""" Support for Pollen.com allergen and cold/flu sensors. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.pollen/ """ import logging from datetime import timedelta from statistics import mean import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, ATTR_STATE, CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import Throttle, slugify REQUIREMENTS = ['pypollencom==1.1.1'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_ALLERGEN_GENUS = 'primary_allergen_genus' ATTR_ALLERGEN_NAME = 'primary_allergen_name' ATTR_ALLERGEN_TYPE = 'primary_allergen_type' ATTR_CITY = 'city' ATTR_OUTLOOK = 'outlook' ATTR_RATING = 'rating' ATTR_SEASON = 'season' ATTR_TREND = 'trend' ATTR_ZIP_CODE = 'zip_code' CONF_ZIP_CODE = 'zip_code' DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTION = 'Data provided by IQVIA™' MIN_TIME_UPDATE_AVERAGES = timedelta(hours=12) MIN_TIME_UPDATE_INDICES = timedelta(minutes=10) CONDITIONS = { 'allergy_average_forecasted': ( 'Allergy Index: Forecasted Average', 'AllergyAverageSensor', 'allergy_average_data', {'data_attr': 'extended_data'}, 'mdi:flower' ), 'allergy_average_historical': ( 'Allergy Index: Historical Average', 'AllergyAverageSensor', 'allergy_average_data', {'data_attr': 'historic_data'}, 'mdi:flower' ), 'allergy_index_today': ( 'Allergy Index: Today', 'AllergyIndexSensor', 'allergy_index_data', {'key': 'Today'}, 'mdi:flower' ), 'allergy_index_tomorrow': ( 'Allergy Index: Tomorrow', 'AllergyIndexSensor', 'allergy_index_data', {'key': 'Tomorrow'}, 'mdi:flower' ), 'allergy_index_yesterday': ( 'Allergy Index: Yesterday', 'AllergyIndexSensor', 'allergy_index_data', {'key': 'Yesterday'}, 'mdi:flower' ), 'disease_average_forecasted': ( 'Cold & Flu: Forecasted Average', 'AllergyAverageSensor', 'disease_average_data', {'data_attr': 'extended_data'}, 'mdi:snowflake' ) } RATING_MAPPING = [{ 'label': 'Low', 'minimum': 0.0, 'maximum': 2.4 }, { 'label': 'Low/Medium', 'minimum': 2.5, 'maximum': 4.8 }, { 'label': 'Medium', 'minimum': 4.9, 'maximum': 7.2 }, { 'label': 'Medium/High', 'minimum': 7.3, 'maximum': 9.6 }, { 'label': 'High', 'minimum': 9.7, 'maximum': 12 }] PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Required(CONF_ZIP_CODE): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(CONDITIONS)]), }) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Configure the platform and add the sensors.""" from pypollencom import Client _LOGGER.debug('Configuration data: %s', config) client = Client(config[CONF_ZIP_CODE]) datas = { 'allergy_average_data': AllergyAveragesData(client), 'allergy_index_data': AllergyIndexData(client), 'disease_average_data': DiseaseData(client) } classes = { 'AllergyAverageSensor': AllergyAverageSensor, 'AllergyIndexSensor': AllergyIndexSensor } for data in datas.values(): data.update() sensors = [] for condition in config[CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS]: name, sensor_class, data_key, params, icon = CONDITIONS[condition] sensors.append(classes[sensor_class]( datas[data_key], params, name, icon, config[CONF_ZIP_CODE] )) add_devices(sensors, True) def calculate_trend(list_of_nums): """Calculate the most common rating as a trend.""" ratings = list( r['label'] for n in list_of_nums for r in RATING_MAPPING if r['minimum'] <= n <= r['maximum']) return max(set(ratings), key=ratings.count) class BaseSensor(Entity): """Define a base class for all of our sensors.""" def __init__(self, data, data_params, name, icon, unique_id): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._attrs = {} self._icon = icon self._name = name self._data_params = data_params self._state = None self._unit = None self._unique_id = unique_id self.data = data @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the device state attributes.""" self._attrs.update({ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTION}) return self._attrs @property def icon(self): """Return the icon.""" return self._icon @property def name(self): """Return the name.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state.""" return self._state @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique, HASS-friendly identifier for this entity.""" return '{0}_{1}'.format(self._unique_id, slugify(self._name)) @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" return self._unit class AllergyAverageSensor(BaseSensor): """Define a sensor to show allergy average information.""" def update(self): """Update the status of the sensor.""" self.data.update() try: data_attr = getattr(self.data, self._data_params['data_attr']) indices = [ p['Index'] for p in data_attr['Location']['periods'] ] except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("Pollen.com API didn't return any data") return average = round(mean(indices), 1) self._attrs[ATTR_TREND] = calculate_trend(indices) self._attrs[ATTR_CITY] = data_attr['Location']['City'].title() self._attrs[ATTR_STATE] = data_attr['Location']['State'] self._attrs[ATTR_ZIP_CODE] = data_attr['Location']['ZIP'] [rating] = [ i['label'] for i in RATING_MAPPING if i['minimum'] <= average <= i['maximum'] ] self._attrs[ATTR_RATING] = rating self._state = average self._unit = 'index' class AllergyIndexSensor(BaseSensor): """Define a sensor to show allergy index information.""" def update(self): """Update the status of the sensor.""" self.data.update() try: location_data = self.data.current_data['Location'] except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("Pollen.com API didn't return any data") return [period] = [ p for p in location_data['periods'] if p['Type'] == self._data_params['key'] ] self._attrs[ATTR_ALLERGEN_GENUS] = period['Triggers'][0]['Genus'] self._attrs[ATTR_ALLERGEN_NAME] = period['Triggers'][0]['Name'] self._attrs[ATTR_ALLERGEN_TYPE] = period['Triggers'][0]['PlantType'] self._attrs[ATTR_OUTLOOK] = self.data.outlook_data['Outlook'] self._attrs[ATTR_SEASON] = self.data.outlook_data['Season'] self._attrs[ATTR_TREND] = self.data.outlook_data[ 'Trend'].title() self._attrs[ATTR_CITY] = location_data['City'].title() self._attrs[ATTR_STATE] = location_data['State'] self._attrs[ATTR_ZIP_CODE] = location_data['ZIP'] [rating] = [ i['label'] for i in RATING_MAPPING if i['minimum'] <= period['Index'] <= i['maximum'] ] self._attrs[ATTR_RATING] = rating self._state = period['Index'] self._unit = 'index' class DataBase(object): """Define a generic data object.""" def __init__(self, client): """Initialize.""" self._client = client def _get_client_data(self, module, operation): """Get data from a particular point in the API.""" from pypollencom.exceptions import HTTPError data = {} try: data = getattr(getattr(self._client, module), operation)() _LOGGER.debug('Received "%s_%s" data: %s', module, operation, data) except HTTPError as exc: _LOGGER.error('An error occurred while retrieving data') _LOGGER.debug(exc) return data class AllergyAveragesData(DataBase): """Define an object to averages on future and historical allergy data.""" def __init__(self, client): """Initialize.""" super().__init__(client) self.extended_data = None self.historic_data = None @Throttle(MIN_TIME_UPDATE_AVERAGES) def update(self): """Update with new data.""" self.extended_data = self._get_client_data('allergens', 'extended') self.historic_data = self._get_client_data('allergens', 'historic') class AllergyIndexData(DataBase): """Define an object to retrieve current allergy index info.""" def __init__(self, client): """Initialize.""" super().__init__(client) self.current_data = None self.outlook_data = None @Throttle(MIN_TIME_UPDATE_INDICES) def update(self): """Update with new index data.""" self.current_data = self._get_client_data('allergens', 'current') self.outlook_data = self._get_client_data('allergens', 'outlook') class DiseaseData(DataBase): """Define an object to retrieve current disease index info.""" def __init__(self, client): """Initialize.""" super().__init__(client) self.extended_data = None @Throttle(MIN_TIME_UPDATE_INDICES) def update(self): """Update with new cold/flu data.""" self.extended_data = self._get_client_data('disease', 'extended')