"""Test zha lock.""" from unittest.mock import patch from homeassistant.const import STATE_LOCKED, STATE_UNLOCKED, STATE_UNAVAILABLE from homeassistant.components.lock import DOMAIN from tests.common import mock_coro from .common import ( async_init_zigpy_device, make_attribute, make_entity_id, async_enable_traffic, ) LOCK_DOOR = 0 UNLOCK_DOOR = 1 async def test_lock(hass, config_entry, zha_gateway): """Test zha lock platform.""" from zigpy.zcl.clusters.closures import DoorLock from zigpy.zcl.clusters.general import Basic # create zigpy device zigpy_device = await async_init_zigpy_device( hass, [DoorLock.cluster_id, Basic.cluster_id], [], None, zha_gateway ) # load up lock domain await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(config_entry, DOMAIN) await hass.async_block_till_done() cluster = zigpy_device.endpoints.get(1).door_lock entity_id = make_entity_id(DOMAIN, zigpy_device, cluster) zha_device = zha_gateway.get_device(zigpy_device.ieee) # test that the lock was created and that it is unavailable assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE # allow traffic to flow through the gateway and device await async_enable_traffic(hass, zha_gateway, [zha_device]) # test that the state has changed from unavailable to unlocked assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_UNLOCKED # set state to locked attr = make_attribute(0, 1) cluster.handle_message(False, 1, 0x0A, [[attr]]) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_LOCKED # set state to unlocked attr.value.value = 2 cluster.handle_message(False, 0, 0x0A, [[attr]]) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_UNLOCKED # lock from HA await async_lock(hass, cluster, entity_id) # unlock from HA await async_unlock(hass, cluster, entity_id) async def async_lock(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test lock functionality from hass.""" from zigpy.zcl.foundation import Status with patch("zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request", return_value=mock_coro([Status.SUCCESS])): # lock via UI await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "lock", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert cluster.request.call_args[0][0] is False assert cluster.request.call_args[0][1] == LOCK_DOOR async def async_unlock(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test lock functionality from hass.""" from zigpy.zcl.foundation import Status with patch("zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request", return_value=mock_coro([Status.SUCCESS])): # lock via UI await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "unlock", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert cluster.request.call_args[0][0] is False assert cluster.request.call_args[0][1] == UNLOCK_DOOR