{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "description": "[%key:common::config_flow::description::confirm_setup%]" } }, "abort": { "single_instance_allowed": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::single_instance_allowed%]" } }, "services": { "start": { "name": "[%key:common::action::start%]", "description": "Starts the Profiler.", "fields": { "seconds": { "name": "Seconds", "description": "The number of seconds to run the profiler." } } }, "memory": { "name": "Memory", "description": "Starts the Memory Profiler.", "fields": { "seconds": { "name": "Seconds", "description": "The number of seconds to run the memory profiler." } } }, "start_log_objects": { "name": "Start logging objects", "description": "Starts logging growth of objects in memory.", "fields": { "scan_interval": { "name": "Scan interval", "description": "The number of seconds between logging objects." } } }, "stop_log_objects": { "name": "Stop logging objects", "description": "Stops logging growth of objects in memory." }, "dump_log_objects": { "name": "Dump log objects", "description": "Dumps the repr of all matching objects to the log.", "fields": { "type": { "name": "Type", "description": "The type of objects to dump to the log." } } }, "start_log_object_sources": { "name": "Start logging object sources", "description": "Starts logging sources of new objects in memory.", "fields": { "scan_interval": { "name": "Scan interval", "description": "[%key:component::profiler::services::start_log_objects::fields::scan_interval::description%]" }, "max_objects": { "name": "Maximum objects", "description": "The maximum number of objects to log." } } }, "stop_log_object_sources": { "name": "Stop logging object sources", "description": "Stops logging sources of new objects in memory." }, "lru_stats": { "name": "Log LRU stats", "description": "Logs the stats of all lru caches." }, "log_thread_frames": { "name": "Log thread frames", "description": "Logs the current frames for all threads." }, "log_event_loop_scheduled": { "name": "Log event loop scheduled", "description": "Logs what is scheduled in the event loop." }, "set_asyncio_debug": { "name": "Set asyncio debug", "description": "Enable or disable asyncio debug.", "fields": { "enabled": { "name": "Enabled", "description": "Whether to enable or disable asyncio debug." } } } } }