{ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "That student has already been added.", "all_student_already_configured": "All students have already been added.", "reauth_successful": "Reauth successful" }, "error": { "unknown": "Unknown error occurred", "invalid_token": "Invalid token", "expired_token": "Expired token - please generate a new token", "invalid_pin": "Invalid pin", "invalid_symbol": "Invalid symbol", "expired_credentials": "Expired credentials - please create new on Vulcan mobile app registration page", "cannot_connect": "Connection error - please check your internet connection" }, "step": { "auth": { "description": "Login to your Vulcan Account using mobile app registration page.", "data": { "token": "Token", "region": "Symbol", "pin": "Pin" } }, "reauth": { "description": "Login to your Vulcan Account using mobile app registration page.", "data": { "token": "Token", "region": "Symbol", "pin": "Pin" } }, "select_student": { "description": "Select student, you can add more students by adding integration again.", "data": { "student_name": "Select student" } }, "select_saved_credentials": { "description": "Select saved credentials.", "data": { "credentials": "Login" } }, "add_next_config_entry": { "description": "Add another student.", "data": { "use_saved_credentials": "Use saved credentials" } } } }, "options": { "error": { "error": "Error occurred" }, "step": { "init": { "data": { "message_notify": "Show notifications when new message received", "attendance_notify": "Show notifications about the latest attendance entries", "grade_notify": "Show notifications about the latest grades", "scan_interval": "Update interval (in minutes)" } } } } }