{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "data": { "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::host%]" }, "data_description": { "host": "The host name or the IP address of the Palazzetti CBox" } }, "discovery_confirm": { "description": "Do you want to add {name} ({host}) to Home Assistant?" } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_device%]" }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]" } }, "exceptions": { "on_off_not_available": { "message": "The appliance cannot be turned on or off." }, "invalid_fan_mode": { "message": "Fan mode {value} is invalid." }, "invalid_fan_speed": { "message": "Fan {name} speed {value} is invalid." }, "invalid_target_temperature": { "message": "Target temperature {value} is invalid." }, "invalid_combustion_power": { "message": "Combustion power {value} is invalid." }, "cannot_connect": { "message": "Could not connect to the device." } }, "entity": { "button": { "silent": { "name": "Silent" } }, "climate": { "palazzetti": { "state_attributes": { "fan_mode": { "state": { "silent": "Silent", "auto": "Auto", "high": "High" } } } } }, "number": { "combustion_power": { "name": "Combustion power" }, "fan_left_speed": { "name": "Left fan speed" }, "fan_right_speed": { "name": "Right fan speed" } }, "sensor": { "status": { "name": "Status", "state": { "off": "Off", "off_timer": "Timer-regulated switch off", "test_fire": "Ignition test", "heatup": "Pellet feed", "fueling": "Ignition", "ign_test": "Fuel check", "burning": "Operating", "burning_mod": "Operating - Modulating", "unknown": "Unknown", "cool_fluid": "Stand-by", "fire_stop": "Switch off", "clean_fire": "Burn pot cleaning", "cooling": "Cooling in progress", "cleanup": "Final cleaning", "ecomode": "Ecomode", "chimney_alarm": "Chimney alarm", "grate_error": "Grate error", "pellet_water_error": "Pellet probe or return water error", "t05_error": "T05 error disconnected or faulty probe", "hatch_door_open": "Feed hatch or door open", "pressure_error": "Safety pressure switch error", "main_probe_failure": "Main probe failure", "flue_probe_failure": "Flue gas probe failure", "exhaust_temp_high": "Too high exhaust gas temperature", "pellet_finished": "Pellets finished or ignition failed", "firewood_finished": "Firewood finished", "general_error": "General error", "door_open": "Door open", "temp_too_high": "Temperature too high", "cleaning_warning": "Cleaning warning", "fuel_error": "Fuel error" } }, "pellet_quantity": { "name": "Pellet quantity" }, "pellet_level": { "name": "Pellet level" }, "air_outlet_temperature": { "name": "Air outlet temperature" }, "wood_combustion_temperature": { "name": "Wood combustion temperature" }, "room_temperature": { "name": "Room temperature" }, "return_water_temperature": { "name": "Return water temperature" }, "tank_water_temperature": { "name": "Tank water temperature" }, "t1_hydro": { "name": "Hydro temperature 1" }, "t2_hydro": { "name": "Hydro temperature 2" } } } }