""" homeassistant.components.device_tracker.luci ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Device tracker platform that supports scanning a OpenWRT router for device presence. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker.luci.html """ import logging import json from datetime import timedelta import re import threading import requests from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD from homeassistant.helpers import validate_config from homeassistant.util import Throttle from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import DOMAIN # Return cached results if last scan was less then this time ago MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS = timedelta(seconds=5) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_scanner(hass, config): """ Validates config and returns a Luci scanner. """ if not validate_config(config, {DOMAIN: [CONF_HOST, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD]}, _LOGGER): return None scanner = LuciDeviceScanner(config[DOMAIN]) return scanner if scanner.success_init else None # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class LuciDeviceScanner(object): """ This class queries a wireless router running OpenWrt firmware for connected devices. Adapted from Tomato scanner. # opkg install luci-mod-rpc for this to work on the router. The API is described here: http://luci.subsignal.org/trac/wiki/Documentation/JsonRpcHowTo (Currently, we do only wifi iwscan, and no DHCP lease access.) """ def __init__(self, config): host = config[CONF_HOST] username, password = config[CONF_USERNAME], config[CONF_PASSWORD] self.parse_api_pattern = re.compile(r"(?P\w*) = (?P.*);") self.lock = threading.Lock() self.last_results = {} self.token = _get_token(host, username, password) self.host = host self.mac2name = None self.success_init = self.token is not None def scan_devices(self): """ Scans for new devices and return a list containing found device ids. """ self._update_info() return self.last_results def get_device_name(self, device): """ Returns the name of the given device or None if we don't know. """ with self.lock: if self.mac2name is None: url = 'http://{}/cgi-bin/luci/rpc/uci'.format(self.host) result = _req_json_rpc(url, 'get_all', 'dhcp', params={'auth': self.token}) if result: hosts = [x for x in result.values() if x['.type'] == 'host' and 'mac' in x and 'name' in x] mac2name_list = [ (x['mac'].upper(), x['name']) for x in hosts] self.mac2name = dict(mac2name_list) else: # Error, handled in the _req_json_rpc return return self.mac2name.get(device.upper(), None) @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS) def _update_info(self): """ Ensures the information from the Luci router is up to date. Returns boolean if scanning successful. """ if not self.success_init: return False with self.lock: _LOGGER.info("Checking ARP") url = 'http://{}/cgi-bin/luci/rpc/sys'.format(self.host) result = _req_json_rpc(url, 'net.arptable', params={'auth': self.token}) if result: self.last_results = [] for device_entry in result: # Check if the Flags for each device contain # NUD_REACHABLE and if so, add it to last_results if int(device_entry['Flags'], 16) & 0x2: self.last_results.append(device_entry['HW address']) return True return False def _req_json_rpc(url, method, *args, **kwargs): """ Perform one JSON RPC operation. """ data = json.dumps({'method': method, 'params': args}) try: res = requests.post(url, data=data, timeout=5, **kwargs) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: _LOGGER.exception("Connection to the router timed out") return if res.status_code == 200: try: result = res.json() except ValueError: # If json decoder could not parse the response _LOGGER.exception("Failed to parse response from luci") return try: return result['result'] except KeyError: _LOGGER.exception("No result in response from luci") return elif res.status_code == 401: # Authentication error _LOGGER.exception( "Failed to authenticate, " "please check your username and password") return else: _LOGGER.error("Invalid response from luci: %s", res) def _get_token(host, username, password): """ Get authentication token for the given host+username+password. """ url = 'http://{}/cgi-bin/luci/rpc/auth'.format(host) return _req_json_rpc(url, 'login', username, password)