"""Classes to help gather user submissions.""" import logging from typing import ( Dict, Any, Callable, Hashable, List, Optional, ) # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import import uuid import voluptuous as vol from .core import callback, HomeAssistant from .exceptions import HomeAssistantError _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) RESULT_TYPE_FORM = "form" RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY = "create_entry" RESULT_TYPE_ABORT = "abort" RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP = "external" RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP_DONE = "external_done" # Event that is fired when a flow is progressed via external source. EVENT_DATA_ENTRY_FLOW_PROGRESSED = "data_entry_flow_progressed" class FlowError(HomeAssistantError): """Error while configuring an account.""" class UnknownHandler(FlowError): """Unknown handler specified.""" class UnknownFlow(FlowError): """Uknown flow specified.""" class UnknownStep(FlowError): """Unknown step specified.""" class FlowManager: """Manage all the flows that are in progress.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, async_create_flow: Callable, async_finish_flow: Callable, ) -> None: """Initialize the flow manager.""" self.hass = hass self._progress = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self._async_create_flow = async_create_flow self._async_finish_flow = async_finish_flow @callback def async_progress(self) -> List[Dict]: """Return the flows in progress.""" return [ {"flow_id": flow.flow_id, "handler": flow.handler, "context": flow.context} for flow in self._progress.values() ] async def async_init( self, handler: Hashable, *, context: Optional[Dict] = None, data: Any = None ) -> Any: """Start a configuration flow.""" if context is None: context = {} flow = await self._async_create_flow(handler, context=context, data=data) flow.hass = self.hass flow.handler = handler flow.flow_id = uuid.uuid4().hex flow.context = context self._progress[flow.flow_id] = flow return await self._async_handle_step(flow, flow.init_step, data) async def async_configure( self, flow_id: str, user_input: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Any: """Continue a configuration flow.""" flow = self._progress.get(flow_id) if flow is None: raise UnknownFlow cur_step = flow.cur_step if cur_step.get("data_schema") is not None and user_input is not None: user_input = cur_step["data_schema"](user_input) result = await self._async_handle_step(flow, cur_step["step_id"], user_input) if cur_step["type"] == RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP: if result["type"] not in ( RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP, RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP_DONE, ): raise ValueError( "External step can only transition to " "external step or external step done." ) # If the result has changed from last result, fire event to update # the frontend. if cur_step["step_id"] != result.get("step_id"): # Tell frontend to reload the flow state. self.hass.bus.async_fire( EVENT_DATA_ENTRY_FLOW_PROGRESSED, {"handler": flow.handler, "flow_id": flow_id, "refresh": True}, ) return result @callback def async_abort(self, flow_id: str) -> None: """Abort a flow.""" if self._progress.pop(flow_id, None) is None: raise UnknownFlow async def _async_handle_step( self, flow: Any, step_id: str, user_input: Optional[Dict] ) -> Dict: """Handle a step of a flow.""" method = "async_step_{}".format(step_id) if not hasattr(flow, method): self._progress.pop(flow.flow_id) raise UnknownStep( "Handler {} doesn't support step {}".format( flow.__class__.__name__, step_id ) ) result = await getattr(flow, method)(user_input) # type: Dict if result["type"] not in ( RESULT_TYPE_FORM, RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP, RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY, RESULT_TYPE_ABORT, RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP_DONE, ): raise ValueError( "Handler returned incorrect type: {}".format(result["type"]) ) if result["type"] in ( RESULT_TYPE_FORM, RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP, RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP_DONE, ): flow.cur_step = result return result # We pass a copy of the result because we're mutating our version result = await self._async_finish_flow(flow, dict(result)) # _async_finish_flow may change result type, check it again if result["type"] == RESULT_TYPE_FORM: flow.cur_step = result return result # Abort and Success results both finish the flow self._progress.pop(flow.flow_id) return result class FlowHandler: """Handle the configuration flow of a component.""" # Set by flow manager flow_id: Optional[str] = None hass: Optional[HomeAssistant] = None handler = None cur_step: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None context: Dict # Set by _async_create_flow callback init_step = "init" # Set by developer VERSION = 1 @callback def async_show_form( self, *, step_id: str, data_schema: vol.Schema = None, errors: Optional[Dict] = None, description_placeholders: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> Dict: """Return the definition of a form to gather user input.""" return { "type": RESULT_TYPE_FORM, "flow_id": self.flow_id, "handler": self.handler, "step_id": step_id, "data_schema": data_schema, "errors": errors, "description_placeholders": description_placeholders, } @callback def async_create_entry( self, *, title: str, data: Dict, description: Optional[str] = None, description_placeholders: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> Dict: """Finish config flow and create a config entry.""" return { "version": self.VERSION, "type": RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY, "flow_id": self.flow_id, "handler": self.handler, "title": title, "data": data, "description": description, "description_placeholders": description_placeholders, } @callback def async_abort( self, *, reason: str, description_placeholders: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Dict: """Abort the config flow.""" return { "type": RESULT_TYPE_ABORT, "flow_id": self.flow_id, "handler": self.handler, "reason": reason, "description_placeholders": description_placeholders, } @callback def async_external_step( self, *, step_id: str, url: str, description_placeholders: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> Dict: """Return the definition of an external step for the user to take.""" return { "type": RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP, "flow_id": self.flow_id, "handler": self.handler, "step_id": step_id, "url": url, "description_placeholders": description_placeholders, } @callback def async_external_step_done(self, *, next_step_id: str) -> Dict: """Return the definition of an external step for the user to take.""" return { "type": RESULT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_STEP_DONE, "flow_id": self.flow_id, "handler": self.handler, "step_id": next_step_id, }