"""Support for Xiaomi Philips Lights.""" import asyncio import datetime from datetime import timedelta from functools import partial import logging from math import ceil import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_COLOR, SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP, Light, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, CONF_TOKEN from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util import color, dt _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_NAME = "Xiaomi Philips Light" DATA_KEY = "light.xiaomi_miio" CONF_MODEL = "model" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Length(min=32, max=32)), vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_MODEL): vol.In( [ "philips.light.sread1", "philips.light.ceiling", "philips.light.zyceiling", "philips.light.moonlight", "philips.light.bulb", "philips.light.candle", "philips.light.candle2", "philips.light.mono1", "philips.light.downlight", ] ), } ) # The light does not accept cct values < 1 CCT_MIN = 1 CCT_MAX = 100 DELAYED_TURN_OFF_MAX_DEVIATION_SECONDS = 4 DELAYED_TURN_OFF_MAX_DEVIATION_MINUTES = 1 SUCCESS = ["ok"] ATTR_MODEL = "model" ATTR_SCENE = "scene" ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF = "delayed_turn_off" ATTR_TIME_PERIOD = "time_period" ATTR_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE = "night_light_mode" ATTR_AUTOMATIC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE = "automatic_color_temperature" ATTR_REMINDER = "reminder" ATTR_EYECARE_MODE = "eyecare_mode" # Moonlight ATTR_SLEEP_ASSISTANT = "sleep_assistant" ATTR_SLEEP_OFF_TIME = "sleep_off_time" ATTR_TOTAL_ASSISTANT_SLEEP_TIME = "total_assistant_sleep_time" ATTR_BRAND_SLEEP = "brand_sleep" ATTR_BRAND = "brand" SERVICE_SET_SCENE = "xiaomi_miio_set_scene" SERVICE_SET_DELAYED_TURN_OFF = "xiaomi_miio_set_delayed_turn_off" SERVICE_REMINDER_ON = "xiaomi_miio_reminder_on" SERVICE_REMINDER_OFF = "xiaomi_miio_reminder_off" SERVICE_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE_ON = "xiaomi_miio_night_light_mode_on" SERVICE_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE_OFF = "xiaomi_miio_night_light_mode_off" SERVICE_EYECARE_MODE_ON = "xiaomi_miio_eyecare_mode_on" SERVICE_EYECARE_MODE_OFF = "xiaomi_miio_eyecare_mode_off" XIAOMI_MIIO_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids}) SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_SCENE = XIAOMI_MIIO_SERVICE_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(ATTR_SCENE): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=1, max=6))} ) SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_DELAYED_TURN_OFF = XIAOMI_MIIO_SERVICE_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(ATTR_TIME_PERIOD): vol.All(cv.time_period, cv.positive_timedelta)} ) SERVICE_TO_METHOD = { SERVICE_SET_DELAYED_TURN_OFF: { "method": "async_set_delayed_turn_off", "schema": SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_DELAYED_TURN_OFF, }, SERVICE_SET_SCENE: { "method": "async_set_scene", "schema": SERVICE_SCHEMA_SET_SCENE, }, SERVICE_REMINDER_ON: {"method": "async_reminder_on"}, SERVICE_REMINDER_OFF: {"method": "async_reminder_off"}, SERVICE_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE_ON: {"method": "async_night_light_mode_on"}, SERVICE_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE_OFF: {"method": "async_night_light_mode_off"}, SERVICE_EYECARE_MODE_ON: {"method": "async_eyecare_mode_on"}, SERVICE_EYECARE_MODE_OFF: {"method": "async_eyecare_mode_off"}, } async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the light from config.""" from miio import Device, DeviceException if DATA_KEY not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_KEY] = {} host = config.get(CONF_HOST) name = config.get(CONF_NAME) token = config.get(CONF_TOKEN) model = config.get(CONF_MODEL) _LOGGER.info("Initializing with host %s (token %s...)", host, token[:5]) devices = [] unique_id = None if model is None: try: miio_device = Device(host, token) device_info = miio_device.info() model = device_info.model unique_id = f"{model}-{device_info.mac_address}" _LOGGER.info( "%s %s %s detected", model, device_info.firmware_version, device_info.hardware_version, ) except DeviceException: raise PlatformNotReady if model == "philips.light.sread1": from miio import PhilipsEyecare light = PhilipsEyecare(host, token) primary_device = XiaomiPhilipsEyecareLamp(name, light, model, unique_id) devices.append(primary_device) hass.data[DATA_KEY][host] = primary_device secondary_device = XiaomiPhilipsEyecareLampAmbientLight( name, light, model, unique_id ) devices.append(secondary_device) # The ambient light doesn't expose additional services. # A hass.data[DATA_KEY] entry isn't needed. elif model in ["philips.light.ceiling", "philips.light.zyceiling"]: from miio import Ceil light = Ceil(host, token) device = XiaomiPhilipsCeilingLamp(name, light, model, unique_id) devices.append(device) hass.data[DATA_KEY][host] = device elif model == "philips.light.moonlight": from miio import PhilipsMoonlight light = PhilipsMoonlight(host, token) device = XiaomiPhilipsMoonlightLamp(name, light, model, unique_id) devices.append(device) hass.data[DATA_KEY][host] = device elif model in [ "philips.light.bulb", "philips.light.candle", "philips.light.candle2", "philips.light.downlight", ]: from miio import PhilipsBulb light = PhilipsBulb(host, token) device = XiaomiPhilipsBulb(name, light, model, unique_id) devices.append(device) hass.data[DATA_KEY][host] = device elif model == "philips.light.mono1": from miio import PhilipsBulb light = PhilipsBulb(host, token) device = XiaomiPhilipsGenericLight(name, light, model, unique_id) devices.append(device) hass.data[DATA_KEY][host] = device else: _LOGGER.error( "Unsupported device found! Please create an issue at " "https://github.com/syssi/philipslight/issues " "and provide the following data: %s", model, ) return False async_add_entities(devices, update_before_add=True) async def async_service_handler(service): """Map services to methods on Xiaomi Philips Lights.""" method = SERVICE_TO_METHOD.get(service.service) params = { key: value for key, value in service.data.items() if key != ATTR_ENTITY_ID } entity_ids = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if entity_ids: target_devices = [ dev for dev in hass.data[DATA_KEY].values() if dev.entity_id in entity_ids ] else: target_devices = hass.data[DATA_KEY].values() update_tasks = [] for target_device in target_devices: if not hasattr(target_device, method["method"]): continue await getattr(target_device, method["method"])(**params) update_tasks.append(target_device.async_update_ha_state(True)) if update_tasks: await asyncio.wait(update_tasks) for xiaomi_miio_service in SERVICE_TO_METHOD: schema = SERVICE_TO_METHOD[xiaomi_miio_service].get( "schema", XIAOMI_MIIO_SERVICE_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, xiaomi_miio_service, async_service_handler, schema=schema ) class XiaomiPhilipsAbstractLight(Light): """Representation of a Abstract Xiaomi Philips Light.""" def __init__(self, name, light, model, unique_id): """Initialize the light device.""" self._name = name self._light = light self._model = model self._unique_id = unique_id self._brightness = None self._available = False self._state = None self._state_attrs = {ATTR_MODEL: self._model} @property def should_poll(self): """Poll the light.""" return True @property def unique_id(self): """Return an unique ID.""" return self._unique_id @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device if any.""" return self._name @property def available(self): """Return true when state is known.""" return self._available @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the device.""" return self._state_attrs @property def is_on(self): """Return true if light is on.""" return self._state @property def brightness(self): """Return the brightness of this light between 0..255.""" return self._brightness @property def supported_features(self): """Return the supported features.""" return SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS async def _try_command(self, mask_error, func, *args, **kwargs): """Call a light command handling error messages.""" from miio import DeviceException try: result = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( partial(func, *args, **kwargs) ) _LOGGER.debug("Response received from light: %s", result) return result == SUCCESS except DeviceException as exc: _LOGGER.error(mask_error, exc) self._available = False return False async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the light on.""" if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] percent_brightness = ceil(100 * brightness / 255.0) _LOGGER.debug("Setting brightness: %s %s%%", brightness, percent_brightness) result = await self._try_command( "Setting brightness failed: %s", self._light.set_brightness, percent_brightness, ) if result: self._brightness = brightness else: await self._try_command("Turning the light on failed.", self._light.on) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the light off.""" await self._try_command("Turning the light off failed.", self._light.off) async def async_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" from miio import DeviceException try: state = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._light.status) except DeviceException as ex: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex) return _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state) self._available = True self._state = state.is_on self._brightness = ceil((255 / 100.0) * state.brightness) class XiaomiPhilipsGenericLight(XiaomiPhilipsAbstractLight): """Representation of a Generic Xiaomi Philips Light.""" def __init__(self, name, light, model, unique_id): """Initialize the light device.""" super().__init__(name, light, model, unique_id) self._state_attrs.update({ATTR_SCENE: None, ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF: None}) async def async_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" from miio import DeviceException try: state = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._light.status) except DeviceException as ex: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex) return _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state) self._available = True self._state = state.is_on self._brightness = ceil((255 / 100.0) * state.brightness) delayed_turn_off = self.delayed_turn_off_timestamp( state.delay_off_countdown, dt.utcnow(), self._state_attrs[ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF], ) self._state_attrs.update( {ATTR_SCENE: state.scene, ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF: delayed_turn_off} ) async def async_set_scene(self, scene: int = 1): """Set the fixed scene.""" await self._try_command( "Setting a fixed scene failed.", self._light.set_scene, scene ) async def async_set_delayed_turn_off(self, time_period: timedelta): """Set delayed turn off.""" await self._try_command( "Setting the turn off delay failed.", self._light.delay_off, time_period.total_seconds(), ) @staticmethod def delayed_turn_off_timestamp( countdown: int, current: datetime, previous: datetime ): """Update the turn off timestamp only if necessary.""" if countdown is not None and countdown > 0: new = current.replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=countdown) if previous is None: return new lower = timedelta(seconds=-DELAYED_TURN_OFF_MAX_DEVIATION_SECONDS) upper = timedelta(seconds=DELAYED_TURN_OFF_MAX_DEVIATION_SECONDS) diff = previous - new if lower < diff < upper: return previous return new return None class XiaomiPhilipsBulb(XiaomiPhilipsGenericLight): """Representation of a Xiaomi Philips Bulb.""" def __init__(self, name, light, model, unique_id): """Initialize the light device.""" super().__init__(name, light, model, unique_id) self._color_temp = None @property def color_temp(self): """Return the color temperature.""" return self._color_temp @property def min_mireds(self): """Return the coldest color_temp that this light supports.""" return 175 @property def max_mireds(self): """Return the warmest color_temp that this light supports.""" return 333 @property def supported_features(self): """Return the supported features.""" return SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS | SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the light on.""" if ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: color_temp = kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP] percent_color_temp = self.translate( color_temp, self.max_mireds, self.min_mireds, CCT_MIN, CCT_MAX ) if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] percent_brightness = ceil(100 * brightness / 255.0) if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs and ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: _LOGGER.debug( "Setting brightness and color temperature: " "%s %s%%, %s mireds, %s%% cct", brightness, percent_brightness, color_temp, percent_color_temp, ) result = await self._try_command( "Setting brightness and color temperature failed: " "%s bri, %s cct", self._light.set_brightness_and_color_temperature, percent_brightness, percent_color_temp, ) if result: self._color_temp = color_temp self._brightness = brightness elif ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: _LOGGER.debug( "Setting color temperature: " "%s mireds, %s%% cct", color_temp, percent_color_temp, ) result = await self._try_command( "Setting color temperature failed: %s cct", self._light.set_color_temperature, percent_color_temp, ) if result: self._color_temp = color_temp elif ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] percent_brightness = ceil(100 * brightness / 255.0) _LOGGER.debug("Setting brightness: %s %s%%", brightness, percent_brightness) result = await self._try_command( "Setting brightness failed: %s", self._light.set_brightness, percent_brightness, ) if result: self._brightness = brightness else: await self._try_command("Turning the light on failed.", self._light.on) async def async_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" from miio import DeviceException try: state = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._light.status) except DeviceException as ex: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex) return _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state) self._available = True self._state = state.is_on self._brightness = ceil((255 / 100.0) * state.brightness) self._color_temp = self.translate( state.color_temperature, CCT_MIN, CCT_MAX, self.max_mireds, self.min_mireds ) delayed_turn_off = self.delayed_turn_off_timestamp( state.delay_off_countdown, dt.utcnow(), self._state_attrs[ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF], ) self._state_attrs.update( {ATTR_SCENE: state.scene, ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF: delayed_turn_off} ) @staticmethod def translate(value, left_min, left_max, right_min, right_max): """Map a value from left span to right span.""" left_span = left_max - left_min right_span = right_max - right_min value_scaled = float(value - left_min) / float(left_span) return int(right_min + (value_scaled * right_span)) class XiaomiPhilipsCeilingLamp(XiaomiPhilipsBulb): """Representation of a Xiaomi Philips Ceiling Lamp.""" def __init__(self, name, light, model, unique_id): """Initialize the light device.""" super().__init__(name, light, model, unique_id) self._state_attrs.update( {ATTR_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE: None, ATTR_AUTOMATIC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE: None} ) @property def min_mireds(self): """Return the coldest color_temp that this light supports.""" return 175 @property def max_mireds(self): """Return the warmest color_temp that this light supports.""" return 370 async def async_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" from miio import DeviceException try: state = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._light.status) except DeviceException as ex: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex) return _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state) self._available = True self._state = state.is_on self._brightness = ceil((255 / 100.0) * state.brightness) self._color_temp = self.translate( state.color_temperature, CCT_MIN, CCT_MAX, self.max_mireds, self.min_mireds ) delayed_turn_off = self.delayed_turn_off_timestamp( state.delay_off_countdown, dt.utcnow(), self._state_attrs[ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF], ) self._state_attrs.update( { ATTR_SCENE: state.scene, ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF: delayed_turn_off, ATTR_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE: state.smart_night_light, ATTR_AUTOMATIC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE: state.automatic_color_temperature, } ) class XiaomiPhilipsEyecareLamp(XiaomiPhilipsGenericLight): """Representation of a Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Lamp 2.""" def __init__(self, name, light, model, unique_id): """Initialize the light device.""" super().__init__(name, light, model, unique_id) self._state_attrs.update( {ATTR_REMINDER: None, ATTR_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE: None, ATTR_EYECARE_MODE: None} ) async def async_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" from miio import DeviceException try: state = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._light.status) except DeviceException as ex: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex) return _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state) self._available = True self._state = state.is_on self._brightness = ceil((255 / 100.0) * state.brightness) delayed_turn_off = self.delayed_turn_off_timestamp( state.delay_off_countdown, dt.utcnow(), self._state_attrs[ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF], ) self._state_attrs.update( { ATTR_SCENE: state.scene, ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF: delayed_turn_off, ATTR_REMINDER: state.reminder, ATTR_NIGHT_LIGHT_MODE: state.smart_night_light, ATTR_EYECARE_MODE: state.eyecare, } ) async def async_set_delayed_turn_off(self, time_period: timedelta): """Set delayed turn off.""" await self._try_command( "Setting the turn off delay failed.", self._light.delay_off, round(time_period.total_seconds() / 60), ) async def async_reminder_on(self): """Enable the eye fatigue notification.""" await self._try_command( "Turning on the reminder failed.", self._light.reminder_on ) async def async_reminder_off(self): """Disable the eye fatigue notification.""" await self._try_command( "Turning off the reminder failed.", self._light.reminder_off ) async def async_night_light_mode_on(self): """Turn the smart night light mode on.""" await self._try_command( "Turning on the smart night light mode failed.", self._light.smart_night_light_on, ) async def async_night_light_mode_off(self): """Turn the smart night light mode off.""" await self._try_command( "Turning off the smart night light mode failed.", self._light.smart_night_light_off, ) async def async_eyecare_mode_on(self): """Turn the eyecare mode on.""" await self._try_command( "Turning on the eyecare mode failed.", self._light.eyecare_on ) async def async_eyecare_mode_off(self): """Turn the eyecare mode off.""" await self._try_command( "Turning off the eyecare mode failed.", self._light.eyecare_off ) @staticmethod def delayed_turn_off_timestamp( countdown: int, current: datetime, previous: datetime ): """Update the turn off timestamp only if necessary.""" if countdown is not None and countdown > 0: new = current.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta( minutes=countdown ) if previous is None: return new lower = timedelta(minutes=-DELAYED_TURN_OFF_MAX_DEVIATION_MINUTES) upper = timedelta(minutes=DELAYED_TURN_OFF_MAX_DEVIATION_MINUTES) diff = previous - new if lower < diff < upper: return previous return new return None class XiaomiPhilipsEyecareLampAmbientLight(XiaomiPhilipsAbstractLight): """Representation of a Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Lamp Ambient Light.""" def __init__(self, name, light, model, unique_id): """Initialize the light device.""" name = f"{name} Ambient Light" if unique_id is not None: unique_id = "{}-{}".format(unique_id, "ambient") super().__init__(name, light, model, unique_id) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the light on.""" if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] percent_brightness = ceil(100 * brightness / 255.0) _LOGGER.debug( "Setting brightness of the ambient light: %s %s%%", brightness, percent_brightness, ) result = await self._try_command( "Setting brightness of the ambient failed: %s", self._light.set_ambient_brightness, percent_brightness, ) if result: self._brightness = brightness else: await self._try_command( "Turning the ambient light on failed.", self._light.ambient_on ) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the light off.""" await self._try_command( "Turning the ambient light off failed.", self._light.ambient_off ) async def async_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" from miio import DeviceException try: state = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._light.status) except DeviceException as ex: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex) return _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state) self._available = True self._state = state.ambient self._brightness = ceil((255 / 100.0) * state.ambient_brightness) class XiaomiPhilipsMoonlightLamp(XiaomiPhilipsBulb): """Representation of a Xiaomi Philips Zhirui Bedside Lamp.""" def __init__(self, name, light, model, unique_id): """Initialize the light device.""" super().__init__(name, light, model, unique_id) self._hs_color = None self._state_attrs.pop(ATTR_DELAYED_TURN_OFF) self._state_attrs.update( { ATTR_SLEEP_ASSISTANT: None, ATTR_SLEEP_OFF_TIME: None, ATTR_TOTAL_ASSISTANT_SLEEP_TIME: None, ATTR_BRAND_SLEEP: None, ATTR_BRAND: None, } ) @property def min_mireds(self): """Return the coldest color_temp that this light supports.""" return 153 @property def max_mireds(self): """Return the warmest color_temp that this light supports.""" return 588 @property def hs_color(self) -> tuple: """Return the hs color value.""" return self._hs_color @property def supported_features(self): """Return the supported features.""" return SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS | SUPPORT_COLOR | SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the light on.""" if ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: color_temp = kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP] percent_color_temp = self.translate( color_temp, self.max_mireds, self.min_mireds, CCT_MIN, CCT_MAX ) if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] percent_brightness = ceil(100 * brightness / 255.0) if ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: hs_color = kwargs[ATTR_HS_COLOR] rgb = color.color_hs_to_RGB(*hs_color) if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs and ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: _LOGGER.debug( "Setting brightness and color: " "%s %s%%, %s", brightness, percent_brightness, rgb, ) result = await self._try_command( "Setting brightness and color failed: " "%s bri, %s color", self._light.set_brightness_and_rgb, percent_brightness, rgb, ) if result: self._hs_color = hs_color self._brightness = brightness elif ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs and ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: _LOGGER.debug( "Setting brightness and color temperature: " "%s %s%%, %s mireds, %s%% cct", brightness, percent_brightness, color_temp, percent_color_temp, ) result = await self._try_command( "Setting brightness and color temperature failed: " "%s bri, %s cct", self._light.set_brightness_and_color_temperature, percent_brightness, percent_color_temp, ) if result: self._color_temp = color_temp self._brightness = brightness elif ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: _LOGGER.debug("Setting color: %s", rgb) result = await self._try_command( "Setting color failed: %s", self._light.set_rgb, rgb ) if result: self._hs_color = hs_color elif ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: _LOGGER.debug( "Setting color temperature: " "%s mireds, %s%% cct", color_temp, percent_color_temp, ) result = await self._try_command( "Setting color temperature failed: %s cct", self._light.set_color_temperature, percent_color_temp, ) if result: self._color_temp = color_temp elif ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] percent_brightness = ceil(100 * brightness / 255.0) _LOGGER.debug("Setting brightness: %s %s%%", brightness, percent_brightness) result = await self._try_command( "Setting brightness failed: %s", self._light.set_brightness, percent_brightness, ) if result: self._brightness = brightness else: await self._try_command("Turning the light on failed.", self._light.on) async def async_update(self): """Fetch state from the device.""" from miio import DeviceException try: state = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._light.status) except DeviceException as ex: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex) return _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state) self._available = True self._state = state.is_on self._brightness = ceil((255 / 100.0) * state.brightness) self._color_temp = self.translate( state.color_temperature, CCT_MIN, CCT_MAX, self.max_mireds, self.min_mireds ) self._hs_color = color.color_RGB_to_hs(*state.rgb) self._state_attrs.update( { ATTR_SCENE: state.scene, ATTR_SLEEP_ASSISTANT: state.sleep_assistant, ATTR_SLEEP_OFF_TIME: state.sleep_off_time, ATTR_TOTAL_ASSISTANT_SLEEP_TIME: state.total_assistant_sleep_time, ATTR_BRAND_SLEEP: state.brand_sleep, ATTR_BRAND: state.brand, } ) async def async_set_delayed_turn_off(self, time_period: timedelta): """Set delayed turn off. Unsupported.""" return