{ "services": { "set_system_mode": { "name": "Set system mode", "description": "Sets the system mode, either indefinitely, or for a specified period of time, after which it will revert to Auto. Not all systems support all modes.", "fields": { "mode": { "name": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::mode%]", "description": "Mode to set thermostat." }, "period": { "name": "Period", "description": "A period of time in days; used only with Away, DayOff, or Custom. The system will revert to Auto at midnight (up to 99 days, today is day 1)." }, "duration": { "name": "Duration", "description": "The duration in hours; used only with AutoWithEco (up to 24 hours)." } } }, "reset_system": { "name": "Reset system", "description": "Sets the system to Auto mode and reset all the zones to follow their schedules. Not all Evohome systems support this feature (i.e. AutoWithReset mode)." }, "refresh_system": { "name": "Refresh system", "description": "Pulls the latest data from the vendor's servers now, rather than waiting for the next scheduled update." }, "set_zone_override": { "name": "Set zone override", "description": "Overrides a zone's setpoint, either indefinitely, or for a specified period of time, after which it will revert to following its schedule.", "fields": { "entity_id": { "name": "Entity", "description": "The entity_id of the Evohome zone." }, "setpoint": { "name": "Setpoint", "description": "The temperature to be used instead of the scheduled setpoint." }, "duration": { "name": "Duration", "description": "The zone will revert to its schedule after this time. If 0 the change is until the next scheduled setpoint." } } }, "clear_zone_override": { "name": "Clear zone override", "description": "Sets a zone to follow its schedule.", "fields": { "entity_id": { "name": "Entity", "description": "The entity_id of the zone." } } } } }