a command to control an ISY program or folder. Valid commands are run, run_then, run_else, stop, enable, disable, enable_run_at_startup, and disable_run_at_startup. fields: address: name: Address description: The address of the program to control (use either address or name). example: "04B1" selector: text: name: name: Name description: The name of the program to control (use either address or name). example: "My Program" selector: text: command: name: Command description: The ISY Program Command to be sent. required: true selector: select: options: - "disable" - "disable_run_at_startup" - "enable" - "enable_run_at_startup" - "run" - "run_else" - "run_then" - "stop" isy: name: ISY description: If you have more than one ISY connected, provide the name of the ISY to query (as shown on the Device Registry or as the top-first node in the ISY Admin Console). If you have the same program name or address on multiple ISYs, omitting this will run the command on them all. example: "ISY" selector: text: run_network_resource: name: Run network resource (Deprecated) description: "Run a network resource on the ISY. Deprecated: Use Network Resource button entity." fields: address: name: Address description: The address of the network resource to execute (use either address or name). selector: number: min: 0 max: 255 name: name: Name description: The name of the network resource to execute (use either address or name). example: "Network Resource 1" selector: text: isy: name: ISY description: If you have more than one ISY connected, provide the name of the ISY to query (as shown on the Device Registry or as the top-first node in the ISY Admin Console). If you have the same resource name or address on multiple ISYs, omitting this will run the command on them all. example: "ISY" selector: text: reload: name: Reload description: Reload the ISY connection(s) without restarting Home Assistant. Use to pick up new devices that have been added or changed on the ISY. cleanup_entities: name: Cleanup entities description: Cleanup old entities and devices no longer used by the ISY integration. Useful if you've removed devices from the ISY or changed the options in the configuration to exclude additional items.