#!/bin/bash set -e readonly SETUP_DONE='/home-assistant/virtualization/vagrant/setup_done' readonly RUN_TESTS='/home-assistant/virtualization/vagrant/run_tests' readonly RESTART='/home-assistant/virtualization/vagrant/restart' usage() { echo '############################################################ Use `./provision.sh` to interact with HASS. E.g: - setup the environment: `./provision.sh start` - restart HASS process: `./provision.sh restart` - run test suit: `./provision.sh tests` - destroy the host and start anew: `./provision.sh recreate` Official documentation at https://home-assistant.io/docs/installation/vagrant/ ############################################################' } print_done() { echo '############################################################ HASS running => http://localhost:8123/ ' } setup_error() { echo '############################################################ Something is off... maybe setup did not complete properly? Please ensure setup did run correctly at least once. To run setup again: `./provision.sh setup` ############################################################' exit 1 } setup() { local hass_path='/root/venv/bin/hass' local systemd_bin_path='/usr/bin/hass' # Setup systemd cp /home-assistant/virtualization/vagrant/home-assistant@.service \ /etc/systemd/system/home-assistant.service systemctl --system daemon-reload systemctl enable home-assistant systemctl stop home-assistant # Install packages apt-get update apt-get install -y git rsync python3-dev python3-pip libssl-dev libffi-dev pip3 install --upgrade virtualenv virtualenv ~/venv source ~/venv/bin/activate pip3 install --upgrade tox /home-assistant/script/setup if ! [ -f $systemd_bin_path ]; then ln -s $hass_path $systemd_bin_path fi touch $SETUP_DONE print_done usage } run_tests() { rm -f $RUN_TESTS echo '############################################################' echo; echo "Running test suite, hang on..."; echo; echo if ! systemctl stop home-assistant; then setup_error fi source ~/venv/bin/activate rsync -a --delete \ --exclude='*.tox' \ --exclude='*.git' \ --exclude='.vagrant' \ --exclude='lib64' \ --exclude='bin/python' \ --exclude='bin/python3' \ /home-assistant/ /home-assistant-tests/ cd /home-assistant-tests && tox || true echo '############################################################' } restart() { echo "Restarting Home Assistant..." if ! systemctl restart home-assistant; then setup_error else echo "done" fi rm $RESTART } main() { # If a parameter is provided, we assume it's the user interacting # with the provider script... case $1 in "setup") rm -f setup_done; vagrant up --provision && touch setup_done; exit ;; "tests") touch run_tests; vagrant provision ; exit ;; "restart") touch restart; vagrant provision ; exit ;; "start") vagrant up --provision ; exit ;; "stop") vagrant halt ; exit ;; "destroy") vagrant destroy -f ; exit ;; "recreate") rm -f setup_done restart; vagrant destroy -f; \ vagrant up --provision; exit ;; esac # ...otherwise we assume it's the Vagrant provisioner if [ $(hostname) != "contrib-jessie" ] && [ $(hostname) != "contrib-stretch" ]; then usage; exit; fi if ! [ -f $SETUP_DONE ]; then setup; fi if [ -f $RESTART ]; then restart; fi if [ -f $RUN_TESTS ]; then run_tests; fi if ! systemctl start home-assistant; then setup_error fi } main $*