"""Helper to handle a set of topics to subscribe to.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import partial from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from homeassistant.core import HassJobType, HomeAssistant, callback from . import debug_info from .client import async_subscribe_internal from .const import DEFAULT_QOS from .models import MessageCallbackType @dataclass(slots=True, kw_only=True) class EntitySubscription: """Class to hold data about an active entity topic subscription.""" hass: HomeAssistant topic: str | None message_callback: MessageCallbackType should_subscribe: bool | None unsubscribe_callback: Callable[[], None] | None qos: int = 0 encoding: str = "utf-8" entity_id: str | None job_type: HassJobType | None def resubscribe_if_necessary( self, hass: HomeAssistant, other: EntitySubscription | None ) -> None: """Re-subscribe to the new topic if necessary.""" if not self._should_resubscribe(other): if TYPE_CHECKING: assert other self.unsubscribe_callback = other.unsubscribe_callback return if other is not None and other.unsubscribe_callback is not None: other.unsubscribe_callback() # Clear debug data if it exists debug_info.remove_subscription(self.hass, str(other.topic), other.entity_id) if self.topic is None: # We were asked to remove the subscription or not to create it return # Prepare debug data debug_info.add_subscription(self.hass, self.topic, self.entity_id) self.should_subscribe = True @callback def subscribe(self) -> None: """Subscribe to a topic.""" if not self.should_subscribe or not self.topic: return self.unsubscribe_callback = async_subscribe_internal( self.hass, self.topic, self.message_callback, self.qos, self.encoding, self.job_type, ) def _should_resubscribe(self, other: EntitySubscription | None) -> bool: """Check if we should re-subscribe to the topic using the old state.""" if other is None: return True return ( self.topic, self.qos, self.encoding, ) != ( other.topic, other.qos, other.encoding, ) @callback def async_prepare_subscribe_topics( hass: HomeAssistant, sub_state: dict[str, EntitySubscription] | None, topics: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], ) -> dict[str, EntitySubscription]: """Prepare (re)subscribe to a set of MQTT topics. State is kept in sub_state and a dictionary mapping from the subscription key to the subscription state. After this function has been called, async_subscribe_topics must be called to finalize any new subscriptions. Please note that the sub state must not be shared between multiple sets of topics. Every call to async_subscribe_topics must always contain _all_ the topics the subscription state should manage. """ current_subscriptions: dict[str, EntitySubscription] current_subscriptions = sub_state if sub_state is not None else {} sub_state = {} for key, value in topics.items(): # Extract the new requested subscription requested = EntitySubscription( topic=value.get("topic"), message_callback=value["msg_callback"], unsubscribe_callback=None, qos=value.get("qos", DEFAULT_QOS), encoding=value.get("encoding", "utf-8"), hass=hass, should_subscribe=None, entity_id=value.get("entity_id"), job_type=value.get("job_type"), ) # Get the current subscription state current = current_subscriptions.pop(key, None) requested.resubscribe_if_necessary(hass, current) sub_state[key] = requested # Go through all remaining subscriptions and unsubscribe them for remaining in current_subscriptions.values(): if remaining.unsubscribe_callback is not None: remaining.unsubscribe_callback() # Clear debug data if it exists debug_info.remove_subscription( hass, str(remaining.topic), remaining.entity_id, ) return sub_state async def async_subscribe_topics( hass: HomeAssistant, sub_state: dict[str, EntitySubscription], ) -> None: """(Re)Subscribe to a set of MQTT topics.""" async_subscribe_topics_internal(hass, sub_state) @callback def async_subscribe_topics_internal( hass: HomeAssistant, sub_state: dict[str, EntitySubscription], ) -> None: """(Re)Subscribe to a set of MQTT topics. This function is internal to the MQTT integration and should not be called from outside the integration. """ for sub in sub_state.values(): sub.subscribe() if TYPE_CHECKING: def async_unsubscribe_topics( hass: HomeAssistant, sub_state: dict[str, EntitySubscription] | None ) -> dict[str, EntitySubscription]: """Unsubscribe from all MQTT topics managed by async_subscribe_topics.""" async_unsubscribe_topics = partial(async_prepare_subscribe_topics, topics={})