"""Support for Wyoming wake-word-detection services.""" import asyncio from collections.abc import AsyncIterable import logging from wyoming.audio import AudioChunk, AudioStart from wyoming.client import AsyncTcpClient from wyoming.wake import Detect, Detection from homeassistant.components import wake_word from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from .const import DOMAIN from .data import WyomingService, load_wyoming_info from .error import WyomingError from .models import DomainDataItem _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up Wyoming wake-word-detection.""" item: DomainDataItem = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] async_add_entities( [ WyomingWakeWordProvider(hass, config_entry, item.service), ] ) class WyomingWakeWordProvider(wake_word.WakeWordDetectionEntity): """Wyoming wake-word-detection provider.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, service: WyomingService, ) -> None: """Set up provider.""" self.hass = hass self.service = service wake_service = service.info.wake[0] self._supported_wake_words = [ wake_word.WakeWord( id=ww.name, name=ww.description or ww.name, phrase=ww.phrase ) for ww in wake_service.models ] self._attr_name = wake_service.name self._attr_unique_id = f"{config_entry.entry_id}-wake_word" async def get_supported_wake_words(self) -> list[wake_word.WakeWord]: """Return a list of supported wake words.""" info = await load_wyoming_info( self.service.host, self.service.port, retries=0, timeout=1 ) if info is not None: wake_service = info.wake[0] self._supported_wake_words = [ wake_word.WakeWord( id=ww.name, name=ww.description or ww.name, phrase=ww.phrase, ) for ww in wake_service.models ] return self._supported_wake_words async def _async_process_audio_stream( self, stream: AsyncIterable[tuple[bytes, int]], wake_word_id: str | None ) -> wake_word.DetectionResult | None: """Try to detect one or more wake words in an audio stream. Audio must be 16Khz sample rate with 16-bit mono PCM samples. """ async def next_chunk(): """Get the next chunk from audio stream.""" async for chunk_bytes in stream: return chunk_bytes try: async with AsyncTcpClient(self.service.host, self.service.port) as client: # Inform client which wake word we want to detect (None = default) await client.write_event( Detect(names=[wake_word_id] if wake_word_id else None).event() ) await client.write_event( AudioStart( rate=16000, width=2, channels=1, ).event(), ) # Read audio and wake events in "parallel" audio_task = asyncio.create_task(next_chunk()) wake_task = asyncio.create_task(client.read_event()) pending = {audio_task, wake_task} try: while True: done, pending = await asyncio.wait( pending, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) if wake_task in done: event = wake_task.result() if event is None: _LOGGER.debug("Connection lost") break if Detection.is_type(event.type): # Possible detection detection = Detection.from_event(event) _LOGGER.info(detection) if wake_word_id and (detection.name != wake_word_id): _LOGGER.warning( "Expected wake word %s but got %s, skipping", wake_word_id, detection.name, ) wake_task = asyncio.create_task(client.read_event()) pending.add(wake_task) continue # Retrieve queued audio queued_audio: list[tuple[bytes, int]] | None = None if audio_task in pending: # Save queued audio await audio_task pending.remove(audio_task) queued_audio = [audio_task.result()] return wake_word.DetectionResult( wake_word_id=detection.name, wake_word_phrase=self._get_phrase(detection.name), timestamp=detection.timestamp, queued_audio=queued_audio, ) # Next event wake_task = asyncio.create_task(client.read_event()) pending.add(wake_task) if audio_task in done: # Forward audio to wake service chunk_info = audio_task.result() if chunk_info is None: break chunk_bytes, chunk_timestamp = chunk_info chunk = AudioChunk( rate=16000, width=2, channels=1, audio=chunk_bytes, timestamp=chunk_timestamp, ) await client.write_event(chunk.event()) # Next chunk audio_task = asyncio.create_task(next_chunk()) pending.add(audio_task) finally: # Clean up if audio_task in pending: # It's critical that we don't cancel the audio task or # leave it hanging. This would mess up the pipeline STT # by stopping the audio stream. await audio_task pending.remove(audio_task) for task in pending: task.cancel() except (OSError, WyomingError): _LOGGER.exception("Error processing audio stream") return None def _get_phrase(self, model_id: str) -> str: """Get wake word phrase for model id.""" for ww_model in self._supported_wake_words: if not ww_model.phrase: continue if ww_model.id == model_id: return ww_model.phrase return model_id