"""Support for Linode."""
from datetime import timedelta
import logging

import linode
import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.const import CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.util import Throttle

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ATTR_CREATED = "created"
ATTR_NODE_ID = "node_id"
ATTR_NODE_NAME = "node_name"
ATTR_IPV4_ADDRESS = "ipv4_address"
ATTR_IPV6_ADDRESS = "ipv6_address"
ATTR_MEMORY = "memory"
ATTR_REGION = "region"
ATTR_VCPUS = "vcpus"

CONF_NODES = "nodes"

DATA_LINODE = "data_li"
LINODE_PLATFORMS = ["binary_sensor", "switch"]
DOMAIN = "linode"

MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=60)

CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
    {DOMAIN: vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN): cv.string})},

def setup(hass, config):
    """Set up the Linode component."""
    conf = config[DOMAIN]
    access_token = conf.get(CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN)

    _linode = Linode(access_token)

        _LOGGER.info("Linode Profile %s", _linode.manager.get_profile().username)
    except linode.errors.ApiError as _ex:
        return False

    hass.data[DATA_LINODE] = _linode

    return True

class Linode:
    """Handle all communication with the Linode API."""

    def __init__(self, access_token):
        """Initialize the Linode connection."""
        self._access_token = access_token
        self.data = None
        self.manager = linode.LinodeClient(token=self._access_token)

    def get_node_id(self, node_name):
        """Get the status of a Linode Instance."""
        node_id = None

            all_nodes = self.manager.linode.get_instances()
            for node in all_nodes:
                if node_name == node.label:
                    node_id = node.id
        except linode.errors.ApiError as _ex:

        return node_id

    def update(self):
        """Use the data from Linode API."""
            self.data = self.manager.linode.get_instances()
        except linode.errors.ApiError as _ex: