"""The tests for the Event automation.""" import pytest import homeassistant.components.automation as automation from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, SERVICE_TURN_OFF from homeassistant.core import Context, HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import async_mock_service, mock_component @pytest.fixture def calls(hass): """Track calls to a mock service.""" return async_mock_service(hass, "test", "automation") @pytest.fixture def context_with_user(): """Create a context with default user_id.""" return Context(user_id="test_user_id") @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup_comp(hass): """Initialize components.""" mock_component(hass, "group") async def test_if_fires_on_event(hass: HomeAssistant, calls) -> None: """Test the firing of events.""" context = Context() assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": {"platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event"}, "action": { "service": "test.automation", "data_template": {"id": "{{ trigger.id}}"}, }, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", context=context) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].context.parent_id == context.id await hass.services.async_call( automation.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: ENTITY_MATCH_ALL}, blocking=True, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event") await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].data["id"] == 0 async def test_if_fires_on_templated_event(hass: HomeAssistant, calls) -> None: """Test the firing of events.""" context = Context() assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger_variables": {"event_type": "test_event"}, "trigger": {"platform": "event", "event_type": "{{event_type}}"}, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", context=context) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].context.parent_id == context.id await hass.services.async_call( automation.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: ENTITY_MATCH_ALL}, blocking=True, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event") await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_if_fires_on_multiple_events(hass: HomeAssistant, calls) -> None: """Test the firing of events.""" context = Context() assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": ["test_event", "test2_event"], }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", context=context) await hass.async_block_till_done() hass.bus.async_fire("test2_event", context=context) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 2 assert calls[0].context.parent_id == context.id assert calls[1].context.parent_id == context.id async def test_if_fires_on_event_extra_data( hass: HomeAssistant, calls, context_with_user ) -> None: """Test the firing of events still matches with event data and context.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": {"platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event"}, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"extra_key": "extra_data"}, context=context_with_user ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 await hass.services.async_call( automation.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: ENTITY_MATCH_ALL}, blocking=True, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event") await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_if_fires_on_event_with_data_and_context( hass: HomeAssistant, calls, context_with_user ) -> None: """Test the firing of events with data and context.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "event_data": { "some_attr": "some_value", "second_attr": "second_value", }, "context": {"user_id": context_with_user.user_id}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"some_attr": "some_value", "another": "value", "second_attr": "second_value"}, context=context_with_user, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"some_attr": "some_value", "another": "value"}, context=context_with_user, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 # No new call hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"some_attr": "some_value", "another": "value", "second_attr": "second_value"}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_if_fires_on_event_with_templated_data_and_context( hass: HomeAssistant, calls, context_with_user ) -> None: """Test the firing of events with templated data and context.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger_variables": { "attr_1_val": "milk", "attr_2_val": "beer", "user_id": context_with_user.user_id, }, "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "event_data": { "attr_1": "{{attr_1_val}}", "attr_2": "{{attr_2_val}}", }, "context": {"user_id": "{{user_id}}"}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"attr_1": "milk", "another": "value", "attr_2": "beer"}, context=context_with_user, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"attr_1": "milk", "another": "value"}, context=context_with_user, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 # No new call hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"attr_1": "milk", "another": "value", "attr_2": "beer"}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_if_fires_on_event_with_empty_data_and_context_config( hass: HomeAssistant, calls, context_with_user ) -> None: """Test the firing of events with empty data and context config. The frontend automation editor can produce configurations with an empty dict for event_data instead of no key. """ assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "event_data": {}, "context": {}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"some_attr": "some_value", "another": "value"}, context=context_with_user, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_if_fires_on_event_with_nested_data(hass: HomeAssistant, calls) -> None: """Test the firing of events with nested data. This test exercises the slow path of using vol.Schema to validate matching event data. """ assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "event_data": {"parent_attr": {"some_attr": "some_value"}}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire( "test_event", {"parent_attr": {"some_attr": "some_value", "another": "value"}} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_if_fires_on_event_with_empty_data(hass: HomeAssistant, calls) -> None: """Test the firing of events with empty data. This test exercises the fast path to validate matching event data. """ assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "event_data": {}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", {"any_attr": {}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_if_fires_on_sample_zha_event(hass: HomeAssistant, calls) -> None: """Test the firing of events with a sample zha event. This test exercises the fast path to validate matching event data. """ assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "zha_event", "event_data": { "device_ieee": "00:15:8d:00:02:93:04:11", "command": "attribute_updated", "args": { "attribute_id": 0, "attribute_name": "on_off", "value": True, }, }, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire( "zha_event", { "device_ieee": "00:15:8d:00:02:93:04:11", "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:02:93:04:11:1:0x0006", "endpoint_id": 1, "cluster_id": 6, "command": "attribute_updated", "args": {"attribute_id": 0, "attribute_name": "on_off", "value": True}, }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 hass.bus.async_fire( "zha_event", { "device_ieee": "00:15:8d:00:02:93:04:11", "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:02:93:04:11:1:0x0006", "endpoint_id": 1, "cluster_id": 6, "command": "attribute_updated", "args": {"attribute_id": 0, "attribute_name": "on_off", "value": False}, }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_if_not_fires_if_event_data_not_matches( hass: HomeAssistant, calls ) -> None: """Test firing of event if no data match.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "event_data": {"some_attr": "some_value"}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", {"some_attr": "some_other_value"}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 0 async def test_if_not_fires_if_event_context_not_matches( hass: HomeAssistant, calls, context_with_user ) -> None: """Test firing of event if no context match.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "context": {"user_id": "some_user"}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", {}, context=context_with_user) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 0 async def test_if_fires_on_multiple_user_ids( hass: HomeAssistant, calls, context_with_user ) -> None: """Test the firing of event when the trigger has multiple user ids. This test exercises the slow path of using vol.Schema to validate matching event context. """ assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "event_data": {}, "context": {"user_id": [context_with_user.user_id, "another id"]}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", {}, context=context_with_user) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_event_data_with_list(hass: HomeAssistant, calls) -> None: """Test the (non)firing of event when the data schema has lists.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: { "trigger": { "platform": "event", "event_type": "test_event", "event_data": {"some_attr": [1, 2]}, "context": {}, }, "action": {"service": "test.automation"}, } }, ) hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", {"some_attr": [1, 2]}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 # don't match a single value hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", {"some_attr": 1}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 # don't match a containing list hass.bus.async_fire("test_event", {"some_attr": [1, 2, 3]}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1