"""Lights on Zigbee Home Automation networks.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import Counter from collections.abc import Callable from datetime import timedelta import functools import itertools import logging import random from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from zigpy.zcl.clusters.general import Identify, LevelControl, OnOff from zigpy.zcl.clusters.lighting import Color from zigpy.zcl.foundation import Status from homeassistant.components import light from homeassistant.components.light import ( ColorMode, LightEntityFeature, brightness_supported, filter_supported_color_modes, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, STATE_ON, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, HomeAssistant, State, callback from homeassistant.helpers.debounce import Debouncer from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import ( async_dispatcher_connect, async_dispatcher_send, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later, async_track_time_interval from .core import discovery, helpers from .core.const import ( CLUSTER_HANDLER_COLOR, CLUSTER_HANDLER_LEVEL, CLUSTER_HANDLER_ON_OFF, CONF_ALWAYS_PREFER_XY_COLOR_MODE, CONF_DEFAULT_LIGHT_TRANSITION, CONF_ENABLE_ENHANCED_LIGHT_TRANSITION, CONF_ENABLE_LIGHT_TRANSITIONING_FLAG, CONF_GROUP_MEMBERS_ASSUME_STATE, DATA_ZHA, SIGNAL_ADD_ENTITIES, SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED, SIGNAL_SET_LEVEL, ZHA_OPTIONS, ) from .core.helpers import LogMixin, async_get_zha_config_value, get_zha_data from .core.registries import ZHA_ENTITIES from .entity import ZhaEntity, ZhaGroupEntity if TYPE_CHECKING: from .core.device import ZHADevice _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_ON_OFF_TRANSITION = 1 # most bulbs default to a 1-second turn on/off transition DEFAULT_EXTRA_TRANSITION_DELAY_SHORT = 0.25 DEFAULT_EXTRA_TRANSITION_DELAY_LONG = 2.0 DEFAULT_LONG_TRANSITION_TIME = 10 DEFAULT_MIN_BRIGHTNESS = 2 ASSUME_UPDATE_GROUP_FROM_CHILD_DELAY = 0.05 FLASH_EFFECTS = { light.FLASH_SHORT: Identify.EffectIdentifier.Blink, light.FLASH_LONG: Identify.EffectIdentifier.Breathe, } STRICT_MATCH = functools.partial(ZHA_ENTITIES.strict_match, Platform.LIGHT) GROUP_MATCH = functools.partial(ZHA_ENTITIES.group_match, Platform.LIGHT) SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_STATE_CHANGED = "zha_light_group_state_changed" SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_TRANSITION_START = "zha_light_group_transition_start" SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_TRANSITION_FINISHED = "zha_light_group_transition_finished" SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_ASSUME_GROUP_STATE = "zha_light_group_assume_group_state" DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_MANUFACTURERS = {"sengled"} COLOR_MODES_GROUP_LIGHT = {ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP, ColorMode.XY} SUPPORT_GROUP_LIGHT = ( light.LightEntityFeature.EFFECT | light.LightEntityFeature.FLASH | light.LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION ) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up the Zigbee Home Automation light from config entry.""" zha_data = get_zha_data(hass) entities_to_create = zha_data.platforms[Platform.LIGHT] unsub = async_dispatcher_connect( hass, SIGNAL_ADD_ENTITIES, functools.partial( discovery.async_add_entities, async_add_entities, entities_to_create ), ) config_entry.async_on_unload(unsub) class BaseLight(LogMixin, light.LightEntity): """Operations common to all light entities.""" _FORCE_ON = False _DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME: float = 0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the light.""" self._zha_device: ZHADevice = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._attr_min_mireds: int | None = 153 self._attr_max_mireds: int | None = 500 self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.UNKNOWN # Set by subclasses self._attr_supported_features: int = 0 self._attr_state: bool | None self._off_with_transition: bool = False self._off_brightness: int | None = None self._zha_config_transition = self._DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME self._zha_config_enhanced_light_transition: bool = False self._zha_config_enable_light_transitioning_flag: bool = True self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode: bool = True self._on_off_cluster_handler = None self._level_cluster_handler = None self._color_cluster_handler = None self._identify_cluster_handler = None self._transitioning_individual: bool = False self._transitioning_group: bool = False self._transition_listener: Callable[[], None] | None = None async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Disconnect entity object when removed.""" self._async_unsub_transition_listener() await super().async_will_remove_from_hass() @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return state attributes.""" attributes = { "off_with_transition": self._off_with_transition, "off_brightness": self._off_brightness, } return attributes @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if entity is on.""" if self._attr_state is None: return False return self._attr_state @callback def set_level(self, value: int) -> None: """Set the brightness of this light between 0..254. brightness level 255 is a special value instructing the device to come on at `on_level` Zigbee attribute value, regardless of the last set level """ if self.is_transitioning: self.debug( "received level %s while transitioning - skipping update", value, ) return value = max(0, min(254, value)) self._attr_brightness = value self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the entity on.""" transition = kwargs.get(light.ATTR_TRANSITION) duration = ( transition if transition is not None else self._zha_config_transition ) or ( # if 0 is passed in some devices still need the minimum default self._DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME ) brightness = kwargs.get(light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS) effect = kwargs.get(light.ATTR_EFFECT) flash = kwargs.get(light.ATTR_FLASH) temperature = kwargs.get(light.ATTR_COLOR_TEMP) xy_color = kwargs.get(light.ATTR_XY_COLOR) hs_color = kwargs.get(light.ATTR_HS_COLOR) execute_if_off_supported = ( self._GROUP_SUPPORTS_EXECUTE_IF_OFF if isinstance(self, LightGroup) else self._color_cluster_handler and self._color_cluster_handler.execute_if_off_supported ) set_transition_flag = ( brightness_supported(self._attr_supported_color_modes) or temperature is not None or xy_color is not None or hs_color is not None ) and self._zha_config_enable_light_transitioning_flag transition_time = ( ( duration + DEFAULT_EXTRA_TRANSITION_DELAY_SHORT if ( (brightness is not None or transition is not None) and brightness_supported(self._attr_supported_color_modes) or (self._off_with_transition and self._off_brightness is not None) or temperature is not None or xy_color is not None or hs_color is not None ) else DEFAULT_ON_OFF_TRANSITION + DEFAULT_EXTRA_TRANSITION_DELAY_SHORT ) if set_transition_flag else 0 ) # If we need to pause attribute report parsing, we'll do so here. # After successful calls, we later start a timer to unset the flag after # transition_time. # - On an error on the first move to level call, we unset the flag immediately # if no previous timer is running. # - On an error on subsequent calls, we start the transition timer, # as a brightness call might have come through. if set_transition_flag: self.async_transition_set_flag() # If the light is currently off but a turn_on call with a color/temperature is # sent, the light needs to be turned on first at a low brightness level where # the light is immediately transitioned to the correct color. Afterwards, the # transition is only from the low brightness to the new brightness. # Otherwise, the transition is from the color the light had before being turned # on to the new color. This can look especially bad with transitions longer than # a second. We do not want to do this for devices that need to be forced to use # the on command because we would end up with 4 commands sent: # move to level, on, color, move to level... We also will not set this # if the bulb is already in the desired color mode with the desired color # or color temperature. new_color_provided_while_off = ( self._zha_config_enhanced_light_transition and not self._FORCE_ON and not self._attr_state and ( ( temperature is not None and ( self._attr_color_temp != temperature or self._attr_color_mode != ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP ) ) or ( xy_color is not None and ( self._attr_xy_color != xy_color or self._attr_color_mode != ColorMode.XY ) ) or ( hs_color is not None and ( self._attr_hs_color != hs_color or self._attr_color_mode != ColorMode.HS ) ) ) and brightness_supported(self._attr_supported_color_modes) and not execute_if_off_supported ) if ( brightness is None and (self._off_with_transition or new_color_provided_while_off) and self._off_brightness is not None ): brightness = self._off_brightness if brightness is not None: level = min(254, brightness) else: level = self._attr_brightness or 254 t_log = {} if new_color_provided_while_off: # If the light is currently off, we first need to turn it on at a low # brightness level with no transition. # After that, we set it to the desired color/temperature with no transition. result = await self._level_cluster_handler.move_to_level_with_on_off( level=DEFAULT_MIN_BRIGHTNESS, transition_time=int(10 * self._DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME), ) t_log["move_to_level_with_on_off"] = result if result[1] is not Status.SUCCESS: # First 'move to level' call failed, so if the transitioning delay # isn't running from a previous call, # the flag can be unset immediately if set_transition_flag and not self._transition_listener: self.async_transition_complete() self.debug("turned on: %s", t_log) return # Currently only setting it to "on", as the correct level state will # be set at the second move_to_level call self._attr_state = True if execute_if_off_supported: self.debug("handling color commands before turning on/level") if not await self.async_handle_color_commands( temperature, duration, # duration is ignored by lights when off hs_color, xy_color, new_color_provided_while_off, t_log, ): # Color calls before on/level calls failed, # so if the transitioning delay isn't running from a previous call, # the flag can be unset immediately if set_transition_flag and not self._transition_listener: self.async_transition_complete() self.debug("turned on: %s", t_log) return if ( (brightness is not None or transition is not None) and not new_color_provided_while_off and brightness_supported(self._attr_supported_color_modes) ): result = await self._level_cluster_handler.move_to_level_with_on_off( level=level, transition_time=int(10 * duration), ) t_log["move_to_level_with_on_off"] = result if result[1] is not Status.SUCCESS: # First 'move to level' call failed, so if the transitioning delay # isn't running from a previous call, the flag can be unset immediately if set_transition_flag and not self._transition_listener: self.async_transition_complete() self.debug("turned on: %s", t_log) return self._attr_state = bool(level) if level: self._attr_brightness = level if ( (brightness is None and transition is None) and not new_color_provided_while_off or (self._FORCE_ON and brightness != 0) ): # since FORCE_ON lights don't turn on with move_to_level_with_on_off, # we should call the on command on the on_off cluster # if brightness is not 0. result = await self._on_off_cluster_handler.on() t_log["on_off"] = result if result[1] is not Status.SUCCESS: # 'On' call failed, but as brightness may still transition # (for FORCE_ON lights), we start the timer to unset the flag after # the transition_time if necessary. self.async_transition_start_timer(transition_time) self.debug("turned on: %s", t_log) return self._attr_state = True if not execute_if_off_supported: self.debug("handling color commands after turning on/level") if not await self.async_handle_color_commands( temperature, duration, hs_color, xy_color, new_color_provided_while_off, t_log, ): # Color calls failed, but as brightness may still transition, # we start the timer to unset the flag self.async_transition_start_timer(transition_time) self.debug("turned on: %s", t_log) return if new_color_provided_while_off: # The light has the correct color, so we can now transition # it to the correct brightness level. result = await self._level_cluster_handler.move_to_level( level=level, transition_time=int(10 * duration) ) t_log["move_to_level_if_color"] = result if result[1] is not Status.SUCCESS: self.debug("turned on: %s", t_log) return self._attr_state = bool(level) if level: self._attr_brightness = level # Our light is guaranteed to have just started the transitioning process # if necessary, so we start the delay for the transition (to stop parsing # attribute reports after the completed transition). self.async_transition_start_timer(transition_time) if effect == light.EFFECT_COLORLOOP: result = await self._color_cluster_handler.color_loop_set( update_flags=( Color.ColorLoopUpdateFlags.Action | Color.ColorLoopUpdateFlags.Direction | Color.ColorLoopUpdateFlags.Time ), action=Color.ColorLoopAction.Activate_from_current_hue, direction=Color.ColorLoopDirection.Increment, time=transition if transition else 7, start_hue=0, ) t_log["color_loop_set"] = result self._attr_effect = light.EFFECT_COLORLOOP elif ( self._attr_effect == light.EFFECT_COLORLOOP and effect != light.EFFECT_COLORLOOP ): result = await self._color_cluster_handler.color_loop_set( update_flags=Color.ColorLoopUpdateFlags.Action, action=Color.ColorLoopAction.Deactivate, direction=Color.ColorLoopDirection.Decrement, time=0, start_hue=0, ) t_log["color_loop_set"] = result self._attr_effect = None if flash is not None: result = await self._identify_cluster_handler.trigger_effect( effect_id=FLASH_EFFECTS[flash], effect_variant=Identify.EffectVariant.Default, ) t_log["trigger_effect"] = result self._off_with_transition = False self._off_brightness = None self.debug("turned on: %s", t_log) self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the entity off.""" transition = kwargs.get(light.ATTR_TRANSITION) supports_level = brightness_supported(self._attr_supported_color_modes) transition_time = ( transition or self._DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME if transition is not None else DEFAULT_ON_OFF_TRANSITION ) + DEFAULT_EXTRA_TRANSITION_DELAY_SHORT # Start pausing attribute report parsing if self._zha_config_enable_light_transitioning_flag: self.async_transition_set_flag() # is not none looks odd here, but it will override built in bulb # transition times if we pass 0 in here if transition is not None and supports_level: result = await self._level_cluster_handler.move_to_level_with_on_off( level=0, transition_time=int( 10 * (transition or self._DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME) ), ) else: result = await self._on_off_cluster_handler.off() # Pause parsing attribute reports until transition is complete if self._zha_config_enable_light_transitioning_flag: self.async_transition_start_timer(transition_time) self.debug("turned off: %s", result) if result[1] is not Status.SUCCESS: return self._attr_state = False if supports_level and not self._off_with_transition: # store current brightness so that the next turn_on uses it: # when using "enhanced turn on" self._off_brightness = self._attr_brightness if transition is not None: # save for when calling turn_on without a brightness: # current_level is set to 1 after transitioning to level 0, # needed for correct state with light groups self._attr_brightness = 1 self._off_with_transition = transition is not None self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_handle_color_commands( self, temperature, duration, hs_color, xy_color, new_color_provided_while_off, t_log, ): """Process ZCL color commands.""" transition_time = ( self._DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME if new_color_provided_while_off else duration ) if temperature is not None: result = await self._color_cluster_handler.move_to_color_temp( color_temp_mireds=temperature, transition_time=int(10 * transition_time), ) t_log["move_to_color_temp"] = result if result[1] is not Status.SUCCESS: return False self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP self._attr_color_temp = temperature self._attr_xy_color = None self._attr_hs_color = None if hs_color is not None: if ( not isinstance(self, LightGroup) and self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_hue_supported ): result = await self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_move_to_hue_and_saturation( enhanced_hue=int(hs_color[0] * 65535 / 360), saturation=int(hs_color[1] * 2.54), transition_time=int(10 * transition_time), ) t_log["enhanced_move_to_hue_and_saturation"] = result else: result = await self._color_cluster_handler.move_to_hue_and_saturation( hue=int(hs_color[0] * 254 / 360), saturation=int(hs_color[1] * 2.54), transition_time=int(10 * transition_time), ) t_log["move_to_hue_and_saturation"] = result if result[1] is not Status.SUCCESS: return False self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.HS self._attr_hs_color = hs_color self._attr_xy_color = None self._attr_color_temp = None xy_color = None # don't set xy_color if it is also present if xy_color is not None: result = await self._color_cluster_handler.move_to_color( color_x=int(xy_color[0] * 65535), color_y=int(xy_color[1] * 65535), transition_time=int(10 * transition_time), ) t_log["move_to_color"] = result if result[1] is not Status.SUCCESS: return False self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.XY self._attr_xy_color = xy_color self._attr_color_temp = None self._attr_hs_color = None return True @property def is_transitioning(self) -> bool: """Return if the light is transitioning.""" return self._transitioning_individual or self._transitioning_group @callback def async_transition_set_flag(self) -> None: """Set _transitioning to True.""" self.debug("setting transitioning flag to True") self._transitioning_individual = True self._transitioning_group = False if isinstance(self, LightGroup): async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_TRANSITION_START, {"entity_ids": self._entity_ids}, ) self._async_unsub_transition_listener() @callback def async_transition_start_timer(self, transition_time) -> None: """Start a timer to unset _transitioning_individual after transition_time. If necessary. """ if not transition_time: return # For longer transitions, we want to extend the timer a bit more if transition_time >= DEFAULT_LONG_TRANSITION_TIME: transition_time += DEFAULT_EXTRA_TRANSITION_DELAY_LONG self.debug("starting transitioning timer for %s", transition_time) self._transition_listener = async_call_later( self._zha_device.hass, transition_time, self.async_transition_complete, ) @callback def _async_unsub_transition_listener(self) -> None: """Unsubscribe transition listener.""" if self._transition_listener: self._transition_listener() self._transition_listener = None @callback def async_transition_complete(self, _=None) -> None: """Set _transitioning_individual to False and write HA state.""" self.debug("transition complete - future attribute reports will write HA state") self._transitioning_individual = False self._async_unsub_transition_listener() self.async_write_ha_state() if isinstance(self, LightGroup): async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_TRANSITION_FINISHED, {"entity_ids": self._entity_ids}, ) if self._debounced_member_refresh is not None: self.debug("transition complete - refreshing group member states") assert self.platform.config_entry self.platform.config_entry.async_create_background_task( self.hass, self._debounced_member_refresh.async_call(), "zha.light-refresh-debounced-member", ) @STRICT_MATCH( cluster_handler_names=CLUSTER_HANDLER_ON_OFF, aux_cluster_handlers={CLUSTER_HANDLER_COLOR, CLUSTER_HANDLER_LEVEL}, ) class Light(BaseLight, ZhaEntity): """Representation of a ZHA or ZLL light.""" _attr_supported_color_modes: set[ColorMode] _attr_translation_key: str = "light" _REFRESH_INTERVAL = (45, 75) def __init__( self, unique_id, zha_device: ZHADevice, cluster_handlers, **kwargs ) -> None: """Initialize the ZHA light.""" super().__init__(unique_id, zha_device, cluster_handlers, **kwargs) self._on_off_cluster_handler = self.cluster_handlers[CLUSTER_HANDLER_ON_OFF] self._attr_state = bool(self._on_off_cluster_handler.on_off) self._level_cluster_handler = self.cluster_handlers.get(CLUSTER_HANDLER_LEVEL) self._color_cluster_handler = self.cluster_handlers.get(CLUSTER_HANDLER_COLOR) self._identify_cluster_handler = zha_device.identify_ch if self._color_cluster_handler: self._attr_min_mireds: int = self._color_cluster_handler.min_mireds self._attr_max_mireds: int = self._color_cluster_handler.max_mireds self._cancel_refresh_handle: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None effect_list = [] self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode = async_get_zha_config_value( zha_device.gateway.config_entry, ZHA_OPTIONS, CONF_ALWAYS_PREFER_XY_COLOR_MODE, True, ) self._attr_supported_color_modes = {ColorMode.ONOFF} if self._level_cluster_handler: self._attr_supported_color_modes.add(ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS) self._attr_supported_features |= light.LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION self._attr_brightness = self._level_cluster_handler.current_level if self._color_cluster_handler: if self._color_cluster_handler.color_temp_supported: self._attr_supported_color_modes.add(ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP) self._attr_color_temp = self._color_cluster_handler.color_temperature if self._color_cluster_handler.xy_supported and ( self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode or not self._color_cluster_handler.hs_supported ): self._attr_supported_color_modes.add(ColorMode.XY) curr_x = self._color_cluster_handler.current_x curr_y = self._color_cluster_handler.current_y if curr_x is not None and curr_y is not None: self._attr_xy_color = (curr_x / 65535, curr_y / 65535) else: self._attr_xy_color = (0, 0) if ( self._color_cluster_handler.hs_supported and not self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode ): self._attr_supported_color_modes.add(ColorMode.HS) if ( self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_hue_supported and self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_current_hue is not None ): curr_hue = ( self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_current_hue * 65535 / 360 ) elif self._color_cluster_handler.current_hue is not None: curr_hue = self._color_cluster_handler.current_hue * 254 / 360 else: curr_hue = 0 if ( curr_saturation := self._color_cluster_handler.current_saturation ) is None: curr_saturation = 0 self._attr_hs_color = ( int(curr_hue), int(curr_saturation * 2.54), ) if self._color_cluster_handler.color_loop_supported: self._attr_supported_features |= light.LightEntityFeature.EFFECT effect_list.append(light.EFFECT_COLORLOOP) if self._color_cluster_handler.color_loop_active == 1: self._attr_effect = light.EFFECT_COLORLOOP self._attr_supported_color_modes = filter_supported_color_modes( self._attr_supported_color_modes ) if len(self._attr_supported_color_modes) == 1: self._attr_color_mode = next(iter(self._attr_supported_color_modes)) else: # Light supports color_temp + hs, determine which mode the light is in assert self._color_cluster_handler if ( self._color_cluster_handler.color_mode == Color.ColorMode.Color_temperature ): self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP else: self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.XY if self._identify_cluster_handler: self._attr_supported_features |= light.LightEntityFeature.FLASH if effect_list: self._attr_effect_list = effect_list self._zha_config_transition = async_get_zha_config_value( zha_device.gateway.config_entry, ZHA_OPTIONS, CONF_DEFAULT_LIGHT_TRANSITION, 0, ) self._zha_config_enhanced_light_transition = async_get_zha_config_value( zha_device.gateway.config_entry, ZHA_OPTIONS, CONF_ENABLE_ENHANCED_LIGHT_TRANSITION, False, ) self._zha_config_enable_light_transitioning_flag = async_get_zha_config_value( zha_device.gateway.config_entry, ZHA_OPTIONS, CONF_ENABLE_LIGHT_TRANSITIONING_FLAG, True, ) @callback def async_set_state(self, attr_id, attr_name, value): """Set the state.""" if self.is_transitioning: self.debug( "received onoff %s while transitioning - skipping update", value, ) return self._attr_state = bool(value) if value: self._off_with_transition = False self._off_brightness = None self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Run when about to be added to hass.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() self.async_accept_signal( self._on_off_cluster_handler, SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED, self.async_set_state ) if self._level_cluster_handler: self.async_accept_signal( self._level_cluster_handler, SIGNAL_SET_LEVEL, self.set_level ) refresh_interval = random.randint(*(x * 60 for x in self._REFRESH_INTERVAL)) self._cancel_refresh_handle = async_track_time_interval( self.hass, self._refresh, timedelta(seconds=refresh_interval) ) self.debug("started polling with refresh interval of %s", refresh_interval) self.async_accept_signal( None, SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_STATE_CHANGED, self._maybe_force_refresh, signal_override=True, ) @callback def transition_on(signal): """Handle a transition start event from a group.""" if self.entity_id in signal["entity_ids"]: self.debug( "group transition started - setting member transitioning flag" ) self._transitioning_group = True self.async_accept_signal( None, SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_TRANSITION_START, transition_on, signal_override=True, ) @callback def transition_off(signal): """Handle a transition finished event from a group.""" if self.entity_id in signal["entity_ids"]: self.debug( "group transition completed - unsetting member transitioning flag" ) self._transitioning_group = False self.async_accept_signal( None, SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_TRANSITION_FINISHED, transition_off, signal_override=True, ) self.async_accept_signal( None, SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_ASSUME_GROUP_STATE, self._assume_group_state, signal_override=True, ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Disconnect entity object when removed.""" assert self._cancel_refresh_handle self._cancel_refresh_handle() self._cancel_refresh_handle = None self.debug("stopped polling during device removal") await super().async_will_remove_from_hass() @callback def async_restore_last_state(self, last_state): """Restore previous state.""" self._attr_state = last_state.state == STATE_ON if "brightness" in last_state.attributes: self._attr_brightness = last_state.attributes["brightness"] if "off_with_transition" in last_state.attributes: self._off_with_transition = last_state.attributes["off_with_transition"] if "off_brightness" in last_state.attributes: self._off_brightness = last_state.attributes["off_brightness"] if (color_mode := last_state.attributes.get("color_mode")) is not None: self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode(color_mode) if "color_temp" in last_state.attributes: self._attr_color_temp = last_state.attributes["color_temp"] if "xy_color" in last_state.attributes: self._attr_xy_color = last_state.attributes["xy_color"] if "hs_color" in last_state.attributes: self._attr_hs_color = last_state.attributes["hs_color"] if "effect" in last_state.attributes: self._attr_effect = last_state.attributes["effect"] async def async_get_state(self) -> None: """Attempt to retrieve the state from the light.""" if not self._attr_available: return self.debug("polling current state") if self._on_off_cluster_handler: state = await self._on_off_cluster_handler.get_attribute_value( "on_off", from_cache=False ) # check if transition started whilst waiting for polled state if self.is_transitioning: return if state is not None: self._attr_state = state if state: # reset "off with transition" flag if the light is on self._off_with_transition = False self._off_brightness = None if self._level_cluster_handler: level = await self._level_cluster_handler.get_attribute_value( "current_level", from_cache=False ) # check if transition started whilst waiting for polled state if self.is_transitioning: return if level is not None: self._attr_brightness = level if self._color_cluster_handler: attributes = [ "color_mode", "current_x", "current_y", ] if ( not self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode and self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_hue_supported ): attributes.append("enhanced_current_hue") attributes.append("current_saturation") if ( self._color_cluster_handler.hs_supported and not self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_hue_supported and not self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode ): attributes.append("current_hue") attributes.append("current_saturation") if self._color_cluster_handler.color_temp_supported: attributes.append("color_temperature") if self._color_cluster_handler.color_loop_supported: attributes.append("color_loop_active") results = await self._color_cluster_handler.get_attributes( attributes, from_cache=False, only_cache=False ) # although rare, a transition might have been started while we were waiting # for the polled attributes, so abort if we are transitioning, # as that state will not be accurate if self.is_transitioning: return if (color_mode := results.get("color_mode")) is not None: if color_mode == Color.ColorMode.Color_temperature: self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP color_temp = results.get("color_temperature") if color_temp is not None and color_mode: self._attr_color_temp = color_temp self._attr_xy_color = None self._attr_hs_color = None elif ( color_mode == Color.ColorMode.Hue_and_saturation and not self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode ): self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.HS if self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_hue_supported: current_hue = results.get("enhanced_current_hue") else: current_hue = results.get("current_hue") current_saturation = results.get("current_saturation") if current_hue is not None and current_saturation is not None: self._attr_hs_color = ( int(current_hue * 360 / 65535) if self._color_cluster_handler.enhanced_hue_supported else int(current_hue * 360 / 254), int(current_saturation / 2.54), ) self._attr_xy_color = None self._attr_color_temp = None else: self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.XY color_x = results.get("current_x") color_y = results.get("current_y") if color_x is not None and color_y is not None: self._attr_xy_color = (color_x / 65535, color_y / 65535) self._attr_color_temp = None self._attr_hs_color = None color_loop_active = results.get("color_loop_active") if color_loop_active is not None: if color_loop_active == 1: self._attr_effect = light.EFFECT_COLORLOOP else: self._attr_effect = None async def async_update(self) -> None: """Update to the latest state.""" if self.is_transitioning: self.debug("skipping async_update while transitioning") return await self.async_get_state() async def _refresh(self, time): """Call async_get_state at an interval.""" if self.is_transitioning: self.debug("skipping _refresh while transitioning") return if self._zha_device.available and self.hass.data[DATA_ZHA].allow_polling: self.debug("polling for updated state") await self.async_get_state() self.async_write_ha_state() else: self.debug( "skipping polling for updated state, available: %s, allow polled requests: %s", self._zha_device.available, self.hass.data[DATA_ZHA].allow_polling, ) async def _maybe_force_refresh(self, signal): """Force update the state if the signal contains the entity id for this entity.""" if self.entity_id in signal["entity_ids"]: if self.is_transitioning: self.debug("skipping _maybe_force_refresh while transitioning") return if self._zha_device.available and self.hass.data[DATA_ZHA].allow_polling: self.debug("forcing polling for updated state") await self.async_get_state() self.async_write_ha_state() else: self.debug( "skipping _maybe_force_refresh, available: %s, allow polled requests: %s", self._zha_device.available, self.hass.data[DATA_ZHA].allow_polling, ) @callback def _assume_group_state(self, signal, update_params) -> None: """Handle an assume group state event from a group.""" if self.entity_id in signal["entity_ids"] and self._attr_available: self.debug("member assuming group state with: %s", update_params) state = update_params["state"] brightness = update_params.get(light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS) color_mode = update_params.get(light.ATTR_COLOR_MODE) color_temp = update_params.get(light.ATTR_COLOR_TEMP) xy_color = update_params.get(light.ATTR_XY_COLOR) hs_color = update_params.get(light.ATTR_HS_COLOR) effect = update_params.get(light.ATTR_EFFECT) supported_modes = self._attr_supported_color_modes # unset "off brightness" and "off with transition" # if group turned on this light if state and not self._attr_state: self._off_with_transition = False self._off_brightness = None # set "off brightness" and "off with transition" # if group turned off this light, and the light was not already off # (to not override _off_with_transition) elif ( not state and self._attr_state and brightness_supported(supported_modes) ): # use individual brightness, instead of possibly averaged # brightness from group self._off_brightness = self._attr_brightness self._off_with_transition = update_params["off_with_transition"] # Note: If individual lights have off_with_transition set, but not the # group, and the group is then turned on without a level, individual lights # might fall back to brightness level 1. # Since all lights might need different brightness levels to be turned on, # we can't use one group call. And making individual calls when turning on # a ZHA group would cause a lot of traffic. In this case, # turn_on should either just be called with a level or individual turn_on # calls can be used. # state is always set (light.turn_on/light.turn_off) self._attr_state = state # before assuming a group state attribute, check if the attribute # was actually set in that call if brightness is not None and brightness_supported(supported_modes): self._attr_brightness = brightness if color_mode is not None and color_mode in supported_modes: self._attr_color_mode = color_mode if color_temp is not None and ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP in supported_modes: self._attr_color_temp = color_temp if xy_color is not None and ColorMode.XY in supported_modes: self._attr_xy_color = xy_color if hs_color is not None and ColorMode.HS in supported_modes: self._attr_hs_color = hs_color # the effect is always deactivated in async_turn_on if not provided if effect is None: self._attr_effect = None elif self._attr_effect_list and effect in self._attr_effect_list: self._attr_effect = effect self.async_write_ha_state() @STRICT_MATCH( cluster_handler_names=CLUSTER_HANDLER_ON_OFF, aux_cluster_handlers={CLUSTER_HANDLER_COLOR, CLUSTER_HANDLER_LEVEL}, manufacturers={"Philips", "Signify Netherlands B.V."}, ) class HueLight(Light): """Representation of a HUE light which does not report attributes.""" _REFRESH_INTERVAL = (3, 5) @STRICT_MATCH( cluster_handler_names=CLUSTER_HANDLER_ON_OFF, aux_cluster_handlers={CLUSTER_HANDLER_COLOR, CLUSTER_HANDLER_LEVEL}, manufacturers={"Jasco", "Jasco Products", "Quotra-Vision", "eWeLight", "eWeLink"}, ) class ForceOnLight(Light): """Representation of a light which does not respect on/off for move_to_level_with_on_off commands.""" _FORCE_ON = True @STRICT_MATCH( cluster_handler_names=CLUSTER_HANDLER_ON_OFF, aux_cluster_handlers={CLUSTER_HANDLER_COLOR, CLUSTER_HANDLER_LEVEL}, manufacturers=DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_MANUFACTURERS, ) class MinTransitionLight(Light): """Representation of a light which does not react to any "move to" calls with 0 as a transition.""" # Transitions are counted in 1/10th of a second increments, so this is the smallest _DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME = 0.1 @GROUP_MATCH() class LightGroup(BaseLight, ZhaGroupEntity): """Representation of a light group.""" _attr_translation_key: str = "light_group" def __init__( self, entity_ids: list[str], unique_id: str, group_id: int, zha_device: ZHADevice, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize a light group.""" super().__init__(entity_ids, unique_id, group_id, zha_device, **kwargs) group = self.zha_device.gateway.get_group(self._group_id) self._GROUP_SUPPORTS_EXECUTE_IF_OFF = True for member in group.members: # Ensure we do not send group commands that violate the minimum transition # time of any members. if member.device.manufacturer in DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_MANUFACTURERS: self._DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME = ( MinTransitionLight._DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSITION_TIME ) # Check all group members to see if they support execute_if_off. # If at least one member has a color cluster and doesn't support it, # it's not used. for endpoint in member.device._endpoints.values(): for cluster_handler in endpoint.all_cluster_handlers.values(): if ( cluster_handler.name == CLUSTER_HANDLER_COLOR and not cluster_handler.execute_if_off_supported ): self._GROUP_SUPPORTS_EXECUTE_IF_OFF = False break self._on_off_cluster_handler = group.endpoint[OnOff.cluster_id] self._level_cluster_handler = group.endpoint[LevelControl.cluster_id] self._color_cluster_handler = group.endpoint[Color.cluster_id] self._identify_cluster_handler = group.endpoint[Identify.cluster_id] self._debounced_member_refresh: Debouncer | None = None self._zha_config_transition = async_get_zha_config_value( zha_device.gateway.config_entry, ZHA_OPTIONS, CONF_DEFAULT_LIGHT_TRANSITION, 0, ) self._zha_config_enable_light_transitioning_flag = async_get_zha_config_value( zha_device.gateway.config_entry, ZHA_OPTIONS, CONF_ENABLE_LIGHT_TRANSITIONING_FLAG, True, ) self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode = async_get_zha_config_value( zha_device.gateway.config_entry, ZHA_OPTIONS, CONF_ALWAYS_PREFER_XY_COLOR_MODE, True, ) self._zha_config_group_members_assume_state = async_get_zha_config_value( zha_device.gateway.config_entry, ZHA_OPTIONS, CONF_GROUP_MEMBERS_ASSUME_STATE, True, ) if self._zha_config_group_members_assume_state: self._update_group_from_child_delay = ASSUME_UPDATE_GROUP_FROM_CHILD_DELAY self._zha_config_enhanced_light_transition = False self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.UNKNOWN self._attr_supported_color_modes = set() # remove this when all ZHA platforms and base entities are updated @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return entity availability.""" return self._attr_available async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Run when about to be added to hass.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() if self._debounced_member_refresh is None: force_refresh_debouncer = Debouncer( self.hass, _LOGGER, cooldown=3, immediate=True, function=self._force_member_updates, ) self._debounced_member_refresh = force_refresh_debouncer self.async_on_remove(force_refresh_debouncer.async_cancel) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the entity on.""" # "off with transition" and "off brightness" will get overridden when # turning on the group, but they are needed for setting the assumed # member state correctly, so save them here off_brightness = self._off_brightness if self._off_with_transition else None await super().async_turn_on(**kwargs) if self._zha_config_group_members_assume_state: self._send_member_assume_state_event(True, kwargs, off_brightness) if self.is_transitioning: # when transitioning, state is refreshed at the end return if self._debounced_member_refresh: await self._debounced_member_refresh.async_call() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the entity off.""" await super().async_turn_off(**kwargs) if self._zha_config_group_members_assume_state: self._send_member_assume_state_event(False, kwargs) if self.is_transitioning: return if self._debounced_member_refresh: await self._debounced_member_refresh.async_call() async def async_update(self) -> None: """Query all members and determine the light group state.""" self.debug("updating group state") all_states = [self.hass.states.get(x) for x in self._entity_ids] states: list[State] = list(filter(None, all_states)) on_states = [state for state in states if state.state == STATE_ON] self._attr_state = len(on_states) > 0 # reset "off with transition" flag if any member is on if self._attr_state: self._off_with_transition = False self._off_brightness = None self._attr_available = any(state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE for state in states) self._attr_brightness = helpers.reduce_attribute( on_states, light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS ) self._attr_xy_color = helpers.reduce_attribute( on_states, light.ATTR_XY_COLOR, reduce=helpers.mean_tuple ) if not self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode: self._attr_hs_color = helpers.reduce_attribute( on_states, light.ATTR_HS_COLOR, reduce=helpers.mean_tuple ) self._attr_color_temp = helpers.reduce_attribute( on_states, light.ATTR_COLOR_TEMP ) self._attr_min_mireds = helpers.reduce_attribute( states, light.ATTR_MIN_MIREDS, default=153, reduce=min ) self._attr_max_mireds = helpers.reduce_attribute( states, light.ATTR_MAX_MIREDS, default=500, reduce=max ) self._attr_effect_list = None all_effect_lists = list( helpers.find_state_attributes(states, light.ATTR_EFFECT_LIST) ) if all_effect_lists: # Merge all effects from all effect_lists with a union merge. self._attr_effect_list = list(set().union(*all_effect_lists)) self._attr_effect = None all_effects = list(helpers.find_state_attributes(on_states, light.ATTR_EFFECT)) if all_effects: # Report the most common effect. effects_count = Counter(itertools.chain(all_effects)) self._attr_effect = effects_count.most_common(1)[0][0] all_color_modes = list( helpers.find_state_attributes(on_states, light.ATTR_COLOR_MODE) ) if all_color_modes: # Report the most common color mode, select brightness and onoff last color_mode_count = Counter(itertools.chain(all_color_modes)) if ColorMode.ONOFF in color_mode_count: color_mode_count[ColorMode.ONOFF] = -1 if ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS in color_mode_count: color_mode_count[ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS] = 0 self._attr_color_mode = color_mode_count.most_common(1)[0][0] if self._attr_color_mode == ColorMode.HS and ( color_mode_count[ColorMode.HS] != len(self._group.members) or self._zha_config_always_prefer_xy_color_mode ): # switch to XY if all members do not support HS self._attr_color_mode = ColorMode.XY all_supported_color_modes: list[set[ColorMode]] = list( helpers.find_state_attributes(states, light.ATTR_SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODES) ) if all_supported_color_modes: # Merge all color modes. self._attr_supported_color_modes = filter_supported_color_modes( set().union(*all_supported_color_modes) ) self._attr_supported_features = LightEntityFeature(0) for support in helpers.find_state_attributes(states, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES): # Merge supported features by emulating support for every feature # we find. self._attr_supported_features |= support # Bitwise-and the supported features with the GroupedLight's features # so that we don't break in the future when a new feature is added. self._attr_supported_features &= SUPPORT_GROUP_LIGHT async def _force_member_updates(self) -> None: """Force the update of member entities to ensure the states are correct for bulbs that don't report their state.""" async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_STATE_CHANGED, {"entity_ids": self._entity_ids}, ) def _send_member_assume_state_event( self, state, service_kwargs, off_brightness=None ) -> None: """Send an assume event to all members of the group.""" update_params = { "state": state, "off_with_transition": self._off_with_transition, } # check if the parameters were actually updated # in the service call before updating members if light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in service_kwargs: # or off brightness update_params[light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] = self._attr_brightness elif off_brightness is not None: # if we turn on the group light with "off brightness", # pass that to the members update_params[light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] = off_brightness if light.ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in service_kwargs: update_params[light.ATTR_COLOR_MODE] = self._attr_color_mode update_params[light.ATTR_COLOR_TEMP] = self._attr_color_temp if light.ATTR_XY_COLOR in service_kwargs: update_params[light.ATTR_COLOR_MODE] = self._attr_color_mode update_params[light.ATTR_XY_COLOR] = self._attr_xy_color if light.ATTR_HS_COLOR in service_kwargs: update_params[light.ATTR_COLOR_MODE] = self._attr_color_mode update_params[light.ATTR_HS_COLOR] = self._attr_hs_color if light.ATTR_EFFECT in service_kwargs: update_params[light.ATTR_EFFECT] = self._attr_effect async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, SIGNAL_LIGHT_GROUP_ASSUME_GROUP_STATE, {"entity_ids": self._entity_ids}, update_params, )