"""Support for Harmony Hub devices.""" import asyncio import json import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import remote from homeassistant.components.remote import ( ATTR_ACTIVITY, ATTR_DELAY_SECS, ATTR_DEVICE, ATTR_HOLD_SECS, ATTR_NUM_REPEATS, DEFAULT_DELAY_SECS, DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, CONF_PORT, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady from homeassistant.util import slugify _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_CHANNEL = "channel" ATTR_CURRENT_ACTIVITY = "current_activity" DEFAULT_PORT = 8088 DEVICES = [] CONF_DEVICE_CACHE = "harmony_device_cache" SERVICE_SYNC = "harmony_sync" SERVICE_CHANGE_CHANNEL = "harmony_change_channel" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(ATTR_ACTIVITY): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_DELAY_SECS, default=DEFAULT_DELAY_SECS): vol.Coerce(float), vol.Optional(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, } ) HARMONY_SYNC_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids}) HARMONY_CHANGE_CHANNEL_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Required(ATTR_CHANNEL): cv.positive_int, } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Harmony platform.""" activity = None if CONF_DEVICE_CACHE not in hass.data: hass.data[CONF_DEVICE_CACHE] = [] if discovery_info: # Find the discovered device in the list of user configurations override = next( ( c for c in hass.data[CONF_DEVICE_CACHE] if c.get(CONF_NAME) == discovery_info.get(CONF_NAME) ), None, ) port = DEFAULT_PORT delay_secs = DEFAULT_DELAY_SECS if override is not None: activity = override.get(ATTR_ACTIVITY) delay_secs = override.get(ATTR_DELAY_SECS) port = override.get(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT) host = (discovery_info.get(CONF_NAME), discovery_info.get(CONF_HOST), port) # Ignore hub name when checking if this hub is known - ip and port only if host[1:] in ((h.host, h.port) for h in DEVICES): _LOGGER.debug("Discovered host already known: %s", host) return elif CONF_HOST in config: host = (config.get(CONF_NAME), config.get(CONF_HOST), config.get(CONF_PORT)) activity = config.get(ATTR_ACTIVITY) delay_secs = config.get(ATTR_DELAY_SECS) else: hass.data[CONF_DEVICE_CACHE].append(config) return name, address, port = host _LOGGER.info( "Loading Harmony Platform: %s at %s:%s, startup activity: %s", name, address, port, activity, ) harmony_conf_file = hass.config.path( "{}{}{}".format("harmony_", slugify(name), ".conf") ) try: device = HarmonyRemote( name, address, port, activity, harmony_conf_file, delay_secs ) if not await device.connect(): raise PlatformNotReady DEVICES.append(device) async_add_entities([device]) register_services(hass) except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise PlatformNotReady def register_services(hass): """Register all services for harmony devices.""" hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SYNC, _sync_service, schema=HARMONY_SYNC_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_CHANGE_CHANNEL, _change_channel_service, schema=HARMONY_CHANGE_CHANNEL_SCHEMA, ) async def _apply_service(service, service_func, *service_func_args): """Handle services to apply.""" entity_ids = service.data.get("entity_id") if entity_ids: _devices = [device for device in DEVICES if device.entity_id in entity_ids] else: _devices = DEVICES for device in _devices: await service_func(device, *service_func_args) async def _sync_service(service): await _apply_service(service, HarmonyRemote.sync) async def _change_channel_service(service): channel = service.data.get(ATTR_CHANNEL) await _apply_service(service, HarmonyRemote.change_channel, channel) class HarmonyRemote(remote.RemoteDevice): """Remote representation used to control a Harmony device.""" def __init__(self, name, host, port, activity, out_path, delay_secs): """Initialize HarmonyRemote class.""" from aioharmony.harmonyapi import HarmonyAPI as HarmonyClient self._name = name self.host = host self.port = port self._state = None self._current_activity = None self._default_activity = activity self._client = HarmonyClient(ip_address=host) self._config_path = out_path self._delay_secs = delay_secs self._available = False async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Complete the initialization.""" from aioharmony.harmonyapi import ClientCallbackType _LOGGER.debug("%s: Harmony Hub added", self._name) # Register the callbacks self._client.callbacks = ClientCallbackType( new_activity=self.new_activity, config_updated=self.new_config, connect=self.got_connected, disconnect=self.got_disconnected, ) # Store Harmony HUB config, this will also update our current # activity await self.new_config() import aioharmony.exceptions as aioexc async def shutdown(_): """Close connection on shutdown.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s: Closing Harmony Hub", self._name) try: await self._client.close() except aioexc.TimeOut: _LOGGER.warning("%s: Disconnect timed-out", self._name) self.hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, shutdown) @property def name(self): """Return the Harmony device's name.""" return self._name @property def should_poll(self): """Return the fact that we should not be polled.""" return False @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Add platform specific attributes.""" return {ATTR_CURRENT_ACTIVITY: self._current_activity} @property def is_on(self): """Return False if PowerOff is the current activity, otherwise True.""" return self._current_activity not in [None, "PowerOff"] @property def available(self): """Return True if connected to Hub, otherwise False.""" return self._available async def connect(self): """Connect to the Harmony HUB.""" import aioharmony.exceptions as aioexc _LOGGER.debug("%s: Connecting", self._name) try: if not await self._client.connect(): _LOGGER.warning("%s: Unable to connect to HUB.", self._name) await self._client.close() return False except aioexc.TimeOut: _LOGGER.warning("%s: Connection timed-out", self._name) return False return True def new_activity(self, activity_info: tuple) -> None: """Call for updating the current activity.""" activity_id, activity_name = activity_info _LOGGER.debug("%s: activity reported as: %s", self._name, activity_name) self._current_activity = activity_name self._state = bool(activity_id != -1) self._available = True self.async_schedule_update_ha_state() async def new_config(self, _=None): """Call for updating the current activity.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s: configuration has been updated", self._name) self.new_activity(self._client.current_activity) await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.write_config_file) async def got_connected(self, _=None): """Notification that we're connected to the HUB.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s: connected to the HUB.", self._name) if not self._available: # We were disconnected before. await self.new_config() async def got_disconnected(self, _=None): """Notification that we're disconnected from the HUB.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s: disconnected from the HUB.", self._name) self._available = False # We're going to wait for 10 seconds before announcing we're # unavailable, this to allow a reconnection to happen. await asyncio.sleep(10) if not self._available: # Still disconnected. Let the state engine know. self.async_schedule_update_ha_state() async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Start an activity from the Harmony device.""" import aioharmony.exceptions as aioexc _LOGGER.debug("%s: Turn On", self.name) activity = kwargs.get(ATTR_ACTIVITY, self._default_activity) if activity: activity_id = None if activity.isdigit() or activity == "-1": _LOGGER.debug("%s: Activity is numeric", self.name) if self._client.get_activity_name(int(activity)): activity_id = activity if activity_id is None: _LOGGER.debug("%s: Find activity ID based on name", self.name) activity_id = self._client.get_activity_id(str(activity).strip()) if activity_id is None: _LOGGER.error("%s: Activity %s is invalid", self.name, activity) return try: await self._client.start_activity(activity_id) except aioexc.TimeOut: _LOGGER.error("%s: Starting activity %s timed-out", self.name, activity) else: _LOGGER.error("%s: No activity specified with turn_on service", self.name) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Start the PowerOff activity.""" import aioharmony.exceptions as aioexc _LOGGER.debug("%s: Turn Off", self.name) try: await self._client.power_off() except aioexc.TimeOut: _LOGGER.error("%s: Powering off timed-out", self.name) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ async def async_send_command(self, command, **kwargs): """Send a list of commands to one device.""" from aioharmony.harmonyapi import SendCommandDevice import aioharmony.exceptions as aioexc _LOGGER.debug("%s: Send Command", self.name) device = kwargs.get(ATTR_DEVICE) if device is None: _LOGGER.error("%s: Missing required argument: device", self.name) return device_id = None if device.isdigit(): _LOGGER.debug("%s: Device %s is numeric", self.name, device) if self._client.get_device_name(int(device)): device_id = device if device_id is None: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Find device ID %s based on device name", self.name, device ) device_id = self._client.get_device_id(str(device).strip()) if device_id is None: _LOGGER.error("%s: Device %s is invalid", self.name, device) return num_repeats = kwargs[ATTR_NUM_REPEATS] delay_secs = kwargs.get(ATTR_DELAY_SECS, self._delay_secs) hold_secs = kwargs[ATTR_HOLD_SECS] _LOGGER.debug( "Sending commands to device %s holding for %s seconds " "with a delay of %s seconds", device, hold_secs, delay_secs, ) # Creating list of commands to send. snd_cmnd_list = [] for _ in range(num_repeats): for single_command in command: send_command = SendCommandDevice( device=device_id, command=single_command, delay=hold_secs ) snd_cmnd_list.append(send_command) if delay_secs > 0: snd_cmnd_list.append(float(delay_secs)) _LOGGER.debug("%s: Sending commands", self.name) try: result_list = await self._client.send_commands(snd_cmnd_list) except aioexc.TimeOut: _LOGGER.error("%s: Sending commands timed-out", self.name) return for result in result_list: _LOGGER.error( "Sending command %s to device %s failed with code " "%s: %s", result.command.command, result.command.device, result.code, result.msg, ) async def change_channel(self, channel): """Change the channel using Harmony remote.""" import aioharmony.exceptions as aioexc _LOGGER.debug("%s: Changing channel to %s", self.name, channel) try: await self._client.change_channel(channel) except aioexc.TimeOut: _LOGGER.error("%s: Changing channel to %s timed-out", self.name, channel) async def sync(self): """Sync the Harmony device with the web service.""" import aioharmony.exceptions as aioexc _LOGGER.debug("%s: Syncing hub with Harmony cloud", self.name) try: await self._client.sync() except aioexc.TimeOut: _LOGGER.error("%s: Syncing hub with Harmony cloud timed-out", self.name) else: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.write_config_file) def write_config_file(self): """Write Harmony configuration file.""" _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Writing hub config to file: %s", self.name, self._config_path ) if self._client.config is None: _LOGGER.warning("%s: No configuration received from hub", self.name) return try: with open(self._config_path, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as file_out: json.dump(self._client.json_config, file_out, sort_keys=True, indent=4) except IOError as exc: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Unable to write HUB configuration to %s: %s", self.name, self._config_path, exc, )