{ "title": "Vacuum", "device_automation": { "condition_type": { "is_docked": "{entity_name} is docked", "is_cleaning": "{entity_name} is cleaning" }, "trigger_type": { "cleaning": "{entity_name} started cleaning", "docked": "{entity_name} docked" }, "action_type": { "clean": "Let {entity_name} clean", "dock": "Let {entity_name} return to the dock" } }, "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "[%key:component::vacuum::title%]", "state": { "cleaning": "Cleaning", "docked": "Docked", "error": "Error", "idle": "[%key:common::state::idle%]", "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "paused": "[%key:common::state::paused%]", "returning": "Returning to dock" } } }, "services": { "turn_on": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_on%]", "description": "Starts a new cleaning task." }, "turn_off": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_off%]", "description": "Stops the current cleaning task and returns to its dock." }, "toggle": { "name": "[%key:common::action::toggle%]", "description": "Toggles the vacuum cleaner on/off." }, "stop": { "name": "[%key:common::action::stop%]", "description": "Stops the current cleaning task." }, "locate": { "name": "Locate", "description": "Locates the vacuum cleaner robot." }, "start_pause": { "name": "Start/pause", "description": "Starts, pauses, or resumes the cleaning task." }, "start": { "name": "[%key:common::action::start%]", "description": "Starts or resumes the cleaning task." }, "pause": { "name": "[%key:common::action::pause%]", "description": "Pauses the cleaning task." }, "return_to_base": { "name": "Return to dock", "description": "Tells the vacuum cleaner to return to its dock." }, "clean_spot": { "name": "Clean spot", "description": "Tells the vacuum cleaner to do a spot clean-up." }, "send_command": { "name": "Send command", "description": "Sends a command to the vacuum cleaner.", "fields": { "command": { "name": "Command", "description": "Command to execute. The commands are integration-specific." }, "params": { "name": "Parameters", "description": "Parameters for the command. The parameters are integration-specific." } } }, "set_fan_speed": { "name": "Set fan speed", "description": "Sets the fan speed of the vacuum cleaner.", "fields": { "fan_speed": { "name": "Fan speed", "description": "Fan speed. The value depends on the integration. Some integrations have speed steps, like 'medium'. Some use a percentage, between 0 and 100." } } } } }