"""Module to help with parsing and generating configuration files.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections import OrderedDict from collections.abc import Callable, Hashable, Iterable, Sequence from contextlib import suppress from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import StrEnum from functools import partial, reduce import logging import operator import os from pathlib import Path import re import shutil from types import ModuleType from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from urllib.parse import urlparse from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion import voluptuous as vol from voluptuous.humanize import MAX_VALIDATION_ERROR_ITEM_LENGTH from yaml.error import MarkedYAMLError from . import auth from .auth import mfa_modules as auth_mfa_modules, providers as auth_providers from .const import ( ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, ATTR_HIDDEN, CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS, CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_URLS, CONF_AUTH_MFA_MODULES, CONF_AUTH_PROVIDERS, CONF_COUNTRY, CONF_CURRENCY, CONF_CUSTOMIZE, CONF_CUSTOMIZE_DOMAIN, CONF_CUSTOMIZE_GLOB, CONF_ELEVATION, CONF_EXTERNAL_URL, CONF_ID, CONF_INTERNAL_URL, CONF_LANGUAGE, CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LEGACY_TEMPLATES, CONF_LONGITUDE, CONF_MEDIA_DIRS, CONF_NAME, CONF_PACKAGES, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_TEMPERATURE_UNIT, CONF_TIME_ZONE, CONF_TYPE, CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM, LEGACY_CONF_WHITELIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS, __version__, ) from .core import DOMAIN as HA_DOMAIN, ConfigSource, HomeAssistant, callback from .exceptions import ConfigValidationError, HomeAssistantError from .generated.currencies import HISTORIC_CURRENCIES from .helpers import config_validation as cv, issue_registry as ir from .helpers.entity_values import EntityValues from .helpers.translation import async_get_exception_message from .helpers.typing import ConfigType from .loader import ComponentProtocol, Integration, IntegrationNotFound from .requirements import RequirementsNotFound, async_get_integration_with_requirements from .util.async_ import create_eager_task from .util.package import is_docker_env from .util.unit_system import get_unit_system, validate_unit_system from .util.yaml import SECRET_YAML, Secrets, YamlTypeError, load_yaml_dict from .util.yaml.objects import NodeStrClass _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) RE_YAML_ERROR = re.compile(r"homeassistant\.util\.yaml") RE_ASCII = re.compile(r"\033\[[^m]*m") YAML_CONFIG_FILE = "configuration.yaml" VERSION_FILE = ".HA_VERSION" CONFIG_DIR_NAME = ".homeassistant" DATA_CUSTOMIZE = "hass_customize" AUTOMATION_CONFIG_PATH = "automations.yaml" SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH = "scripts.yaml" SCENE_CONFIG_PATH = "scenes.yaml" LOAD_EXCEPTIONS = (ImportError, FileNotFoundError) INTEGRATION_LOAD_EXCEPTIONS = (IntegrationNotFound, RequirementsNotFound) SAFE_MODE_FILENAME = "safe-mode" DEFAULT_CONFIG = f""" # Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove. default_config: # Load frontend themes from the themes folder frontend: themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes automation: !include {AUTOMATION_CONFIG_PATH} script: !include {SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH} scene: !include {SCENE_CONFIG_PATH} """ DEFAULT_SECRETS = """ # Use this file to store secrets like usernames and passwords. # Learn more at https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/secrets/ some_password: welcome """ TTS_PRE_92 = """ tts: - platform: google """ TTS_92 = """ tts: - platform: google_translate service_name: google_say """ class ConfigErrorTranslationKey(StrEnum): """Config error translation keys for config errors.""" # translation keys with a generated config related message text CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERR = "config_validation_err" PLATFORM_CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERR = "platform_config_validation_err" # translation keys with a general static message text COMPONENT_IMPORT_ERR = "component_import_err" CONFIG_PLATFORM_IMPORT_ERR = "config_platform_import_err" CONFIG_VALIDATOR_UNKNOWN_ERR = "config_validator_unknown_err" CONFIG_SCHEMA_UNKNOWN_ERR = "config_schema_unknown_err" PLATFORM_COMPONENT_LOAD_ERR = "platform_component_load_err" PLATFORM_COMPONENT_LOAD_EXC = "platform_component_load_exc" PLATFORM_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR_ERR = "platform_schema_validator_err" # translation key in case multiple errors occurred MULTIPLE_INTEGRATION_CONFIG_ERRORS = "multiple_integration_config_errors" _CONFIG_LOG_SHOW_STACK_TRACE: dict[ConfigErrorTranslationKey, bool] = { ConfigErrorTranslationKey.COMPONENT_IMPORT_ERR: False, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.CONFIG_PLATFORM_IMPORT_ERR: False, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.CONFIG_VALIDATOR_UNKNOWN_ERR: True, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.CONFIG_SCHEMA_UNKNOWN_ERR: True, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_COMPONENT_LOAD_ERR: False, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_COMPONENT_LOAD_EXC: True, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR_ERR: True, } @dataclass class ConfigExceptionInfo: """Configuration exception info class.""" exception: Exception translation_key: ConfigErrorTranslationKey platform_path: str config: ConfigType integration_link: str | None @dataclass class IntegrationConfigInfo: """Configuration for an integration and exception information.""" config: ConfigType | None exception_info_list: list[ConfigExceptionInfo] def _no_duplicate_auth_provider( configs: Sequence[dict[str, Any]], ) -> Sequence[dict[str, Any]]: """No duplicate auth provider config allowed in a list. Each type of auth provider can only have one config without optional id. Unique id is required if same type of auth provider used multiple times. """ config_keys: set[tuple[str, str | None]] = set() for config in configs: key = (config[CONF_TYPE], config.get(CONF_ID)) if key in config_keys: raise vol.Invalid( f"Duplicate auth provider {config[CONF_TYPE]} found. " "Please add unique IDs " "if you want to have the same auth provider twice" ) config_keys.add(key) return configs def _no_duplicate_auth_mfa_module( configs: Sequence[dict[str, Any]], ) -> Sequence[dict[str, Any]]: """No duplicate auth mfa module item allowed in a list. Each type of mfa module can only have one config without optional id. A global unique id is required if same type of mfa module used multiple times. Note: this is different than auth provider """ config_keys: set[str] = set() for config in configs: key = config.get(CONF_ID, config[CONF_TYPE]) if key in config_keys: raise vol.Invalid( f"Duplicate mfa module {config[CONF_TYPE]} found. " "Please add unique IDs " "if you want to have the same mfa module twice" ) config_keys.add(key) return configs def _filter_bad_internal_external_urls(conf: dict) -> dict: """Filter internal/external URL with a path.""" for key in CONF_INTERNAL_URL, CONF_EXTERNAL_URL: if key in conf and urlparse(conf[key]).path not in ("", "/"): # We warn but do not fix, because if this was incorrectly configured, # adjusting this value might impact security. _LOGGER.warning( "Invalid %s set. It's not allowed to have a path (/bla)", key ) return conf # Schema for all packages element PACKAGES_CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({cv.string: vol.Any(dict, list)}) # Schema for individual package definition PACKAGE_DEFINITION_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({cv.string: vol.Any(dict, list, None)}) CUSTOMIZE_DICT_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_HIDDEN): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE): cv.boolean, }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) CUSTOMIZE_CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_CUSTOMIZE, default={}): vol.Schema( {cv.entity_id: CUSTOMIZE_DICT_SCHEMA} ), vol.Optional(CONF_CUSTOMIZE_DOMAIN, default={}): vol.Schema( {cv.string: CUSTOMIZE_DICT_SCHEMA} ), vol.Optional(CONF_CUSTOMIZE_GLOB, default={}): vol.Schema( {cv.string: CUSTOMIZE_DICT_SCHEMA} ), } ) def _raise_issue_if_historic_currency(hass: HomeAssistant, currency: str) -> None: if currency not in HISTORIC_CURRENCIES: ir.async_delete_issue(hass, HA_DOMAIN, "historic_currency") return ir.async_create_issue( hass, HA_DOMAIN, "historic_currency", is_fixable=False, learn_more_url="homeassistant://config/general", severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="historic_currency", translation_placeholders={"currency": currency}, ) def _raise_issue_if_no_country(hass: HomeAssistant, country: str | None) -> None: if country is not None: ir.async_delete_issue(hass, HA_DOMAIN, "country_not_configured") return ir.async_create_issue( hass, HA_DOMAIN, "country_not_configured", is_fixable=False, learn_more_url="homeassistant://config/general", severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="country_not_configured", ) def _raise_issue_if_legacy_templates( hass: HomeAssistant, legacy_templates: bool | None ) -> None: # legacy_templates can have the following values: # - None: Using default value (False) -> Delete repair issues # - True: Create repair to adopt templates to new syntax # - False: Create repair to tell user to remove config key if legacy_templates: ir.async_create_issue( hass, HA_DOMAIN, "legacy_templates_true", is_fixable=False, breaks_in_ha_version="2024.7.0", severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="legacy_templates_true", ) return ir.async_delete_issue(hass, HA_DOMAIN, "legacy_templates_true") if legacy_templates is False: ir.async_create_issue( hass, HA_DOMAIN, "legacy_templates_false", is_fixable=False, breaks_in_ha_version="2024.7.0", severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="legacy_templates_false", ) else: ir.async_delete_issue(hass, HA_DOMAIN, "legacy_templates_false") def _validate_currency(data: Any) -> Any: try: return cv.currency(data) except vol.InInvalid: with suppress(vol.InInvalid): currency = cv.historic_currency(data) return currency raise CORE_CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.All( CUSTOMIZE_CONFIG_SCHEMA.extend( { CONF_NAME: vol.Coerce(str), CONF_LATITUDE: cv.latitude, CONF_LONGITUDE: cv.longitude, CONF_ELEVATION: vol.Coerce(int), vol.Remove(CONF_TEMPERATURE_UNIT): cv.temperature_unit, CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM: validate_unit_system, CONF_TIME_ZONE: cv.time_zone, vol.Optional(CONF_INTERNAL_URL): cv.url, vol.Optional(CONF_EXTERNAL_URL): cv.url, vol.Optional(CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.IsDir()] ), vol.Optional(LEGACY_CONF_WHITELIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.IsDir()] ), vol.Optional(CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_URLS): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.url] ), vol.Optional(CONF_PACKAGES, default={}): PACKAGES_CONFIG_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_AUTH_PROVIDERS): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [ auth_providers.AUTH_PROVIDER_SCHEMA.extend( { CONF_TYPE: vol.NotIn( ["insecure_example"], ( "The insecure_example auth provider" " is for testing only." ), ) } ) ], _no_duplicate_auth_provider, ), vol.Optional(CONF_AUTH_MFA_MODULES): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [ auth_mfa_modules.MULTI_FACTOR_AUTH_MODULE_SCHEMA.extend( { CONF_TYPE: vol.NotIn( ["insecure_example"], "The insecure_example mfa module is for testing only.", ) } ) ], _no_duplicate_auth_mfa_module, ), vol.Optional(CONF_MEDIA_DIRS): cv.schema_with_slug_keys(vol.IsDir()), vol.Optional(CONF_LEGACY_TEMPLATES): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_CURRENCY): _validate_currency, vol.Optional(CONF_COUNTRY): cv.country, vol.Optional(CONF_LANGUAGE): cv.language, } ), _filter_bad_internal_external_urls, ) def get_default_config_dir() -> str: """Put together the default configuration directory based on the OS.""" data_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") return os.path.join(data_dir, CONFIG_DIR_NAME) async def async_ensure_config_exists(hass: HomeAssistant) -> bool: """Ensure a configuration file exists in given configuration directory. Creating a default one if needed. Return boolean if configuration dir is ready to go. """ config_path = hass.config.path(YAML_CONFIG_FILE) if os.path.isfile(config_path): return True print( # noqa: T201 "Unable to find configuration. Creating default one in", hass.config.config_dir ) return await async_create_default_config(hass) async def async_create_default_config(hass: HomeAssistant) -> bool: """Create a default configuration file in given configuration directory. Return if creation was successful. """ return await hass.async_add_executor_job( _write_default_config, hass.config.config_dir ) def _write_default_config(config_dir: str) -> bool: """Write the default config.""" config_path = os.path.join(config_dir, YAML_CONFIG_FILE) secret_path = os.path.join(config_dir, SECRET_YAML) version_path = os.path.join(config_dir, VERSION_FILE) automation_yaml_path = os.path.join(config_dir, AUTOMATION_CONFIG_PATH) script_yaml_path = os.path.join(config_dir, SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH) scene_yaml_path = os.path.join(config_dir, SCENE_CONFIG_PATH) # Writing files with YAML does not create the most human readable results # So we're hard coding a YAML template. try: with open(config_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as config_file: config_file.write(DEFAULT_CONFIG) if not os.path.isfile(secret_path): with open(secret_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as secret_file: secret_file.write(DEFAULT_SECRETS) with open(version_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as version_file: version_file.write(__version__) if not os.path.isfile(automation_yaml_path): with open(automation_yaml_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as automation_file: automation_file.write("[]") if not os.path.isfile(script_yaml_path): with open(script_yaml_path, "w", encoding="utf8"): pass if not os.path.isfile(scene_yaml_path): with open(scene_yaml_path, "w", encoding="utf8"): pass return True except OSError: print( # noqa: T201 f"Unable to create default configuration file {config_path}" ) return False async def async_hass_config_yaml(hass: HomeAssistant) -> dict: """Load YAML from a Home Assistant configuration file. This function allows a component inside the asyncio loop to reload its configuration by itself. Include package merge. """ secrets = Secrets(Path(hass.config.config_dir)) # Not using async_add_executor_job because this is an internal method. try: config = await hass.loop.run_in_executor( None, load_yaml_config_file, hass.config.path(YAML_CONFIG_FILE), secrets, ) except HomeAssistantError as exc: if not (base_exc := exc.__cause__) or not isinstance(base_exc, MarkedYAMLError): raise # Rewrite path to offending YAML file to be relative the hass config dir if base_exc.context_mark and base_exc.context_mark.name: base_exc.context_mark.name = _relpath(hass, base_exc.context_mark.name) if base_exc.problem_mark and base_exc.problem_mark.name: base_exc.problem_mark.name = _relpath(hass, base_exc.problem_mark.name) raise invalid_domains = [] for key in config: try: cv.domain_key(key) except vol.Invalid as exc: suffix = "" if annotation := find_annotation(config, exc.path): suffix = f" at {_relpath(hass, annotation[0])}, line {annotation[1]}" _LOGGER.error("Invalid domain '%s'%s", key, suffix) invalid_domains.append(key) for invalid_domain in invalid_domains: config.pop(invalid_domain) core_config = config.get(HA_DOMAIN, {}) try: await merge_packages_config(hass, config, core_config.get(CONF_PACKAGES, {})) except vol.Invalid as exc: suffix = "" if annotation := find_annotation(config, [HA_DOMAIN, CONF_PACKAGES, *exc.path]): suffix = f" at {_relpath(hass, annotation[0])}, line {annotation[1]}" _LOGGER.error( "Invalid package configuration '%s'%s: %s", CONF_PACKAGES, suffix, exc ) core_config[CONF_PACKAGES] = {} return config def load_yaml_config_file( config_path: str, secrets: Secrets | None = None ) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Parse a YAML configuration file. Raises FileNotFoundError or HomeAssistantError. This method needs to run in an executor. """ try: conf_dict = load_yaml_dict(config_path, secrets) except YamlTypeError as exc: msg = ( f"The configuration file {os.path.basename(config_path)} " "does not contain a dictionary" ) _LOGGER.error(msg) raise HomeAssistantError(msg) from exc # Convert values to dictionaries if they are None for key, value in conf_dict.items(): conf_dict[key] = value or {} return conf_dict def process_ha_config_upgrade(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Upgrade configuration if necessary. This method needs to run in an executor. """ version_path = hass.config.path(VERSION_FILE) try: with open(version_path, encoding="utf8") as inp: conf_version = inp.readline().strip() except FileNotFoundError: # Last version to not have this file conf_version = "0.7.7" if conf_version == __version__: return _LOGGER.info( "Upgrading configuration directory from %s to %s", conf_version, __version__ ) version_obj = AwesomeVersion(conf_version) if version_obj < AwesomeVersion("0.50"): # 0.50 introduced persistent deps dir. lib_path = hass.config.path("deps") if os.path.isdir(lib_path): shutil.rmtree(lib_path) if version_obj < AwesomeVersion("0.92"): # 0.92 moved google/tts.py to google_translate/tts.py config_path = hass.config.path(YAML_CONFIG_FILE) with open(config_path, encoding="utf-8") as config_file: config_raw = config_file.read() if TTS_PRE_92 in config_raw: _LOGGER.info("Migrating google tts to google_translate tts") config_raw = config_raw.replace(TTS_PRE_92, TTS_92) try: with open(config_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as config_file: config_file.write(config_raw) except OSError: _LOGGER.exception("Migrating to google_translate tts failed") if version_obj < AwesomeVersion("0.94") and is_docker_env(): # In 0.94 we no longer install packages inside the deps folder when # running inside a Docker container. lib_path = hass.config.path("deps") if os.path.isdir(lib_path): shutil.rmtree(lib_path) with open(version_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as outp: outp.write(__version__) @callback def async_log_schema_error( exc: vol.Invalid, domain: str, config: dict, hass: HomeAssistant, link: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Log a schema validation error.""" message = format_schema_error(hass, exc, domain, config, link) _LOGGER.error(message) @callback def async_log_config_validator_error( exc: vol.Invalid | HomeAssistantError, domain: str, config: dict, hass: HomeAssistant, link: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Log an error from a custom config validator.""" if isinstance(exc, vol.Invalid): async_log_schema_error(exc, domain, config, hass, link) return message = format_homeassistant_error(hass, exc, domain, config, link) _LOGGER.error(message, exc_info=exc) def _get_annotation(item: Any) -> tuple[str, int | str] | None: if not hasattr(item, "__config_file__"): return None return (getattr(item, "__config_file__"), getattr(item, "__line__", "?")) def _get_by_path(data: dict | list, items: list[str | int]) -> Any: """Access a nested object in root by item sequence. Returns None in case of error. """ try: return reduce(operator.getitem, items, data) # type: ignore[arg-type] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): return None def find_annotation( config: dict | list, path: list[str | int] ) -> tuple[str, int | str] | None: """Find file/line annotation for a node in config pointed to by path. If the node pointed to is a dict or list, prefer the annotation for the key in the key/value pair defining the dict or list. If the node is not annotated, try the parent node. """ def find_annotation_for_key( item: dict, path: list[str | int], tail: str | int ) -> tuple[str, int | str] | None: for key in item: if key == tail: if annotation := _get_annotation(key): return annotation break return None def find_annotation_rec( config: dict | list, path: list[str | int], tail: str | int | None ) -> tuple[str, int | str] | None: item = _get_by_path(config, path) if isinstance(item, dict) and tail is not None: if tail_annotation := find_annotation_for_key(item, path, tail): return tail_annotation if ( isinstance(item, (dict, list)) and path and ( key_annotation := find_annotation_for_key( _get_by_path(config, path[:-1]), path[:-1], path[-1] ) ) ): return key_annotation if annotation := _get_annotation(item): return annotation if not path: return None tail = path.pop() if annotation := find_annotation_rec(config, path, tail): return annotation return _get_annotation(item) return find_annotation_rec(config, list(path), None) def _relpath(hass: HomeAssistant, path: str) -> str: """Return path relative to the Home Assistant config dir.""" return os.path.relpath(path, hass.config.config_dir) def stringify_invalid( hass: HomeAssistant, exc: vol.Invalid, domain: str, config: dict, link: str | None, max_sub_error_length: int, ) -> str: """Stringify voluptuous.Invalid. This is an alternative to the custom __str__ implemented in voluptuous.error.Invalid. The modifications are: - Format the path delimited by -> instead of @data[] - Prefix with domain, file and line of the error - Suffix with a link to the documentation - Give a more user friendly output for unknown options - Give a more user friendly output for missing options """ if "." in domain: integration_domain, _, platform_domain = domain.partition(".") message_prefix = ( f"Invalid config for '{platform_domain}' from integration " f"'{integration_domain}'" ) else: message_prefix = f"Invalid config for '{domain}'" if domain != HA_DOMAIN and link: message_suffix = f", please check the docs at {link}" else: message_suffix = "" if annotation := find_annotation(config, exc.path): message_prefix += f" at {_relpath(hass, annotation[0])}, line {annotation[1]}" path = "->".join(str(m) for m in exc.path) if exc.error_message == "extra keys not allowed": return ( f"{message_prefix}: '{exc.path[-1]}' is an invalid option for '{domain}', " f"check: {path}{message_suffix}" ) if exc.error_message == "required key not provided": return ( f"{message_prefix}: required key '{exc.path[-1]}' not provided" f"{message_suffix}" ) # This function is an alternative to the stringification done by # vol.Invalid.__str__, so we need to call Exception.__str__ here # instead of str(exc) output = Exception.__str__(exc) if error_type := exc.error_type: output += " for " + error_type offending_item_summary = repr(_get_by_path(config, exc.path)) if len(offending_item_summary) > max_sub_error_length: offending_item_summary = ( f"{offending_item_summary[: max_sub_error_length - 3]}..." ) return ( f"{message_prefix}: {output} '{path}', got {offending_item_summary}" f"{message_suffix}" ) def humanize_error( hass: HomeAssistant, validation_error: vol.Invalid, domain: str, config: dict, link: str | None, max_sub_error_length: int = MAX_VALIDATION_ERROR_ITEM_LENGTH, ) -> str: """Provide a more helpful + complete validation error message. This is a modified version of voluptuous.error.Invalid.__str__, the modifications make some minor changes to the formatting. """ if isinstance(validation_error, vol.MultipleInvalid): return "\n".join( sorted( humanize_error( hass, sub_error, domain, config, link, max_sub_error_length ) for sub_error in validation_error.errors ) ) return stringify_invalid( hass, validation_error, domain, config, link, max_sub_error_length ) @callback def format_homeassistant_error( hass: HomeAssistant, exc: HomeAssistantError, domain: str, config: dict, link: str | None = None, ) -> str: """Format HomeAssistantError thrown by a custom config validator.""" if "." in domain: integration_domain, _, platform_domain = domain.partition(".") message_prefix = ( f"Invalid config for '{platform_domain}' from integration " f"'{integration_domain}'" ) else: message_prefix = f"Invalid config for '{domain}'" # HomeAssistantError raised by custom config validator has no path to the # offending configuration key, use the domain key as path instead. if annotation := find_annotation(config, [domain]): message_prefix += f" at {_relpath(hass, annotation[0])}, line {annotation[1]}" message = f"{message_prefix}: {str(exc) or repr(exc)}" if domain != HA_DOMAIN and link: message += f", please check the docs at {link}" return message @callback def format_schema_error( hass: HomeAssistant, exc: vol.Invalid, domain: str, config: dict, link: str | None = None, ) -> str: """Format configuration validation error.""" return humanize_error(hass, exc, domain, config, link) async def async_process_ha_core_config(hass: HomeAssistant, config: dict) -> None: """Process the [homeassistant] section from the configuration. This method is a coroutine. """ config = CORE_CONFIG_SCHEMA(config) # Only load auth during startup. if not hasattr(hass, "auth"): if (auth_conf := config.get(CONF_AUTH_PROVIDERS)) is None: auth_conf = [{"type": "homeassistant"}] mfa_conf = config.get( CONF_AUTH_MFA_MODULES, [{"type": "totp", "id": "totp", "name": "Authenticator app"}], ) setattr( hass, "auth", await auth.auth_manager_from_config(hass, auth_conf, mfa_conf) ) await hass.config.async_load() hac = hass.config if any( k in config for k in ( CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, CONF_NAME, CONF_ELEVATION, CONF_TIME_ZONE, CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM, CONF_EXTERNAL_URL, CONF_INTERNAL_URL, CONF_CURRENCY, CONF_COUNTRY, CONF_LANGUAGE, ) ): hac.config_source = ConfigSource.YAML for key, attr in ( (CONF_LATITUDE, "latitude"), (CONF_LONGITUDE, "longitude"), (CONF_NAME, "location_name"), (CONF_ELEVATION, "elevation"), (CONF_INTERNAL_URL, "internal_url"), (CONF_EXTERNAL_URL, "external_url"), (CONF_MEDIA_DIRS, "media_dirs"), (CONF_LEGACY_TEMPLATES, "legacy_templates"), (CONF_CURRENCY, "currency"), (CONF_COUNTRY, "country"), (CONF_LANGUAGE, "language"), ): if key in config: setattr(hac, attr, config[key]) _raise_issue_if_legacy_templates(hass, config.get(CONF_LEGACY_TEMPLATES)) _raise_issue_if_historic_currency(hass, hass.config.currency) _raise_issue_if_no_country(hass, hass.config.country) if CONF_TIME_ZONE in config: hac.set_time_zone(config[CONF_TIME_ZONE]) if CONF_MEDIA_DIRS not in config: if is_docker_env(): hac.media_dirs = {"local": "/media"} else: hac.media_dirs = {"local": hass.config.path("media")} # Init whitelist external dir hac.allowlist_external_dirs = {hass.config.path("www"), *hac.media_dirs.values()} if CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS in config: hac.allowlist_external_dirs.update(set(config[CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS])) elif LEGACY_CONF_WHITELIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS in config: _LOGGER.warning( "Key %s has been replaced with %s. Please update your config", LEGACY_CONF_WHITELIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS, CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS, ) hac.allowlist_external_dirs.update( set(config[LEGACY_CONF_WHITELIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS]) ) # Init whitelist external URL list – make sure to add / to every URL that doesn't # already have it so that we can properly test "path ownership" if CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_URLS in config: hac.allowlist_external_urls.update( url if url.endswith("/") else f"{url}/" for url in config[CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_URLS] ) # Customize cust_exact = dict(config[CONF_CUSTOMIZE]) cust_domain = dict(config[CONF_CUSTOMIZE_DOMAIN]) cust_glob = OrderedDict(config[CONF_CUSTOMIZE_GLOB]) for name, pkg in config[CONF_PACKAGES].items(): if (pkg_cust := pkg.get(HA_DOMAIN)) is None: continue try: pkg_cust = CUSTOMIZE_CONFIG_SCHEMA(pkg_cust) except vol.Invalid: _LOGGER.warning("Package %s contains invalid customize", name) continue cust_exact.update(pkg_cust[CONF_CUSTOMIZE]) cust_domain.update(pkg_cust[CONF_CUSTOMIZE_DOMAIN]) cust_glob.update(pkg_cust[CONF_CUSTOMIZE_GLOB]) hass.data[DATA_CUSTOMIZE] = EntityValues(cust_exact, cust_domain, cust_glob) if CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM in config: hac.units = get_unit_system(config[CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM]) def _log_pkg_error( hass: HomeAssistant, package: str, component: str | None, config: dict, message: str ) -> None: """Log an error while merging packages.""" message_prefix = f"Setup of package '{package}'" if annotation := find_annotation(config, [HA_DOMAIN, CONF_PACKAGES, package]): message_prefix += f" at {_relpath(hass, annotation[0])}, line {annotation[1]}" _LOGGER.error("%s failed: %s", message_prefix, message) def _identify_config_schema(module: ComponentProtocol) -> str | None: """Extract the schema and identify list or dict based.""" if not isinstance(module.CONFIG_SCHEMA, vol.Schema): return None schema = module.CONFIG_SCHEMA.schema if isinstance(schema, vol.All): for subschema in schema.validators: if isinstance(subschema, dict): schema = subschema break else: return None try: key = next(k for k in schema if k == module.DOMAIN) except (TypeError, AttributeError, StopIteration): return None except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error identifying config schema") return None if hasattr(key, "default") and not isinstance( key.default, vol.schema_builder.Undefined ): default_value = module.CONFIG_SCHEMA({module.DOMAIN: key.default()})[ module.DOMAIN ] if isinstance(default_value, dict): return "dict" if isinstance(default_value, list): return "list" return None domain_schema = schema[key] t_schema = str(domain_schema) if t_schema.startswith("{") or "schema_with_slug_keys" in t_schema: return "dict" if t_schema.startswith(("[", "All(<function ensure_list")): return "list" return None def _validate_package_definition(name: str, conf: Any) -> None: """Validate basic package definition properties.""" cv.slug(name) PACKAGE_DEFINITION_SCHEMA(conf) def _recursive_merge(conf: dict[str, Any], package: dict[str, Any]) -> str | None: """Merge package into conf, recursively.""" duplicate_key: str | None = None for key, pack_conf in package.items(): if isinstance(pack_conf, dict): if not pack_conf: continue conf[key] = conf.get(key, OrderedDict()) duplicate_key = _recursive_merge(conf=conf[key], package=pack_conf) elif isinstance(pack_conf, list): conf[key] = cv.remove_falsy( cv.ensure_list(conf.get(key)) + cv.ensure_list(pack_conf) ) else: if conf.get(key) is not None: return key conf[key] = pack_conf return duplicate_key async def merge_packages_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: dict, packages: dict[str, Any], _log_pkg_error: Callable[ [HomeAssistant, str, str | None, dict, str], None ] = _log_pkg_error, ) -> dict: """Merge packages into the top-level configuration. Ignores packages that cannot be setup. Mutates config. Raises vol.Invalid if whole package config is invalid. """ PACKAGES_CONFIG_SCHEMA(packages) invalid_packages = [] for pack_name, pack_conf in packages.items(): try: _validate_package_definition(pack_name, pack_conf) except vol.Invalid as exc: _log_pkg_error( hass, pack_name, None, config, f"Invalid package definition '{pack_name}': {str(exc)}. Package " f"will not be initialized", ) invalid_packages.append(pack_name) continue for comp_name, comp_conf in pack_conf.items(): if comp_name == HA_DOMAIN: continue try: domain = cv.domain_key(comp_name) except vol.Invalid: _log_pkg_error( hass, pack_name, comp_name, config, f"Invalid domain '{comp_name}'" ) continue try: integration = await async_get_integration_with_requirements( hass, domain ) component = await integration.async_get_component() except LOAD_EXCEPTIONS as exc: _log_pkg_error( hass, pack_name, comp_name, config, f"Integration {comp_name} caused error: {str(exc)}", ) continue except INTEGRATION_LOAD_EXCEPTIONS as exc: _log_pkg_error(hass, pack_name, comp_name, config, str(exc)) continue try: config_platform: ( ModuleType | None ) = await integration.async_get_platform("config") # Test if config platform has a config validator if not hasattr(config_platform, "async_validate_config"): config_platform = None except ImportError: config_platform = None merge_list = False # If integration has a custom config validator, it needs to provide a hint. if config_platform is not None: merge_list = config_platform.PACKAGE_MERGE_HINT == "list" if not merge_list: merge_list = hasattr(component, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA") if not merge_list and hasattr(component, "CONFIG_SCHEMA"): merge_list = _identify_config_schema(component) == "list" if merge_list: config[comp_name] = cv.remove_falsy( cv.ensure_list(config.get(comp_name)) + cv.ensure_list(comp_conf) ) continue if comp_conf is None: comp_conf = OrderedDict() if not isinstance(comp_conf, dict): _log_pkg_error( hass, pack_name, comp_name, config, f"integration '{comp_name}' cannot be merged, expected a dict", ) continue if comp_name not in config or config[comp_name] is None: config[comp_name] = OrderedDict() if not isinstance(config[comp_name], dict): _log_pkg_error( hass, pack_name, comp_name, config, ( f"integration '{comp_name}' cannot be merged, dict expected in " "main config" ), ) continue duplicate_key = _recursive_merge(conf=config[comp_name], package=comp_conf) if duplicate_key: _log_pkg_error( hass, pack_name, comp_name, config, f"integration '{comp_name}' has duplicate key '{duplicate_key}'", ) for pack_name in invalid_packages: packages.pop(pack_name, {}) return config @callback def _get_log_message_and_stack_print_pref( hass: HomeAssistant, domain: str, platform_exception: ConfigExceptionInfo ) -> tuple[str | None, bool, dict[str, str]]: """Get message to log and print stack trace preference.""" exception = platform_exception.exception platform_path = platform_exception.platform_path platform_config = platform_exception.config link = platform_exception.integration_link placeholders: dict[str, str] = { "domain": domain, "error": str(exception), "p_name": platform_path, } show_stack_trace: bool | None = _CONFIG_LOG_SHOW_STACK_TRACE.get( platform_exception.translation_key ) if show_stack_trace is None: # If no pre defined log_message is set, we generate an enriched error # message, so we can notify about it during setup show_stack_trace = False if isinstance(exception, vol.Invalid): log_message = format_schema_error( hass, exception, platform_path, platform_config, link ) if annotation := find_annotation(platform_config, exception.path): placeholders["config_file"], line = annotation placeholders["line"] = str(line) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(exception, HomeAssistantError) log_message = format_homeassistant_error( hass, exception, platform_path, platform_config, link ) if annotation := find_annotation(platform_config, [platform_path]): placeholders["config_file"], line = annotation placeholders["line"] = str(line) show_stack_trace = True return (log_message, show_stack_trace, placeholders) # Generate the log message from the English translations log_message = async_get_exception_message( HA_DOMAIN, platform_exception.translation_key, translation_placeholders=placeholders, ) return (log_message, show_stack_trace, placeholders) async def async_process_component_and_handle_errors( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, integration: Integration, raise_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> ConfigType | None: """Process and component configuration and handle errors. In case of errors: - Print the error messages to the log. - Raise a ConfigValidationError if raise_on_failure is set. Returns the integration config or `None`. """ integration_config_info = await async_process_component_config( hass, config, integration ) async_handle_component_errors( hass, integration_config_info, integration, raise_on_failure ) return async_drop_config_annotations(integration_config_info, integration) @callback def async_drop_config_annotations( integration_config_info: IntegrationConfigInfo, integration: Integration, ) -> ConfigType | None: """Remove file and line annotations from str items in component configuration.""" if (config := integration_config_info.config) is None: return None def drop_config_annotations_rec(node: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(node, dict): # Some integrations store metadata in custom dict classes, preserve those tmp = dict(node) node.clear() node.update( (drop_config_annotations_rec(k), drop_config_annotations_rec(v)) for k, v in tmp.items() ) return node if isinstance(node, list): return [drop_config_annotations_rec(v) for v in node] if isinstance(node, NodeStrClass): return str(node) return node # Don't drop annotations from the homeassistant integration because it may # have configuration for other integrations as packages. if integration.domain in config and integration.domain != HA_DOMAIN: drop_config_annotations_rec(config[integration.domain]) return config @callback def async_handle_component_errors( hass: HomeAssistant, integration_config_info: IntegrationConfigInfo, integration: Integration, raise_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> None: """Handle component configuration errors from async_process_component_config. In case of errors: - Print the error messages to the log. - Raise a ConfigValidationError if raise_on_failure is set. """ if not (config_exception_info := integration_config_info.exception_info_list): return platform_exception: ConfigExceptionInfo domain = integration.domain placeholders: dict[str, str] for platform_exception in config_exception_info: exception = platform_exception.exception ( log_message, show_stack_trace, placeholders, ) = _get_log_message_and_stack_print_pref(hass, domain, platform_exception) _LOGGER.error( log_message, exc_info=exception if show_stack_trace else None, ) if not raise_on_failure: return if len(config_exception_info) == 1: translation_key = platform_exception.translation_key else: translation_key = ConfigErrorTranslationKey.MULTIPLE_INTEGRATION_CONFIG_ERRORS errors = str(len(config_exception_info)) placeholders = { "domain": domain, "errors": errors, } raise ConfigValidationError( translation_key, [platform_exception.exception for platform_exception in config_exception_info], translation_domain=HA_DOMAIN, translation_placeholders=placeholders, ) def config_per_platform( config: ConfigType, domain: str ) -> Iterable[tuple[str | None, ConfigType]]: """Break a component config into different platforms. For example, will find 'switch', 'switch 2', 'switch 3', .. etc Async friendly. """ for config_key in extract_domain_configs(config, domain): if not (platform_config := config[config_key]): continue if not isinstance(platform_config, list): platform_config = [platform_config] item: ConfigType platform: str | None for item in platform_config: try: platform = item.get(CONF_PLATFORM) except AttributeError: platform = None yield platform, item def extract_platform_integrations( config: ConfigType, domains: set[str] ) -> dict[str, set[str]]: """Find all the platforms in a configuration. Returns a dictionary with domain as key and a set of platforms as value. """ platform_integrations: dict[str, set[str]] = {} for key, domain_config in config.items(): try: domain = cv.domain_key(key) except vol.Invalid: continue if domain not in domains: continue if not isinstance(domain_config, list): domain_config = [domain_config] for item in domain_config: try: platform = item.get(CONF_PLATFORM) except AttributeError: continue if platform and isinstance(platform, Hashable): platform_integrations.setdefault(domain, set()).add(platform) return platform_integrations def extract_domain_configs(config: ConfigType, domain: str) -> Sequence[str]: """Extract keys from config for given domain name. Async friendly. """ domain_configs = [] for key in config: with suppress(vol.Invalid): if cv.domain_key(key) != domain: continue domain_configs.append(key) return domain_configs @dataclass(slots=True) class _PlatformIntegration: """Class to hold platform integration information.""" path: str # integration.platform; ex: filter.sensor name: str # integration; ex: filter integration: Integration # <Integration filter> config: ConfigType # un-validated config validated_config: ConfigType # component validated config async def _async_load_and_validate_platform_integration( domain: str, integration_docs: str | None, config_exceptions: list[ConfigExceptionInfo], p_integration: _PlatformIntegration, ) -> ConfigType | None: """Load a platform integration and validate its config.""" try: platform = await p_integration.integration.async_get_platform(domain) except LOAD_EXCEPTIONS as exc: exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_COMPONENT_LOAD_EXC, p_integration.path, p_integration.config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) return None # If the platform does not have a config schema # the top level component validated schema will be used if not hasattr(platform, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA"): return p_integration.validated_config # Validate platform specific schema try: return platform.PLATFORM_SCHEMA(p_integration.config) # type: ignore[no-any-return] except vol.Invalid as exc: exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERR, p_integration.path, p_integration.config, p_integration.integration.documentation, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR_ERR, p_integration.name, p_integration.config, p_integration.integration.documentation, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) return None async def async_process_component_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, integration: Integration, component: ComponentProtocol | None = None, ) -> IntegrationConfigInfo: """Check component configuration. Returns processed configuration and exception information. This method must be run in the event loop. """ domain = integration.domain integration_docs = integration.documentation config_exceptions: list[ConfigExceptionInfo] = [] if not component: try: component = await integration.async_get_component() except LOAD_EXCEPTIONS as exc: exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.COMPONENT_IMPORT_ERR, domain, config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) return IntegrationConfigInfo(None, config_exceptions) # Check if the integration has a custom config validator config_validator = None # A successful call to async_get_component will prime # the cache for platforms_exists to ensure it does no # blocking I/O if integration.platforms_exists(("config",)): # If the config platform cannot possibly exist, don't try to load it. try: config_validator = await integration.async_get_platform("config") except ImportError as err: # Filter out import error of the config platform. # If the config platform contains bad imports, make sure # that still fails. if err.name != f"{integration.pkg_path}.config": exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( err, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.CONFIG_PLATFORM_IMPORT_ERR, domain, config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) return IntegrationConfigInfo(None, config_exceptions) if config_validator is not None and hasattr( config_validator, "async_validate_config" ): try: return IntegrationConfigInfo( await config_validator.async_validate_config(hass, config), [] ) except (vol.Invalid, HomeAssistantError) as exc: exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERR, domain, config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) return IntegrationConfigInfo(None, config_exceptions) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.CONFIG_VALIDATOR_UNKNOWN_ERR, domain, config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) return IntegrationConfigInfo(None, config_exceptions) # No custom config validator, proceed with schema validation if hasattr(component, "CONFIG_SCHEMA"): try: return IntegrationConfigInfo(component.CONFIG_SCHEMA(config), []) except vol.Invalid as exc: exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERR, domain, config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) return IntegrationConfigInfo(None, config_exceptions) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.CONFIG_SCHEMA_UNKNOWN_ERR, domain, config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) return IntegrationConfigInfo(None, config_exceptions) component_platform_schema = getattr( component, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE", getattr(component, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA", None) ) if component_platform_schema is None: return IntegrationConfigInfo(config, []) platform_integrations_to_load: list[_PlatformIntegration] = [] platforms: list[ConfigType] = [] for p_name, p_config in config_per_platform(config, domain): # Validate component specific platform schema platform_path = f"{p_name}.{domain}" try: p_validated = component_platform_schema(p_config) except vol.Invalid as exc: exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERR, domain, p_config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) continue except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR_ERR, str(p_name), config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) continue # Not all platform components follow same pattern for platforms # So if p_name is None we are not going to validate platform # (the automation component is one of them) if p_name is None: platforms.append(p_validated) continue try: p_integration = await async_get_integration_with_requirements(hass, p_name) except (RequirementsNotFound, IntegrationNotFound) as exc: exc_info = ConfigExceptionInfo( exc, ConfigErrorTranslationKey.PLATFORM_COMPONENT_LOAD_ERR, platform_path, p_config, integration_docs, ) config_exceptions.append(exc_info) continue platform_integration = _PlatformIntegration( platform_path, p_name, p_integration, p_config, p_validated ) platform_integrations_to_load.append(platform_integration) # # Since bootstrap will order base platform (ie sensor) integrations # first, we eagerly gather importing the platforms that need to be # validated for the base platform since everything that uses the # base platform has to wait for it to finish. # # For example if `hue` where to load first and than called # `async_forward_entry_setup` for the `sensor` platform it would have to # wait for the sensor platform to finish loading before it could continue. # Since the base `sensor` platform must also import all of its platform # integrations to do validation before it can finish setup, its important # that the platform integrations are imported first so we do not waste # time importing `hue` first when we could have been importing the platforms # that the base `sensor` platform need to load to do validation and allow # all integrations that need the base `sensor` platform to proceed with setup. # if platform_integrations_to_load: async_load_and_validate = partial( _async_load_and_validate_platform_integration, domain, integration_docs, config_exceptions, ) platforms.extend( validated_config for validated_config in await asyncio.gather( *( create_eager_task(async_load_and_validate(p_integration)) for p_integration in platform_integrations_to_load ) ) if validated_config is not None ) # Create a copy of the configuration with all config for current # component removed and add validated config back in. config = config_without_domain(config, domain) config[domain] = platforms return IntegrationConfigInfo(config, config_exceptions) @callback def config_without_domain(config: ConfigType, domain: str) -> ConfigType: """Return a config with all configuration for a domain removed.""" filter_keys = extract_domain_configs(config, domain) return {key: value for key, value in config.items() if key not in filter_keys} async def async_check_ha_config_file(hass: HomeAssistant) -> str | None: """Check if Home Assistant configuration file is valid. This method is a coroutine. """ # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from .helpers import check_config res = await check_config.async_check_ha_config_file(hass) if not res.errors: return None return res.error_str def safe_mode_enabled(config_dir: str) -> bool: """Return if safe mode is enabled. If safe mode is enabled, the safe mode file will be removed. """ safe_mode_path = os.path.join(config_dir, SAFE_MODE_FILENAME) safe_mode = os.path.exists(safe_mode_path) if safe_mode: os.remove(safe_mode_path) return safe_mode async def async_enable_safe_mode(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Enable safe mode.""" def _enable_safe_mode() -> None: Path(hass.config.path(SAFE_MODE_FILENAME)).touch() await hass.async_add_executor_job(_enable_safe_mode)