{ "config": { "flow_title": "{hostname} ({ip_address})", "step": { "user": { "description": "See the [troubleshooting steps]({troubleshooting_link}) if you encounter problems. {error}", "data": { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]", "port": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::port%]", "use_https": "Enable HTTPS", "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]" }, "data_description": { "host": "The hostname or IP address of your Reolink device. For example: ''.", "port": "The port to connect to the Reolink device. For HTTP normally: '80', for HTTPS normally '443'.", "use_https": "Use a HTTPS (SSL) connection to the Reolink device.", "username": "Username to login to the Reolink device itself. Not the Reolink cloud account.", "password": "Password to login to the Reolink device itself. Not the Reolink cloud account." } }, "reauth_confirm": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::reauth%]", "description": "The Reolink integration needs to re-authenticate your connection details" } }, "error": { "api_error": "API error occurred", "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect, check the IP address of the camera", "invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]", "not_admin": "User needs to be admin, user \"{username}\" has authorisation level \"{userlevel}\"", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]", "webhook_exception": "Home Assistant URL is not available, go to Settings > System > Network > Home Assistant URL and correct the URLs, see {more_info}" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]", "reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]" } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "protocol": "Protocol" }, "data_description": { "protocol": "Streaming protocol to use for the camera entities. RTSP supports 4K streams (h265 encoding) while RTMP and FLV do not. FLV is the least demanding on the camera." } } } }, "issues": { "https_webhook": { "title": "Reolink webhook URL uses HTTPS (SSL)", "description": "Reolink products can not push motion events to an HTTPS address (SSL), please configure a (local) HTTP address under \"Home Assistant URL\" in the [network settings]({network_link}). The current (local) address is: `{base_url}`, a valid address could, for example, be `` where `` is the IP of the Home Assistant device" }, "ssl": { "title": "Reolink incompatible with global SSL certificate", "description": "Global SSL certificate configured in the [configuration.yaml under http]({ssl_link}) while a local HTTP address `{base_url}` is configured under \"Home Assistant URL\" in the [network settings]({network_link}). Therefore, the Reolink device can not reach Home Assistant to push its motion/AI events. Please make sure the local HTTP address is not covered by the SSL certificate, by for instance using [NGINX add-on]({nginx_link}) instead of a globally enforced SSL certificate." }, "webhook_url": { "title": "Reolink webhook URL unreachable", "description": "Did not receive initial ONVIF state from {name}. Most likely, the Reolink camera can not reach the current (local) Home Assistant URL `{base_url}`, please configure a (local) HTTP address under \"Home Assistant URL\" in the [network settings]({network_link}) that points to Home Assistant. For example `` where `` is the IP of the Home Assistant device. Also, make sure the Reolink camera can reach that URL. Using fast motion/AI state polling until the first ONVIF push is received." }, "enable_port": { "title": "Reolink port not enabled", "description": "Failed to automatically enable {ports}port(s) on {name}. Use the [Reolink client]({info_link}) to manually set it to ON" }, "firmware_update": { "title": "Reolink firmware update required", "description": "\"{name}\" with model \"{model}\" and hardware version \"{hw_version}\" is running a old firmware version \"{current_firmware}\", while at least firmware version \"{required_firmware}\" is required for proper operation of the Reolink integration. The latest firmware can be downloaded from the [Reolink download center]({download_link})." }, "hdr_switch_deprecated": { "title": "Reolink HDR switch deprecated", "description": "The Reolink HDR switch entity is deprecated and will be removed in HA 2025.2.0. It has been replaced by a HDR select entity offering options `on`, `off` and `auto`. To remove this issue, please adjust automations accordingly and disable the HDR switch entity." } }, "services": { "ptz_move": { "name": "PTZ move", "description": "Move the camera with a specific speed.", "fields": { "speed": { "name": "Speed", "description": "PTZ move speed." } } } }, "entity": { "binary_sensor": { "face": { "name": "Face", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "person": { "name": "Person", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "vehicle": { "name": "Vehicle", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "pet": { "name": "Pet", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "animal": { "name": "Animal", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "visitor": { "name": "Visitor" }, "package": { "name": "Package", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "motion_lens_0": { "name": "Motion lens 0", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "face_lens_0": { "name": "Face lens 0", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "person_lens_0": { "name": "Person lens 0", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "vehicle_lens_0": { "name": "Vehicle lens 0", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "pet_lens_0": { "name": "Pet lens 0", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "animal_lens_0": { "name": "Animal lens 0", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "visitor_lens_0": { "name": "Visitor lens 0" }, "package_lens_0": { "name": "Package lens 0", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "motion_lens_1": { "name": "Motion lens 1", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "face_lens_1": { "name": "Face lens 1", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "person_lens_1": { "name": "Person lens 1", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "vehicle_lens_1": { "name": "Vehicle lens 1", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "pet_lens_1": { "name": "Pet lens 1", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "animal_lens_1": { "name": "Animal lens 1", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "visitor_lens_1": { "name": "Visitor lens 1" }, "package_lens_1": { "name": "Package lens 1", "state": { "off": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:component::binary_sensor::entity_component::gas::state::on%]" } }, "sleep": { "name": "Sleep status", "state": { "off": "Awake", "on": "Sleeping" } } }, "button": { "ptz_stop": { "name": "PTZ stop" }, "ptz_left": { "name": "PTZ left" }, "ptz_right": { "name": "PTZ right" }, "ptz_up": { "name": "PTZ up" }, "ptz_down": { "name": "PTZ down" }, "ptz_zoom_in": { "name": "PTZ zoom in" }, "ptz_zoom_out": { "name": "PTZ zoom out" }, "ptz_calibrate": { "name": "PTZ calibrate" }, "guard_go_to": { "name": "Guard go to" }, "guard_set": { "name": "Guard set current position" } }, "camera": { "sub": { "name": "Fluent" }, "main": { "name": "Clear" }, "snapshots_sub": { "name": "Snapshots fluent" }, "snapshots_main": { "name": "Snapshots clear" }, "ext": { "name": "Balanced" }, "sub_lens_0": { "name": "Fluent lens 0" }, "main_lens_0": { "name": "Clear lens 0" }, "snapshots_sub_lens_0": { "name": "Snapshots fluent lens 0" }, "snapshots_main_lens_0": { "name": "Snapshots clear lens 0" }, "ext_lens_0": { "name": "Balanced lens 0" }, "sub_lens_1": { "name": "Fluent lens 1" }, "main_lens_1": { "name": "Clear lens 1" }, "snapshots_sub_lens_1": { "name": "Snapshots fluent lens 1" }, "snapshots_main_lens_1": { "name": "Snapshots clear lens 1" }, "ext_lens_1": { "name": "Balanced lens 1" }, "autotrack_sub": { "name": "Autotrack fluent" }, "autotrack_snapshots_sub": { "name": "Autotrack snapshots fluent" }, "autotrack_snapshots_main": { "name": "Autotrack snapshots clear" } }, "light": { "floodlight": { "name": "Floodlight" }, "status_led": { "name": "Status LED" } }, "number": { "zoom": { "name": "Zoom" }, "focus": { "name": "Focus" }, "floodlight_brightness": { "name": "Floodlight turn on brightness" }, "volume": { "name": "Volume" }, "guard_return_time": { "name": "Guard return time" }, "motion_sensitivity": { "name": "Motion sensitivity" }, "pir_sensitivity": { "name": "PIR sensitivity" }, "ai_face_sensitivity": { "name": "AI face sensitivity" }, "ai_person_sensitivity": { "name": "AI person sensitivity" }, "ai_vehicle_sensitivity": { "name": "AI vehicle sensitivity" }, "ai_package_sensitivity": { "name": "AI package sensitivity" }, "ai_pet_sensitivity": { "name": "AI pet sensitivity" }, "ai_animal_sensitivity": { "name": "AI animal sensitivity" }, "ai_face_delay": { "name": "AI face delay" }, "ai_person_delay": { "name": "AI person delay" }, "ai_vehicle_delay": { "name": "AI vehicle delay" }, "ai_package_delay": { "name": "AI package delay" }, "ai_pet_delay": { "name": "AI pet delay" }, "ai_animal_delay": { "name": "AI animal delay" }, "auto_quick_reply_time": { "name": "Auto quick reply time" }, "auto_track_limit_left": { "name": "Auto track limit left" }, "auto_track_limit_right": { "name": "Auto track limit right" }, "auto_track_disappear_time": { "name": "Auto track disappear time" }, "auto_track_stop_time": { "name": "Auto track stop time" }, "day_night_switch_threshold": { "name": "Day night switch threshold" }, "image_brightness": { "name": "Image brightness" }, "image_contrast": { "name": "Image contrast" }, "image_saturation": { "name": "Image saturation" }, "image_sharpness": { "name": "Image sharpness" }, "image_hue": { "name": "Image hue" } }, "select": { "floodlight_mode": { "name": "Floodlight mode", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "auto": "Auto", "onatnight": "On at night", "schedule": "Schedule", "adaptive": "Adaptive", "autoadaptive": "Auto adaptive" } }, "day_night_mode": { "name": "Day night mode", "state": { "auto": "Auto", "color": "Color", "blackwhite": "Black & white" } }, "ptz_preset": { "name": "PTZ preset" }, "play_quick_reply_message": { "name": "Play quick reply message" }, "auto_quick_reply_message": { "name": "Auto quick reply message", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]" } }, "auto_track_method": { "name": "Auto track method", "state": { "digital": "Digital", "digitalfirst": "Digital first", "pantiltfirst": "Pan/tilt first" } }, "doorbell_led": { "name": "Doorbell LED", "state": { "stayoff": "Stay off", "auto": "Auto", "alwaysonatnight": "Auto & always on at night", "alwayson": "Always on" } }, "hdr": { "name": "HDR", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "auto": "Auto" } } }, "sensor": { "wifi_signal": { "name": "Wi-Fi signal" }, "ptz_pan_position": { "name": "PTZ pan position" }, "battery_temperature": { "name": "Battery temperature" }, "battery_state": { "name": "Battery state", "state": { "discharging": "Discharging", "charging": "Charging", "chargecomplete": "Charge complete" } }, "hdd_storage": { "name": "HDD {hdd_index} storage" }, "sd_storage": { "name": "SD {hdd_index} storage" } }, "siren": { "siren": { "name": "[%key:component::siren::title%]" } }, "switch": { "ir_lights": { "name": "Infra red lights in night mode" }, "record_audio": { "name": "Record audio" }, "siren_on_event": { "name": "Siren on event" }, "auto_tracking": { "name": "Auto tracking" }, "auto_focus": { "name": "Auto focus" }, "guard_return": { "name": "Guard return" }, "ptz_patrol": { "name": "PTZ patrol" }, "email": { "name": "Email on event" }, "ftp_upload": { "name": "FTP upload" }, "push_notifications": { "name": "Push notifications" }, "record": { "name": "Record" }, "manual_record": { "name": "Manual record" }, "buzzer": { "name": "Buzzer on event" }, "doorbell_button_sound": { "name": "Doorbell button sound" }, "hdr": { "name": "[%key:component::reolink::entity::select::hdr::name%]" }, "pir_enabled": { "name": "PIR enabled" }, "pir_reduce_alarm": { "name": "PIR reduce false alarm" } } } }